👔Chapter Thirty Five~ Ironic👔

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Chapter 35- Ironic


"A mess."

I pace around Kathleen's room the next day while she just sits there on her boyfriend's lap playing a game. I got Zayden to drop me here after school. Her room was sorta the girly pink type before but her style changed to a simple nature theme. Mainly because of Daniel. He loved the colour green.

To be honest, I'm don't mind being a third wheeler around them, it's not awkward. Besides, sometimes I take pictures and use them against my best friend.

Daniel's hazel eyes are trained on the television screen, his chin on Kathy's shoulder and his hands resting in her lap to hold the controller. Kathy's brown eyes focus on the game as well but I could tell she's listening, since she called me a mess.

"How am I a mess?"

"You're confusing yourself." I remain quiet. "You like the guy- you like the guy. You can't change that."

"Easy for you to say." I mutter then Dani glances at me for a mere second.

"Dan?" He hums in reply, gently planting a short kiss on his girlfriend's cheek. "Can you pause the game for a second?" Kathy quires politely.

"That's missing manners, love." His husky and raspy voice speaks up. Some boys at his school are actually very jealous of that voice of his.


Then he pauses the game and tosses the controller to the side. He begins playing with her hem of her shirt and nibbling on her earlobe. Her pale face begins to heat up as a response.

"Not now Daniel. We're helping Madison. We can do that after." His eyes light up but he releases her, not the hem though, and they both turn to me.

"What am I helping with?"

"Her predicament."

"What's her predicament?"

"She likes a guy but she doesn't want to get too attached to him."

"Why? She doesn't think that he'll feel the same way?" His brows narrow. "But she's amazing, who wouldn't date that?"

"You wouldn't." I point out.

"Good point."

Dani and I are close because of Kathleen. I helped him get with her after all. Sometimes when I have low self confidence, he'd compliment me to make me feel better, but it'd be subtle because he's still very loyal to his girlfriend. At first, she was jealous of it, and got angry at me- for doing what, I don't know. But after a while, she became comfortable with it, because she trusts him.

"What is it really, Redhead?" He questions and I spot him drawing lazy circles around Kathy's navel. So that's why she wasn't saying anything. He practically silenced her.

"I'm still in the room."

"Yea, Dani. Let me breathe." Her voice sounds very strained. Daniel sighs and stops. She lets out at a sigh, stands and sits on bed instead, right behind him, who is on the floor. He leans back on her legs while she plays with his blond hair.

I groan falling onto the couch. "You two are too cute, that it's frustrating."

"Thanks." They reply in unison.

"Go burn in your feelings." I roll my eyes.

"I think you've forgotten that you came to us for something." Kathleen retorts. "And that's relationship advice."

"Ironic," Dani glares playfully at me. He reaches for the controller, starting his game again.

"Daniel." She warns and he stops the game again.

"But she doesn't really have anything to bother about!" He whines doing his puppy eyes at her. She pulls on his blond hair. "Ow! Okay! Okay! You're lucky that I love you too much." He mutters the last sentence. "Maddy?"


"Go with you gut."


"If you caught feelings for him," he teases and I am tempted to throw a pillow at him but it might hit Kathy, so no. "Just go for it."

"It's not about that. It's about my parents."

"Well, f^çk your parents," Kathleen swears.

"I'd rather not..."

"That's not what I meant." She rolls her eyes and I stick out my tongue at her. "You think my parents allowed me to date this dream at first? Nope! But I did, and they just had to go along with it, because it isn't changing. Unless he breaks up with me."

He tilts his head back to stare at her brown eyes and smiles sweetly. "I plan to grow old with you, so that isn't going to happen, at all."

She has every girls dream of a guy. You know those fictional ones that never exist? That's him. And I'm jealous.

After he receives his peck on the forehead, his cheeks turn a tinge of pink and I can tell you the exact reason why. Kathleen is never the one to make the first bold move in their relationship.

I've been third wheeling them for almost 3 years. A long time.

