👔Chapter Forty Four~ A for Effort👔

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Chapter 44- A for Effort



My hands are fisted at my side in attempt to not scream at my father. I turn around, kneeling in the seat to look at my sister. Maddy's head is leaning on Madelyn's shoulder with her eyes shut and her breath even. She's asleep. However, her cheeks are red and splotchy, her eyelashes wet and tear marks down her face.

Marisa, beside me, is in the same position, looking at Madison. Mother was sitting on the other side or Madison. And we are all staring at her, except Madelyn who looks straight ahead with an upset expression.

"What are we going to do?" Marisa frowns at her sleeping sister. "There's a high risk of her doing what she did last time."

I wasn't old enough to remember. I was about 3 years old when it happened. Marisa was around 6 and had a better idea of what happened. "What happened last time?"

They all look at me making me want to shrink a little. To everyone's surprise, my mother is the one who answers. "She ran away for 3 weeks."

"And dad was furious. Holy crap." Marisa tilts her head up at the ceiling as though she's think. "Now that I think of it, that's when Maddy started to get rebellious."

All I knew was Maddy's bestfriend died, Madison blames her father for the death of her friend and life went on.

I glance behind me, watching dad hum to himself happily in the passenger's seat. I frown turning back to my older sisters.

"So going back to the first question," I start, "What are we going to do? I don't want Maddy to run away." I force the tears swelling up in my eyes to go away.

Madelyn sighs. "First, we pray that Zayden doesn't die in an accident. Then find a way to calm her down at dinner or something. That is if she goes to dinner. Then we're screwed and just have to find her."

"Did you find her last time?"

They went silent. I don't like this. "No." Madelyn answers. "She came back by herself."

"What if she doesn't return this time? What if she decides "I don't want to be in the family anymore? What if-"

"Nicholas baby?" My mother ruffles my hair. "Calm down. We'll find her okay? She'll be fine." She leans forward and kisses my forehead.



We had just arrived home yet no one was in a hyper mood. I went straight to my room when we got home.

I pull out my big pictures book my mother had bought me went I was younger and rest it on my desk. I flop it onto the desk chair and flip through all the pictures I took, to take my mind off of things.

I can only imagine what my sister is feeling and felt all those years ago. One of my only friends left to travel weeks ago. My sister is probably feeling worse.

I remember my siblings trying to cheer me up and Marisa challenging me to a cards game.

I blink, coming back to reality, staring at the photo in the book. I had that photo on my wall somewhere. I flip the page again landing on a picture that instantly made me smile and the pictures after that followed.

We were all playing Twister in the play room, well they were. I was the one spining the wheel. They were in this really awkward position. The only person who looked comfortable was Madison because she did dance and was flexible. I was taking the pictures and they didn't notice at first. Marisa was the first to see but everyone fell. Madelyn kicked her fluffy shoe at the camera while Marisa ran toward me to take it away. Madison was just red faced on the ground laughing. Marisa had braces at that time but they were taken off last year.

An idea clicks in my head. I slam the book shut then dash to a box to search for what I wanted. When I found them, I search around the house for Madelyn and Marisa, hoping that Madison is not in her room as yet.

I found all three in Madelyn's study room. When they all snapped their faces to me, I lift up the Twisters' mat and wheel. "Want to play?"


The game went on for a good hour. Madelyn called mom to spin so that I could play. For my first time playing, it was actually entertaining when I didnt almost break my spine.

Madison was laughing and smiling just like everyone else despite her eyes being puffy. Most of the laughs were pointed at me near the beginning of the game because I was confused and couldn't find any colours.

We were still in the middle of the third round when the housemaid opened the playroom door. Her eyes wrinkles as she smiles at us. Everyone stops what they were doing to look at her. My older sister's expression drops to a blank one.

"Yes, Miss Cee?" My mother says.

"Oh right. Your husband.. and their father requests you in the dining room for dining. Miss Brianna arrived over and hour ago." She sighs. "The butler was sent away."

"Okay. Tell him we'll be down in a minute." With that, the house maid curtsies and shuts the door softly. Not without sparing Madison a pity glance.

My older sister rolls her eyes already getting off of the mat. She heads towards the door and opens it.

Her older sister stops her. "And where are you going in such a hurry?"

Madison is already halfway out the door when she replied. "Where do think I'm going?" She slams the door shut, just like Madelyn does it.

There was silence in the room after that for a whole two minutes. We pack up the game and head out the room to store them.

"Well, who's up for dinner?" I break the silence, trying to lighten the mood.

Marisa lightly punches me on the shoulder and snickers. "You dork."

"Ready to hear father's triumphant bickering and smiles? And the extra food he told the chefs to make?" Madelyn adds as we continue to walk.

"I'm definitely ready for food part!" Marisa plays along. "Does he bicker? I think it's more like bragging."

"I have no idea what you two are talking about but it sounds terrible."

"Hm.." Madelyn frowns, thinking. "Do you remember when Maddy ended up with Wesley and not with the 'blond guy' as father use to call him?" I nod. "I never knew why he didn't like that guy. Anyway, and how excited he was about it and at dinner he was bragging and fussing about it?" I nod again. "Like that but worse."


"Was I that oblivious?"

We stops to stare at our mother. "Yes mother. You very much were."


"Yep. But you're improving so A for effort." Marisa shrugs and we continue walking again, our mother a few steps behind.

When we made it to the dinner area, the food is already placed neatly on the table with Brianna sitting and father seated at the head chair. He has a slight smile on his face.

Our father never smiles.

When he glances at all of us and realises that the 'guest of honour' isn't with us, he frowns.

"Sorry to disappoint. She's not here."


"What?" Marisa and Madelyn snap and Brianna shrunk a little.

"She needs to grow up and realise that life is not as pretty as it seems." He sighs.

"You need to stop trying to control her life! She's 18, for god's sake, Nicolai. Let her breathe." My mother snaps back leaving my siblings and I surprise.

Our father seems surprise too but that's quickly covered by a glare. "Our daughter has a mental illness and-"

"Doesn't mean she can't speak to people."

"And," my father continues, "it's about people. You're just going to let her frolic around with some commoners that most likely won't be able to help her and will use her because of her class? I'm helping her!"

"The amount of times your reasons have changed for making her abandon her friends!" There were more that one? "If you just got to know them for at least an entire day-"

"I have, Morgan! And believe me, they won't bring anything to the table!" Both of them are standing now and I was just picking at my food.

"If this is for your company and not your own daughter-" my mother breathes in then out to compose herself.

"She's suffering, dad." I say softly. "You can see it clearly."

"Nicholas, this is not any of your business! Stay out of it!" My father snaps at me and I flinch.

"Don't you dear speak to him that way!" Madelyn, Brianna and mother retort in the same tone.

"Marisa and Nicholas, go get your sister from her room." He frowns noticing the two of us picking at our food. We immediately hop out of our chairs and dash out of there.

We make it to the middle of the stairs when Marisa decides to speak, "She isn't there and he knows it. He never likes to be the one to check. We arrive at Madison's front door and twist it open.

There was a window open with the curtain blowing through it, an iPhone and a picture lying next to it on the bed in the middle of the room.

But there was no sign of my older sister.



So, how was your day? I really have nothing to say here. Um...

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