👔Chapter Six~ Slightly Wet👔

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Chapter 6- Slightly Wet

(I am sorry to all those innocent little minds out there for this title.)


I got grounded.

It was kinda obvious that would happen. I was rude to my mom and dad. And also to my sister. How would I get let off the hook for that?

Luckily my mom still has a heart and kindness so she just gave me a week.

Yesterday was a pretty normal day for me. I didn't see Wesley. Thank Goodness. But Liam and I spoke to each other before school. After school, I got home early, stupid ground, and practised dance. And on the first day of my ground, Kath asked if I wanted to hang out. I had to turn her down obviously. Unless I sneak out of the house...

Today is the family reunion thing. I'm going to the practice room to get some morning practice.

I woke up around fifteen minutes ago so currently it should be around 6:15.

I like practising early on mornings. No one is around to bother me. No one calling my name. No one telling me what to do. And it's so peaceful so I get to focus.

I stare at myself in the mirror. I'm just wearing a black shirt with tights that reach to my knees and point shoes. I throw my hair into a ponytail and grab the water bottle from by vanity and start to walk out my room, to the practice room.

Oh and I also grab my phone, after forgetting it.

My dance teacher would not allow me to wear this to dance practice. She would freak out. Fortunately, she isn't coming today to teach me dance.

Part of my punishment is to babysit Leo and Lea, my dance teacher's 4 year old twin later today.

Which I don't mind. I love children and these two are absolute angels. I babysat them before and, yes, they were a bit stubborn but they're kids. Who wasn't stubborn as a kid?

I'm kidding. Those two are the evilest and feistiest children I have ever babysat. And I think my mom knows that. So she did that purpose to give me grey hair.

It's like she wants me to grow old.

She's just jealous of my youth.

I open the door of the practice room then shut it behind me. I drop my water bottle on the floor without care and turn on my phone.

I enter my extremely easy password. I don't know how people haven't guessed it yet. Then again, it's easy but isn't obvious.

I enter the music app and click the song I'm stretching to. I don't like silence very much as you already know. I told Zayden this. Silence is my absolute enemy. It's worse than my dad.

I do my body stretches from head to toe. I lift my leg up on the barre then hold my toes. Then I push it as far as it can go into an over split, not without point my toes though.

I really do not like doing this stretch but my dance teacher says it's a good stretch so I roll with it.

I end my stretches there and switch the music to the song I am suppose to dance to.

It's pretty much just an instrumental. And obviously the great Madelyn will be playing it. (That explains the keyboard in the corner for practice.)

I stand in the middle of the room waiting for the music to start. You know those sings with 25 seconds of nothing at the beginning, yep it was one of those.

The music finally starts and I move to the song or instrumental Odette's Dance. A classic.

It's ballet. I'm doing ballet for this family reunion thingy. I practice other types of dancing but for some reason, my family really likes ballet.

Every single year my mom chooses the classic Swan Lake.

Two years ago, Madelyn, a cousin, a friend and I did the Dance of the Little Swans. It was nice until the music stopped and we had to finish the dance without it.

Thanks to our rehearsals.

When I was eight, instead of dancing, I sang. I was kinda forced to sing now that I think of it. My mom loved it and asked if I could sing again but I said no. I didn't like singing in front of people.

And I went back to dancing every reunion instead.

During my dancing in the middle of the song, the door decides to open but I continue dancing trying to ignore it.


"Zayden, what are you doing here?"

He shuts the door as I continue to dance. "Oh, you know."

"No. I don't know. That's why I'm asking." I roll my eyes as I kick my leg up then spin all with my toes pointed. It won't be dancing if your toes aren't pointed.

"Don't get dizzy." I roll my eyes again. "I was just exploring the place a little bit."

"Then why are you here?" I emphasise on 'here' so he could get the point. Maybe I said it a little bit too harshly.

And talking is taking up my energy.

"Geez, Ms Grumpy." I hear a bag drop on the ground. I wasn't really paying attention to him. "I heard noise and came to check out. I didn't know someone else would be awake." He pauses. "Well not you at least."

I gasp and stop dancing. "What's that suppose to mean?"

"Let's face it, Lucky-"

"Don't call me that."

But of course he ignores it. I should just give up, shouldn't I? He won't stop until he moves on with his life and has a wife or something.

"You don't look like the type of person to wake up early."


I gasp again probably gonna run out of air and turn to him. "I would let you kn-" I stop myself and just stare and slightly blush.

I blush at the slightest things. Don't judge me.

There, Mr. Butler is sitting on the floor with his legs folded, like in a meditating position. His arm is on his legs and his chin is on his palm as he stares at me in boredom.

The best part, the part that caught my interest, is his slightly wet hair looking silky and smooth. It looks so.. nice..?

Oh and his jacket is unbuttoned and it looked amazing an- But the hair!

"Lucky?" I snap out of my little daze. Dang it, I got hypnotised by hair.

"You don't look very gentleman like right now." I walk towards my phone which is right next to him.

"You liked it though. As a matter of fact, you loved it." He smirks at me lifting a brow.

I scowl picking up my phone and pause the music. I take a seat next to him, keeping my distance, of course, from hungry predators.

"No. I didn't." I take a sip of my water which was next to my phone.

"Oh come on, princess. I'm dying of boredom here and you aren't making it any better."

"How many nicknames do you have for me?" I exclaim then sigh in frustration.

"A lot, Miss Rich, you don't even know."

"Just choose one." I reply standing up. "Plus, you won't be bored for long. You ruined the spare time I had. So we're going to babysit a twin, later."

"We?" He glares at me. "Mrs. Witson said you were punished, not me."

I roll my eyes a and cross my arms. "Well, you're my butler and you're suppose to help me with things. It's pretty much her fault not mine."

"How so?"

"She forced me to have an assistant so it's like she's allowing me to cheat her punishment system."

He sighs running a hand through his amazing wet hair. I really, really need to touch it. "Fine, I'll help you."

"Great!" I say with a grin then I ruffle his hair like a weirdo.

He stares at me weirdly furrowing his brows. "Okay... Weirdo."

"I just had to do it."



I enjoyed writing this chapter. I don't know why because it wasn't really meh.

Thank you guys so much for 100 views. ❤ This means a lot to me. Thanks for reading my book :').

Don't some wattpad books make you feel really single?

Even if you're single and proud?

I just had to ask. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Vote, comment, and share?

And constructive criticism.


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