I could see his eyes darken as he stares at her. Kathleen breaks the eye contact shyly but he is still staring at her. "But yea, as I was saying, if it makes you happy, just go with it."

There was sexual tension before and now there's tension through the roof. I awkwardly stand from my seat and head to the door. "I'll just go. Thanks for the advice and hope you feel better."

"Thank you. Don't forget Saturday, I'll message you!" I nod rushing out the door. I didn't want to be in there for that.


"I hate university!"

Peeking up from my interesting novel, Madelyn forces herself into a white jacket as she skids across the study in a rush.

"Why? What happened?"

"While you guys get to stay home, I still have late lectures!" She groans. "Have you seen my glasses?"

I point to the desk where the black rimmed glasses sat neatly on it, next to its box. "Don't you have in contacts?"

"Yeah, but I'm taking them out. They haven't been showing me love recently." She snatches both them up. "DEREK! I'M GOING TO BE LATE!" She sprints out, slamming the door and I cringe.

Moments after my elder sister left I tilt my head up at Zay, who was casually play with the curls of my red hair from behind the sofa. "What are you thinking about?" He questions, smiling down at me with his blue eyes.

"Don't you have late classes too?"

"Not as often as your sister. Majority of mine are early, when you go to school."

"How convenient."

He shrugs twirling strands of my hair around his finger. "Your mother switched some of them to be like that." Oh, that made more sense.

"If I didn't know any better, I would think that you were obsessed with my hair." I tease, my attention back to the pages of my book.

"Just like you're obsessed with mine?" I groan and he laughs. "Only a little bit."

My cheeks heat up so I cover my face with my Italian book. It was a gift from my annoying butler for Christmas. I had been attached to it for the pass few weeks. Besides, it was in Italian, which made me love it more.

"You love that book, don't you?" I nod. "Do you understand all of it?"

"Yup! If I don't, I'll just put words together that make sense." I shrug my shoulders bringing the book back down. "How'd you know what to buy?"

"Your siblings helped me pick it out. Saying that you liked reading." He responds. "Madelyn specifically chose that one. Care to tell why?"

"She was a book lover." I say and I know he understood who I meant. The tugs of my hair stop. "This was her favourite book series. I was interested in the book but my father never allowed me to buy it." I shrug it off.

"That book was not for her age." He resumes tugging my curly hair. And I have to admit, it feels kinda nice. I've become such a creep, oh well.

"How would you know?"

"I read the description- In English, of course."

"Of course." I roll my eyes, attention going back to my book. My phone buzzes in my pocket. I slide it out and switch it on. I glance at Zayden realising he was looking away so I could type my password.

I enter it clicking the message from a group chat with Daniel, Kathy, Liam and me.

My Twin Hoe💕👌👑💁☕:
On Sat Dulce Cafe at 9 for breakfast. Dont b late

Twin Hoe's Man:

Got it.

I cringe at Liam's name and quickly change it to something more appropriate.

Like A Brother:
I'm bringing someone along

My Twin Hoe💕👌👑💁☕:
Kl. Maddy, is ur butler going?

"Zayden?" He hums in response still playing with my hair. "My friends and I are going out for breakfast. Kathy wants to know if you wanna tag along?"

He becomes silent as though he's considering it. "Nah. You go have fun with your friends." I peek up at him and he winks at me. "Message me if you get bored, though."

I stick my tongue immaturely before answering.

he says no. i'll be there tho

She replies okay, and I thought nothing of that day. It was just going to be another normal outing like we had before. Little did I know, it'd be a heck of a day to remember.



Another update should come on Sunday.

Also, I did a character write up on each of the characters really early in the book. And one of Zay's bad traits was 'Inquisitive'. That's why he's the way he is.

'Oh look! She said a bad word!' I censored it, it doesn't count.

Also you meet the adorable Daniel! What do you think of him?

Favourite book? (Could be on Wattpad or an Actual Book or Both)

Vote, comment and share?♥


P/S: Hint, Hint. ~says the next chapter

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