👔Chapter Thirteen~ Snow Globe👔

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It wasn't a writers block.

Chapter 13- Snow Globe


Staring off into the sky in your own little world is the best distraction. It's even better when you're in your empty childhood park and you're sitting on a swing beneath the sunset sky.

I swing slowly with feet not touching the ground. Both of my hands are gripped onto the chains to avoid falling.

I frown remembering all those good childhood memories and compare them when my life now.

Those times when my sister and I would come here to play with our friend.

Those times when my parents and I actually got along.

Those times when I genuinely laughed at silliness.

Those times when I could smile at a retarded action with out it being force.

Those times when I didn't have a serious crush.

Those times when I didn't have responsibility.

I swing slowly looking down at the dirt humming the tune of the song Too Hard To Say Goodbye. I kick my feet up not really remembering the lyrics.

The swing beside me screeched horribly and scrawled my skin. I shiver at the horrendous noise which snapped me out of my thoughts.

These swings need oil.

Coming back to reality, I feel dampness on my cheeks and my eyes are burning slightly. I was crying without noticing. I simply turn my face away from him.

"Lucky, are you crying?" He recites that awful nickname.

Those times when I didn't have an annoying butler.

I turn back and stare at his sympathetic and worried blue eyes. His eyebrows are furrowed and he's frowning slightly.

"What happened?" He asks nudging my shoulder.

I glance away before smiling then that turning into giggles, then chuckles then complete laughter.

He stares at me in silence and confusion. "What's so funny?"

I shake my head wiping my tears away. "Nothing. Nothing." I say. "Why are you here though?"

"I drove you here."

"Oh." I replied not thinking about that. "This is an old park-"

"I can tell." He cuts me off and swings once making the chains screech.

I chuckle and roll my eyes. "Whatever." I say back. "An old park where my sister and I would play all the time after school or on weekends with my friend. We'd get driven here or sometimes they'd walk from school and meet me here."

"Which school? I haven't seen any schools in the area." He tilts his head slightly.

"The middle school, Triston School. Y'know, the school that's like a half a mile away?"

"It's less than half a mile but that's still far. And you said they walked here?!"

"Yea." I reply calmly.

"Every evening?"

"Mhm? Is that a problem?" I tilt my head at him.

He nods quickly with raised eyebrows. "Yes. Yes it is. You still had the energy to play after walking that far?" I nod. "You and Madelyn were very energised children."

I shrug it off before swinging back then forward jumping off of the swing. I pick up my bag from the the ground and sling it around my shoulder. I take a look at the sunset sky then back at Zay. "Come on. The rest are probably worried about me. I don't usually stay out this late."



My bedroom door bursts open slamming onto the wall. My jewellery box and my Eiffel tower snow globe drops from my dresser while the Italy snow globe barely survived. It was on the edge of the dresser. The fallen snow globe breaks when it hits the floor making all the "snowflakes" spread across the floor and Madelyn gasps.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Which one was it? I'll replace it. I promise." Both her hands are covering her mouth in horror.

I place the picture I was looking at back on the windowsill and stand up from the window seat. "It was the Paris one." I hear Madelyn exhale. "It wasn't the Italian one, don't worry." I giggle and put my hand on my waist.

"I'm still sorry. I'll get you a new one."

I wave it off. "It's fine. Have you learnt your lesson on opening doors now?"


I shake my head at her and climb on my bed. "Call a maid or something. Or clean it yourself. Why did you come here screaming my name though?"

My sister tip toes around the glass and sits on my bed too after yelling for a maid.

"So..." Madelyn looks away and rubs her arm nervously. Her eyebrows are furrowed with worry.


"I overheard mom and dad talking..."

"Uhuh... More like ease dropped but continue."

"Oh shut up." She rolls her eyes. "Do I act younger than you?"

"What are you saying?"

"Like do I act like I'm six or so. Mom called me immature and not ready." She pouts crossing her arms.

"You do. You really do."


"But there sometimes where you're more mature than everyone. You would always put everyone first and be serious about a situation if necessary. You're always ahead of everyone when it comes to thinking. You're mature in your own way."

She looks at me and fans her face as if she's trying not to. "Thank you! I'm so blinded by you're kind words, they're making me cr-" she cuts herself off to move around something in her eye. "My contact is acting up, my goodness."

Yes, my sister wears contacts because she has bad eyesight.

"Maybe you were blinded literally."

She rolls her eyes then regrets it. "That was a bad idea. I'm so done with contacts. I want my glasses back." She takes the contact out her then slides it carefully back in. "There. Anyways. That's not what I came here to tell you though."

"What is it then?"

She furrows her eyebrows again and play with my quilt. "Well ya see..."

"Spill it."

"You know how our family is weird and rich and rich and blah blah?"

"That sentence makes absolutely no sense."

She avoids eye contact with me then inhales deeply. "Well..."

"Madelyn." I say firmly.

"You're gonna have an arranged marriage." She shuts her eyes.




Sorry for lack of updates. Those who know me in real life and have have my post know whazzup.

I had been sick for the last two weeks. I'm feeling better now. But I was pretty much banned from reading for a while.

Sorry again ^~^.

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