👔Chapter Fourteen~ Tell meee!👔

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Chapter 14~ Tell meee!



"I heard them talking about it today. I don't know when they were going to tell you."

Getting quite frustrated, I frown furrowing my eyebrows. "Why me? Why not you, not to sound rude or anything? You're the eldest and the next in line for the company."

She shrugs and frowns as well. "I don't know. I was expecting it to be me as well. Which I wouldn't mind since I currently have no love life." She wipes away a fake tear.

I giggle a bit at her attempt to lower the tension. That didn't last for long as I got frustrated again.

"Who arranged it?" My sister didn't reply.

"It was the bastard. Wasn't it?" Nothing. "I'm right. It's like he just want to ruin my life."

"Don't say that Maddy" She tries to comfort me.

"Just think about it Madelyn." I fall back onto my bed and cover my face with my hands. "Remember all that." She remains silent. "Remember the main reason I despise that man."


"I wonder if I ran away if I'll have a better life."


"Then again. Anywhere is better without that demon aro-"


She slaps my arm breaking me out of my thoughts. That's gonna leave a mark. Especially since my sister is one of those workout people. I stare at her wide eyes. "What?"

As I stare at her, she exhales then glares at me. "Stop jumping to conclusions. I never said it was him. Dad's changed Maddy, believe me. Just give him a chance."


She sighs in frustration running a hand through her ginger hair. "Whatever. They were discussing it. I don't think it's official yet."

"Then why are you telling me?"

"To give you a little heads up. There's a high possibility it will happen. You know our parents."

I nod rolling my eyes. "Who brought up the idea then?" I question tilting my head.

"Some rich guy wants who wants you to marry his son. I don't really know." She shrugs turning around and shouting for a maid. "I'm still going to get you another snow globe on our next trip."

"But I told you it's-"

"No buts. I'm giving you another. I feel bad. Look how close to edge that Italy one was." She looks at the dresser with snow globe at the edge. She hops off my bed heading to the door avoiding the broken pieces.

"If that had dropped, I would've strangled you, tie you up and throw you off the roof." I glare at her as I sit up and get off the bed.

"Yea, yea whatever."

When she shuts my door, I take a seat on the window seat again, lifting the photo on the sill and look at it as I did before.


"Kathleen!" I whine throwing a popcorn at my best friend with a blush across my cheeks. "I'm telling you that didn't happen!"

"Are you sure Ms. Witson? Or should I say Mrs. Welch?" She snickers and I groan in frustration.

"I hate you so much right now, Kathy." I roll my eyes shoving my hand in the fancy bowl for some popcorn.

"I'm not a Kathy, I'm a Kathleen." She "corrects" me.

"Is there even a difference?"

"Of course there is." She tries to grab popcorn but I slap her hand away. "Hey!"

"No, hand denied." I glare at her moving the bowl away to the other side of me.

She pouts grabbing at the bowl like a toddler. "Maddy~!" She frowns. "Stop being a meany."

I stick my tongue out at her shoving a handful of popcorn in my mouth, some not even making it in.

"Loooook! You're wasting it!" She screeches in horror. Kathleen has a great passion for food and absolutely hates when it's being wasted. "Madison!"

"We're missing the entire movie, Kathy! Don't worry about the food. There going to a great cause called my satisfaction. And they are going to a better place too."

She cringes glancing at the floor then at me. "What are about the ones that are on the ground rotting?"

I shrug then try to put on my best dramatic voice ever. "I'm sorry Kathleen. But..." I pause.

"But?" She asks. "But what Maddy? Tell meee!"

I fake a sniffle. "The... Those ones didn't make it."

"NOOOOOOO!" She screams falling onto her knees as I stifle a laugh to be serious in this dramatic moment.

As if it wasn't dramatic enough, the movie we were watching played a horrendous screaming sound.

The door suddenly opened making both my best friend and I jump on the sofa like nothing ever happened. We are stuffing our faces with buttered popcorn while watching Hotel Transylvania.

"Are you girls doing okay?" A house keeper asks with a worrying voice.

"Yea. Mhm. We're good." We respond in unison.

"I heard screaming so I just wanted to check up on yah."

"We, uh.. Just had a moment." I say shoving popcorn in my mouth once more.

"Okay. Well you girls enjoy yourself. Just don't hurt your selves." She tells us as she shuts the theatre door.

Kathleen and I both burst out laughing and she falls off the seat. Her eyes are creating a river right now. I sink into my seat wiping a fake tear away.

When we calmed down there was a short moment of silence before Kathy spoke. "Oh, Maddy, I haven't seen your grandma in a while. When is she coming back?"

"Christmas~." I sing terribly a smile on my face using the remote as a mic. "I don't want a lot for Christmas."

"There is just one thing I need." My sister burst through the door with a brush in her hand and continuing the song. Where did she come from? I have no idea.

"And I don't care about the presents!" I stand up in the chair and hop onto the little podium in front the screen.

Madelyn joins me. "Underneath the Christmas tree!"

At this point Kathleen is just sitting there watching us with the movie in the background.

"Oh I just want you for my own!" I sing the lyrics properly this time and so does my sister.

"More than you could ever know!"

"Make my wish come truueeee!" I drag out these lyrics.

"All I want for Christmaaaaasss..." My sister sings that part then pauses for me to continue.

"Is~" I hold the note for a while then I point somewhere. "You~" The place I pointed just happened to be the door. And the annoying butler just entered.

He raises his eyebrows at me as my two younger siblings hop in afterward.

I mouth the words 'shut up' to him before my sister and I continue singing the rest of the song.

"Maddy. Let's sing at the Old Years Eve Party at Grandma's house." My sister says when we finished the song.

"W-we? Why do I have to be in it?" I question hopping off.

"Because you sound great. Come on. It won't be that bad."

"I wouldn't mind hearing you two sing." Zayden says with my sister's butler in agreement.

"Please~.." My younger siblings beg.

I sigh shaking my head. "No thanks. Sorry." I grab my popcorn bowl and leave the theatre room closely followed by Zayden.



Getting into the Christmas mood even though in the story it's only November. Pfft- Christmas will come eventually.

I hope this got you into the Christmas mood a bit.

Is the Nightmare Before Christmas a Halloween movie or Christmas movie?

Vote, comment and share?♥


*mumbles the lyrics to All I want for Christmas*

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