👔Chapter Forty Three~ In Two Years👔

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Genuinely so sorry for not posting.

Chapter 43- In Two Years



The play was actually really good. I enjoyed myself this time. Maybe it was that the storyline was better this time because it is one of my all time favourites.

Maybe the actors were better than last year's.

Or maybe it was Zayden holding my hand secretly through the whole thing.

Either way, today felt really good.

We were waiting for most people to leave first before we left. So that silly ole me wouldn't scare the crap out of everyone.

Even though though the play went really well, I have this feeling that something horrible is about to  happen.

Obviously, since Daniel is here, his family would be here too- and that includes Damien as well. Which also means since Marisa is here with us, it means Damien is here with us too.

Nicholas is with them too because he's closer with their age group than he is to the rest of us. Besides, he goes to school with them anyway.

And sometimes their conversations can be the weirdest things you've ever heard.

Like right now.

They are standing in a little group while Marisa finishes the rest of popcorn she had. As Madelyn, Zayden, Brianna and I pretend to have a conversation but secretly are eavesdropping.

"Damien, I just noticed! Your hair actually looks decent today." Marisa comments tossing a popcorn in her mouth.

"My hair looks decent everyday."

"I don't think it can even be classified as hair when you go to school."

"Nick, your sister is being mean to me!"

"I didn't hear anything." My younger brother says taking some popcorn from his sister.

"Why can't your hair be like that guy on stage?"

"Which guy?" Nicholas asks and Damien instantly frowns.

"You know, that cute curly haired one that played one of the triplets?"

"I have curly hair." Damien mutters.

"Not really." Marisa shrugs. "Do you think he'll still be here in two years?"

"You aren't even coming to this school in two years!" Nicholas points out.

"Oh right. I forgot."

"Your oldest sister didn't go to this school, right?" They shake their heads. "So why did Madison go?"

I freeze but then relax when Marisa shrugs. "She doesn't like males very much." Nicholas snorts.

Zayden looks at me and raises a brow in amusement. I roll my eyes and flick his nose. "Shut up." I mouth to him.

Damien's brows draw together noticing the lie. But Marisa asks a question back faster before he could ask again. "What about your brother?"

"Daniel? My parents wanted to flex their money to the neighbourhood."


"Nope. His friend was going to this school so he just went with him."

"You're going here too?" Marisa bites her lip to stop herself from frowning.

"No. The fees here are too expensive." And trust me, they are.

Then I zone out when I see Zayden start to get up. "And where are you going?" I had no choice but to ask. My father is going to use any opportunity he gets to have Zayden fired.

"Backstage. Madelyn was taking me there. Want to come along?"


"Can I come along?" Brianna squeals excitedly instantly linking arms with Zayden.

I frown even though Zayden slowly unlinks his arm from my cousin's grip, who has the nerve to look hurt. "Sure." Changing my decision and standing up.

Madelyn hums in amusement and sits back down. "Since all of you are going already, I don't need to show him around, do I?"

Zayden secretly intertwines his hand in mine and squeezes it gently. My heart swells and my cheeks warm at the gesture. A smile forms on my face.

My sisters cough and I turn my head to glare at both of them.

In my peripheral vision, I spot my glaring father and concern mother staring at me.


We were just wandering around for a while, with Zayden covering my eyes most of the time for sport.

I giggle and pinch Zayden's hand at some stupid remark he said. He chuckles and pulls my head closer to him- since he is cover my eyes- but it kind of tripped since we were still walking.


"Yes, Lucky?" His breath fans over the shell of my ear causing me to shiver. But then he pulls away and uncovers my eyes, leaving me with my blurred vision.

"Maddy!" A familiar voice yells and I try to blink away the blur. The butler behind me chuckles, grabs my hand and tugs me somewhere. "Hi Zayden! And the spawn of Satan..."

"Brianna. Such a shame that your big, loud mouth can't pronounce it." I forgot she was here. "Daniel!" Kathleen groans.

My vision finally clears. My brunette friend is sitting in a desk chair with frizzy hair ontop her head. Daniel is standing behind the chair, straightening his girlfriend's hair. He couldn't hear us because of the headphones covering his ears.

Kathleen looks up at her boyfriend, who stops straightening her hair to not burn her. He pushes one side of his headphones behind his ear, assuming Kathy wanted something.

"Madison is here to say hi." Kathleen says to him. "Oh and Bîtchanna." Daniel snorts looking up at the rest of us. His eyes dart between Zayden and I in confusion then something seemed to click in his mind.

"Oh. OH! Hello! And who might this be, Maddy?"

"You've met him before."

"But I don't know his name." Zayden snorts, already knowing what was going on.

"You're old enough to introduce yourself on your own."

"You're so rude, Maddy." Kathleen says and fake frowns. "This is my boyfriend, Daniel, who is also your gi- that thing's friend." She sticks her tongue out at me which gives me the hint that her mix up was done purposely.

I roll my eyes and stick my tongue right back out because it wouldn't have bothered me anyway since it was partially true.

"Do I need to say my name?" Zay asks then ruffles my hair. "I truly believe that this thing talks about me all the time."

"Trust me, it does." Daniel is the one to speak this time. "It even comes to us and forces relationship advice out of poor us."

"I do not! And why am I being referred to as it?

"It's okay, Maddy. We understand your frustration. And it's our job to annoy you because that's what friends and boyfriends are for." I growl and they all laugh.


Backstage was starting to get a little too crowded for my liking since the spectators were starting to go back stage to meet the performers. So I decided to leave, Zayden offered to come along but I refused, saying that he seemed comfortable with them and they were getting along fine. He kept pushing but eventually gave up and I just left.

I reach the rest of my family and see them packing up. "We're leaving." My mother drawls out.

Then at that moment, I realised it was a very stupid idea to leave backstage. Even though he's with Brianna, she isn't a Witson.

My siblings frown, Nicholas mouths to me, "Where's Zayden?" Cue the internal panic.

"Okay, I'll just go back for Brianna then."

"No, that's okay. Zayden can bring her back." My father raises a brow and smirks.  And he knows. Somehow, he knows everything.

"That should be fine right?"

"I don't know. Do we have to look at Brianna's surname?"

"Right, so I'll go-"

"I mean he isn't even with a Witson now so why should it matter who goes with?" My father shrugs then glares at me. "We leave. Now."

I frown, and that obedient shy girl, I was when I was younger, takes control. I dip my head to look at the floor and nod.

"I thought so."



First off, so sorry for not posting for like 2 months. Here's an update. It might be written badly, so I'll back an edit it later.

Next chapter is a special chapter(well to me atleast).

Anyways, yeah.

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