👔Chapter Seven~ You Granma!👔

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Chapter 7- You Granma!


I walk down the stairs wearing a black jeans which reach right under my knees and a red shirt with white strips.

And now that I think of it, wearing white isn't the best choice. These children like paint and crayons. A lot.

Zayden stands at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me. When I reach the bottom of the stairs he bows.

I'm not a princess. Now I see how he came up with that nickname. They bow to me.

That makes me sound like I have a power obsession.

"You actually look gentleman like right now. I am proud of you." I say pulling one of his cheeks like a baby.

He brushes my hand away as he rolls his eyes. "It was one time you saw me like that. One."

"Whatever. Let me have my moment."

"I can't believe you're forcing me to do this." He sighs running a hand through his amazingly brown, now very dry hair.

Do not ask why I am describing it like that.

My stupid cheeks decide to go on their free will, heat up and turn pink. He blinks at me taking his hand from his hair which made me look back at his face. And he is smirking.

"I'm not forcing you to do anything. It's pretty much in your butler rules to help me."

He pulls one of his curly strands of hair which takes my attention back to his hair.

"Do you have a fetish or obsession with hair or something?" He drops his hand to his side.

That question grabs my complete attention and I can feel my cheeks heat up more.

"U-Uhm. N-no. Pfft. Sh. S-stop talking!"

He smirks at me as he ruffles my hair then puts his hands behind his back. "As you wish, Miss."

"Oooooooh~" A voice is heard behind me on the stairs. "I smell love~!" The voice sounds too young.

"Aren't you a bit too young to know about love?" I turn around to look Marisa on the staircase with her hand on the railing.

"This is the 21st century, Maddy. Twelve year olds know about everything." She rolls her eyes walking down the stairs and stands in front of me with her 5'1 self.

She has a point.

"Well there's no love going on here." I cross my arms under my chest.

"Pfft. Lady, I know love anywhere."


"Shush, shush shush. Now tell me what's going on here~." She wiggles her eyebrows at me.

The doorbell rings and I internally scream in relief.

"Oh thank goodness. Doorbell to the rescue." I sigh in relief and Zayden nudges me with his elbow.

"You lo-"



We are currently in the play room where Nick usually, well, plays. I'm sitting on the rocking chair sipping tea.

"Thankies!" Lea squeals taking the scary looking doll away from Zayden.

"Anytime." He ruffles her blonde hair and places her down. She runs back across the road play mat that her brother is playing on.

"Lea! Get off! My cars can't drive!" Leo yells at his sister tossing a car at her.

The car misses her by a mile. She looks at him with narrowed eyes as she slowly plops down in the middle of the play mat. "No."

Leo groans in frustration. "I shaid get off!"

"And I shaid no." She replies reaching across the map for... paint.

I sit there sipping tea and watch her struggle to twist open the lid of the red paint.

Zayden, the idiot, decides to take the paint away from her and OPENS IT then casually give it back to her.

She smiles at him as he walks back to me. She dips her hand in the paint then smothers it on her doll.

"You idiot!" I yell whisper to him on a harsh tone.


"You don't trust Lea with paint! It usually ends up--"

"Lea! You're s-s-s! Argh!" Leo scream getting up and throwing another of his toy cars on the floor in frustration.

He literally tackles her knocking over the paint making it spill on both Lea's white skirt and play mat. He starts to pull her hair. "That's the six one!"

See what I mean.

"Leo! Get off!" She screams trying to push him off as she starts to cry.

"I tolds you to do that before. But did you? Nooooo."

"This is your fault!" I whisper to Zayden placing my cup down on the floor and stand up. "Leo get off of your sister."

He looks up at me then back at his crying sister before pulling her cheeks. "No! She's stupid!"

I sigh lifting him off of Lea. He screams flailing like crazy. "Put me down you granma!"

I roll my eyes and shove him into Zayden's arms. "Make him calm down, please!" I beg before turning back to a crying four year old child on the floor covering in red paint.

I lift her up in my arms and bounce on my toes a little. I place my hand on her head and rest the side of my head on hers. I rock from side to side.

"Shh. Shh. I'm sure he didn't mean it." I whisper as I hear her sniffle.

"I did."

"Leo shut up!" I hiss turning to Leo and Zayden, who just chuckles.

"You are one tough cookie." That annoying butler compliments that evil child.

Leo smiles a toothy smile at Zayden. "I know."

I roll my eyes and lift Lea in to the air. I grin at her as she looks at me weirdly.

"Smile okay? You'll be alright. Let's get you and your brother cleaned up, kay?"

She smiles and nods eagerly before wiping away her tears. "Otay."

I place her down next to me and look at Zayden fist bumping Leo who giggles.

"And what's going on here?" I ask putting my hands on my hips.

"Oh you know. Stuff." Zayden chuckles and ruffles the boy's hair.

Leo giggles then smiles. "Yea. Stuff."

Lea and I shake our head and say in unison with a sigh. "Boys."


I watch as little Lea plays in the bathtub with her scary looking naked Barbie doll.

I think she took my red and white sharpie markers and tried to draw eye-shadow... I hope she knows eye shadow goes above the eyes and not all over the face like some scary face mask.

What makes it worse is her hair is orange so she pretty much looks like a clown that needs make-up lessons.


"Lea, it's soon time to get out okay? Your brother has to get in." I tell her splashing water at her which makes her giggle.

"You mean that attacking monster-" She mutters a profanity under her breath.

What does her mother teach them?! One is an anger issued raging monster and the other is sassy princess without a filter.


She looks up at me and grins innocently. Don't look innocent you sassy four year old. I heard what you said.

"I mean. My shweet twin brother, Leo. Of course." She laughs nervously. "Don't you dare tell mommy about this."

Oh my.. And she's a blackmailer too. I need to speak with my dance teacher...

It's like the kid himself came barging in the room right after his name was called. He jumps right into the tub splashing both Lea and I.

Zayden soon appears leaning on the door frame and chuckling. But when I sent him a glare that dug him 6 feet under, he stopped and raised his hands to surrender. "I tried to stop him. So don't look at me."

"Leo! You are not shuppose to be here!" Lea screams trying to push him away.

"But what if I wanted to shee my sister?"

As a reply Lea calls him a liar but with a profanity before it. "Oh- Isn't she just 4?" Zay questions resting a hand on my head as he stand next to me.

"Don't question it."

Leo gasps dramatically widening his eyes for more effect. "Oh. I'm telling mom, Le-a."

"Don't you dare."

"I dare."

"That's if you live to do that!" At that moment she literally shoves her brother's head under the water.

"Oh my- Lea!" I rush to life her out of the water despite her growling. "Don't kill your brother!"

Even after all that I just witnessed, this four year old turns to me and smiles. "I was not trying to kill him."

I sigh as the other half gets lifted out of the pool coughing terribly by Zayden. "You're gonna be okay little guy." And he smiles.

Oh my goodness, Zayden smiled. That's one the most beautiful things I have ever seen if my life.

The sassy child in my arms rolls her eyes and crosses her arm. "The nerve."

See what I mean? Demon children.



Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter.

Have you ever babysat a child?

It's tiring isn't it but it's also fun.

Would you ever babysit these two children?

Anyways thank you.

Vote, comment, and share? ♥


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