👔Chapter Thirty Four~ Embarrassment👔

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Chapter 34- Embarrassment

*Madison's POV*


Sometimes I wonder if the world is out to get me or something.

The day started out just fine.

I yawn snuggling closer in my sheets like a four year old. Currently, I look like a worm but you can't blame me. It's still January and cold. They should just call off school all together.


I hum as my reply while I curl more into a ball. Something pokes me in my sides making me unattractively groan and roll across more. A laugh erupts from the villain, yet it sounds very strained.

"You have school today!"

"Yea, uhuh. They can't bribe me Snickers." I groan out while I stretch still very much asleep.

"Get up!"

"Tell them to cancel." To cancel what? I don't even know. I have no idea what he's talking about. "I'll be there tomorrow."

"I have cake-"

A sudden wave of excitement burst through me. Crap, I've been tempted. I try way to fast to get up but instead, because of my great lack of coordination, I fall on the floor.

And I fell straight back to sleep.

I can't help it, okay? Sleep is just my best friend! Been there for me since I was born! When something bad happens and I wanna hide my embarrassment, I fall asleep. It's just a reflex! I can't control it!

Fell in front of the whole school? No problem! Just fall asleep on the floor! People would think you passed out.

Laugh at the most inappropriate time? No problema! Just put your head on the table and relax!

Farted in the middle of class? Oh, you've got yourself covered! Just snap to sleep and no one would even suspect you!

People use hoodies, hands and even sometimes their hair. But nah, I use sleep. That was always Gracie's and my tactic.

"Madison Luck Witson, if you don't get up right now, I'm going to drag you down the stairs. Don't make my job difficult." A sudden, strict, beautiful masculine voice demands and I already know it is. "Don't test me."

He wouldn't do-

Suddenly, my ankles are encircled by big hands and starts pulling. My face is dragging on the carpet covered floor and the person won't stop pulling. It seems like it was easy to drag me. I had enough when I hit into the leg of my bed.

"Okay! Okay! I'm awake!" I shout flailing my feet. He lets go and I oh so beautifully roll out of my worm form. Which will probably be seen again tomorrow. I sit up on top of the sheet on the floor and rub my eyes innocently. "Who sent you to get me?"

"Your father."

"Huh, okay."

I sorta open my eyes adjusting to the light, blinking a few times. My sight could make out Zayden's form in front of me with his dark, clouded eyes trained on me.

"Goddammit..." I hear him mutter to himself as he drags his hand frustratingly through his amazing and beautiful brown locks. I want his every move while he stroked his hair. It was just amazing. My cheeks begin to heat up intensely, probably looking like an apple.

Look at me. Becoming an S class stalker. I deserve an achievement.

He averts his gaze to the white sheet I was sitting on. "You're not putting that back on your bed."

"Was that a question or..." He shakes his head pulling it from under me in an instant. "Guess not."

"Breakfast is downstairs for you. You woke up extremely late so we're leaving in 10." He says staring at the balled up sheet in his hands.


And with that he was gone.


My headphones are around my neck as I scroll through my Instagram feed. A message pops up on my screen from Kathleen and I instantly click it.

My Twin Hoe💕👌👑💁☕:
Wont b at skool tday. Got sick.

Meaning that her boyfriend won't be at school either. That sucks.


what happened?

My Twin Hoe💕👌👑💁☕:

Tht time of the month, you knw?

Dani's here. (2)

expected, you two are so cute. hope you feel better soon.

My Twin Hoe💕👌👑💁☕:
Thnks. Also, can we go 2 a cafe or restaurant together on Sat? Liam, Dani, you and me? Zayden can come too.

sure. ⌚?

The car comes to a halt in front of school. I hop out in my pale blue skinny jeans and black shirt with my big comfy brown jacket. Kathleen replies with 'Dont knw. ' and I tell that I had to go and we'd talk later.

I walk through the school toward classes, welcoming a day of hell.


I was casually and happily eating my lunch by myself, thanks to Kathy, when all of a sudden- BAM- a girl pushes my food away from me, onto the floor.

She slides into to the seat across from me, glaring daggers. "What does Wesley see in this hoe?" Her nasal voice throws me off guard. She flips her brown hair over her shoulder. "I just see a fraud."

