👔Chapter Forty Five~ Mr. Butler👔

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Chapter 45- Mr. Butler


°Zayden's POV°

I yawn for sixth time for the morning as I push around nuggets on my plate. Two days ago, when I dropped off Brianna, my request to enter was denied with no hesitation, I was rid of my job in a blink of eye and sent home.

Anyways, my father said I could always go back to working with him but I told him to give me a few days and he just shrugged it off and agreed.

He's too understanding.

My phone vibrates beside my plate on the table and Madelyn's name lights up on the screen. I frown giving it 2 more rings until I answer.

"Hello? Mor-"

"Is Madison there?" So we skip morning greetings now?

"No? Why would she be here?" Then it hit me.

"Well she isn't here so I was just asking. B-"

"She ran away again?"

"Yep. Through her window." The last part is quite unnecessary. Her window is quite high being on the second storey but there's tree right outside of it so she probably used that.


"The day we went to the concert- play thing. At dinner time."

"Have you tried calling her friends at school?" I ask cringing at the though of her being at the blonde guy's house.

"Kathleen. But she said Madison wasn't there and Daniel said the same when she asked him. They said they're gonna help though."

"What about her other friend?"

"Liam? As much as they are friends, she wouldn't go there because of the cat. Madison's allergic to cats."

"Wait, seriously? She never told me."

"She doesn't tell anyone." That makes more sense.

"Have you tried tracking her phone?"

"She left it here. She also took off the fingerprint scanner and no one knows her password. So if she did go by someone, we won't know who."

"How do you know she goes over to someone's home?"

"She comes back too clean to be out somewhere else. Besides last time she came back and told us she was by a friend."

"She could be lying?"

"Madison has secrets but she doesn't lie." She breathes in.

"I might be able to get the password."


"I guess Marisa is fine."

"Nope! She just came back from the hospital from an asthma attack." Well damn. "Nicholas passed out from tears." Poor guy.


"Yep. Can you come over for the password thing? Even though this is an emergency, I respect her privacy."

"I might get sent away again."

"I'll bribe the guards."

I snort looking up at the clock saying 9:23 on the wall. "Sure, no problem. My class isn't til 11 anyway."

"Grazie mille." She releases a sigh which makes me assume she said thanks. "Now I have to go call nonna. Adio!" And she hangs up.

I quickly finish my breakfast and wash that one single dish before speeding to put on the first set of warm clothing I find.


The huge front doors open revealing the mother of the family. I was calling Madelyn because I wasn't being let in but look who showed up instead.

She pulls the open further inviting me in and guards outside look at her in awe but didn't rebel. She rolls her eyes at them as I enter the mansion then she slams the doors shut.

That's where Madelyn gets it from.

"Upstairs, Madison's room. Madelyn's up there." She directs me the answers a call. She looks tired and worn out and for the first time in all the months I've worked here, her hair is pulled back in one.

"What's he doing here?" A stern voice demands. Nicolai walks out the living room with a blank face.

"Oh, hush you. Dio!" Morgan drawls out in exasperation and rolls her eyes. She heads toward the living room. "A volte sei proprio fastidioso!" She mutters as she moves around her husband as though he nothing which leads him to go after her.

I head up the stairs and use my memory to track Lucky's room. Even before I push the door open, I could hear Madelyn mumbling something and a couple of sniffles. The oldest sister is hugging a crying Nicholas with a puffy face Marisa patting his back.

Madelyn's eyes switch to me and lets out a sigh of relief. "He woke up a few minutes ago." She informs me as I walk over to her.

"Don't worry, little guy. Your sister is going to come back."

The nine year old looks up at me. "When?"

"I don't know, but she will come back. We'll find her." He sniffles, a frown still on his face.


Madelyn takes the familiar rose gold iPhone out of the pocket and hands it to me. I switch it on and sit on the bean bag chair, I always sit in. The screen lights up with the background photo of Madelyn, Lucky and her old friend when they were younger. I swipe the screen and the keyboard pops up.

She once told me that a clue was x (ex). I frown trying math related words like algebra and math, since she likes math. Three of those didn't work so then I thought something like ex-crush. "What was the name of the person Lucky used to like?"

"You mean Liam?"

"Yea, thanks." I try typing Liam but it wasn't right. Then I thought about that toxic relationship Lucky said she had and frown. His name is the only one I had in mind that fit the clue.

"The last name too." I remember Lucky telling me later in one of the late night calls we had.

I frown as I type in the name, Wesley Hope. Why I know his last name? Well, Lucky when ranting about him to me, she either calls him Germs or by his full name. Middle name included sometimes to make fun of him.

I bite down on my bottom lip as I click enter, watching as the phone unlocks. My eyes widen with a small smile making its way onto my face.

The wallpaper is the picture Nicholas took when Madison was on my back. She was laughing full heartedly, the happiest I had seen in the time I've worked here. A smile was on my face too with my head turned slightly to look at her.

"You got it unlocked?"

"Seriously?" Marisa says right after Madelyn's question. I nod in response.

"Okay, go to her messages and see the last person she spoke too."

"That's a bit.. You can do that."

"No thanks." My eyes narrow at her. "Fine, pass it here." I go to her and hand it over. "I feel so cheaty. Now where are her messages?" She starts going through the phone. Then she stops. "Last person she called and messaged was a person called Julie. Who's Julie? Sounds familiar... crap, she's online." Madelyn frowns.

"Isn't that the name of the librarian?"

"Oh right!" Then she gives me the phone again. "Message her and ask her if Maddy's there."

"Why can't you do it?"

"Because I already feel guilty." I open my mouth to speak again. "No, I don't have 'Julie's' number."

I roll my eyes and look at the phone. The last message was 'i'm calling' sent by Lucky.


who's this?

She and Lucky type the same way. My heart warms a little. God, I'm so creepy.

A person. Is Lucky there?

you messed up, mr. butler.

Crap. I'm too use to typing and referring to her as Lucky that it slipped.

yes, she's here. please take her from my household.

Can you tell her to come home, then?

she says no.
just come here instead (2)
you can bring her siblings but not her parents. her father sucks. (3)
i'll send you the address and directions. (4)

Okay then. I'll be on my way then.

thank god.

I let out a chuckle at the last message then copy the address and send it to my phone through a message. I shut off the phones and grin at Lucky's siblings.

"You know where she is?" Marisa's eyes widen. "Can we go?"

"Let's go bring your sister back home."



Happy Holidays!

Sorry for not updating. My Christmas break starts on Thursday. Going to try to get this book finished by January at least.

Anyways, I'm going majorly edit this part later but I just wanted to give you guys a chapter. So apologies for the mistakes and if it's poorly written. It was kinda rushed.

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