👔Chapter Five~ A Kiss on the Forehead👔

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Lol. This update is late because I procrastinated. I did my favourite thing. The fact that it was finished ages ago but I never posted it.

Tell me if you found any grammars errors pleeease. ❤

Chapter 5- A Kiss on the Forehead


We all sit at the table like any normal family would. Except there is a very thick tension lingering between Nicolai and I. I'm sure everyone notice and feel it, even Nicholas. It was so thick, I think you could cut right through it.

He was glancing up at us every minute then ran a hand through his brown hair. Marisa wasn't eating at all she was just looking at us weirdly. Mother and Madelyn just acted like nothing's happening.

The butlers and maid in the other room probably felt it too, because some of them were peeking in the room.

Dad and I are just eating and ignoring everything around us.

Mom eventually got sick of it and drops her knife and fork on the plate. "What's going on?"

"What do you mean, dear?" Nicholai answers with a question. He smiles innocently at her then continues eating.

"What's going on?" She repeats herself in stricter tone this time glaring at us.

"I wanna know too because I can't eat with all this heavy tension." Marisa joins in resting her hand on the table and her chin on her palm.

Nicholas takes out a pair of safety scissors, stands in the chair and starts to cut the air. "Nicholas, what are you doing?" Mom asks rolling her eyes.

"I'm cutting the tension." He continues to cut. "I don't think it's working." He plops back on his chair placing the scissors on the table.

"Now tell me."

I sigh and stop eating. "Dad." I look up at her crossing my arms.

"Oh my god Madison. You're with this again?!" She exclaims throwing her hands up in frustration. "Get over it! He's your father!"

"Everyone keeps saying that! 'He's your father. He's your father!' You're my mother and you aren't in the same situation with me!"


"He stayed in that room for as long as I remember and nothing happened!" I counter. "If he would've come out and say something, maybe I wouldn't be this upset!"

"Sweety, he's still your father-"

"And he's your husband! You could've helped him make the right decisions! Isn't that your job as a wife?" I raise my voice slightly getting irritated.

"Don't raise your voice at me, child!" My mother stands up from her seat.

"Maddy, calm down-" Madelyn says but I cut her off by slamming my hands on the table and standing up.

I sigh and push my food away from me. "I'm not hungry anymore. I lost my appetite." I step away from my chair. "Maybe because he disgusts me and I can't stand sitting at the same table as him."

"Young lady! Apologise now!" My mother scolds me.

"Maybe that's something he should say to me." I mumble turning and walking away. I take a glance and my father. His head was down and his hands were cupped in front his mouth.

I start to walk up the stairs and a familiar dog whimpers behind me. "Not now Gracie."


I sit on my cream coloured window seat resting my head back and looking out the window at the stars. I hug a pillow to my chest along with my knees.

It has been at least half an hour since the whole argument. Zayden brought me my dinner fifteen minutes ago. It was kind of petty for an eighteen year old to argue but what ever. I have my reasons.

A soft knock is heard on the door. I turn my head in that direction and watch the door open.

A nine year old boy stands in the doorway rubbing his eyes and hugging his Cars pillow.

I swing my feet around and put them on the ground. "What's wrong Nick?"

He steps into the room and the wind from the window shuts the door. "Maddy, I can't sleep." He mutters then yawns.

I place the pillow beside me and open my arms. "Come here." I say with a smile.

He walks over to me dragging his pillow across the floor lazily. I lift him up turning him around to back me then place him on my lap. He hugs his pillow resting his head on my shoulder.

"Maddy, are you okay?" I nod as a response looking at the sky. "Why did you argue with mum? What happened?"

"Don't worry about it." You were probably to young to remember. I say in my head.

He nods understanding. "Look at the stars Nick. They are always shining with no worries. Shining every night. Don't you just wish to a star?" I ask him wrapping my arms around him so he won't fall.

He looks up at the stars and smiles. "That's true." He yawns at that sentence and closes his eyes. "But stars can't shine without darkness."

"What-" I cut myself off looking down at a sleeping nine year old boy.

I smile standing up and holding him and his pillow in my arms like he's a toddler. His head is on my shoulder still sleeping soundly.

I leave my room heading right towards Nicholas' bedroom. I enter and place him gently on his sky blue double bed.

Why would an nine year old need a double bed? Ask my parents.

I tuck him in then softly kiss his forehead. I turn around and instantly jump. I put my hand on my chest feeling my heart beat hard and quickly.

"Oh my gosh, Marisa. You scared me." I say exhaling.

She rolls her eyes putting her hands on her hips. "Oh, stop being dramatic, Maddy."

I cross my arms under my chest. "Woah. Someone decide to bring their sass." I roll my eyes. "What do you want?"

She rubs her arm nervously. "I don't want anything thing. Why would I want something?" She says quickly laughing nervously at the end.

"Stop playing tough, Risa. And if you didn't want anything, why are you here?"

She sighs and starts to play with her hair. "I- um... You know.."

"Nope. I don't know."

"I can't sleep and- um.. I saw you walking here so I- um.. Thought you could help?" She looks up at me with puppy eyes.

I smile then chuckle. "All you had to do was ask. You can sleep here. I'm sure Nick won't mind."

She squeals softly and sends me a toothy smile. "Thank you Maddy! You're the best!" She runs and hugs my tummy before running around the bed and climbing on it.

I really didn't do anything though...

As soon as I am about to leave, Marisa calls my name.

"Maddy. Can you give me a kiss on the forehead like you did to Nicholas?" She asks pointing at her forehead.

I nod walking to her and giving her small kiss on her forehead.

Okay. So maybe Nicholas' double came in handy..



I'm changing Marisa's age from age 11 to 12 because that suits her actions more and you'll see why soon. Or already did.

But thanks for reading. These first few chapters were just sorta introductions to the characters. And Madison's family moments.

From the chapters on, you will have Zayden and Madison moments.

Vote, comment, share?♥


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