As a girl who spent 12 years of her life indoors and had no experience with society, I remain quiet and lost for words. I just blink at her completely confused. The only people I spoke to or acknowledged were my family, assistants, Liam, Kathy (and her man) and Wesley. And they weren't even that bad, except for Wesley. I've never been in this sort of situation before.

Is this how the outside world is like?

Where's Kathleen when you need her?

"Well look at her batting her ugly eyelashes like an idiot." Her friends start laughing behind her. A smirk plays on her lips while she continues to glare with her harsh dark blue eyes.

So I play it the safe route and pick up my mug and start to sip the water I filled it with. My attention shifts to the table instead of her. I pretend that she isn't even there.

I don't think that was a smart idea.

She growls like a wild animal. "Excuse me! I'm speaking to you. Look at me when I'm speaking to you, rude a-"

"Seeing as there's 86.6% chance that I'm older than you, which I probably am and you're not my parent," I mean, I don't even listen to them either. "I don't need to take instructions from you."

Her face turn red with anger. "Now, you listen here-"

"No. You listen here!" I snap back. "Before you go around accusing people and calling them a hoe, you should actually get some proof! Because right now, you're making yourself look like a fool since you have no idea what you're talking about."

"You took-"

"I took nothing. I don't even have your so call Wesley. I would never, ever, EVER again have him. So stop jumping to conclusions, you're not a kangaroo. And use that head of yours to actually think before you speak."

She stares at me in shock because I don't normally fight back at school. "You!" She stands from her seat abruptly and raises her hand to slap me.

"Now, now. Settle down. My parents are a huge sponsor to this school so I think it'll be pretty easy to convince the principal to expel you." I look at her through my lashes and smile sweetly. "And we wouldn't want that, would we?"

She huffs sashaying away with her posey and thats when I feel it. The attention. All the eyes trained on me in the cafeteria. Don't look at them, Maddy. I stare down at the table. The stares get stronger. I push out of my seat and dash out of there with my head to the ground.

Could this day get any worse?

I had already lost my food.


I walk out of school waiting for Zayden to arrive. I was just gonna plan to sit on a lonesome bench away from everyone else and listen to some music.

But nope!

Wesley had to make his sudden appearance.

He grips my wrist tightly and whirl me toward him to face him. I blink, staring at him. I remember one loving those freckles dotted all over his face.

Too bad I wanna carve each and every one of them out, one by one with a butter knife.

My hands rest on his chest before pushing him away. "What do you think you're doing?!" I glare at him as he stumbles back.

"Clearing things up with you."

"Request denied. Also, please tell all of your crazy fangirls to leave me alone." I huff ready to walk away but then he grips my wrist again.

"Come back to me, baby." He said with pleading eyes.

Let me explain. Wesley was that one ex I had. As you can see, it didn't end very well. The relationship was too toxic. He was very verbally abuse toward me almost everyday and he would cheat every other weekend. But what did silly ole me do? Take him back because I didn't really have a choice in the matter. It got so bad that I would cry at home by myself and Kathy would have to come over console me. But she had enough and she pulled an Edna on me by saying "PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!" while sprinkling water on my face. She said next time it was gonna be book slapping instead water.

Safe to say, that relationship ended the day after.

He also despises Kathleen and Kathleen will do anything to erase his soul. When she sees him, she leaves because if she stayed, he wouldn't be alive.

Now, after a year, he wants me back because I started to see another guy that wasn't him. He told me before that the only person I could fall for was him. The nerve.

Sometimes I feel as though I'm living in a soup opera.

I glare at him. "What are you? Four? This not fantasy world! Stop wishing for the impossible to happen!"

"This isn't still because of Liam, is it?" I'm about to cut this boy into pieces. "The dude REJECTED you and you still have feelings for him? Move on!"

"Look at you!" I retort. "I rejected you! And your still here chasing after my feet like a dog. MOVE ON!"

He let his anger out completely. "I can't understand you! Why do you hate me so much? I was the most amazing person you've ever had!"

"Oh please! Your hallucinations just get weirder and weirder."

"What the hell has Kathleen and Liam filled your head with? You weren't like this before!"

"Sense. They filled it will common sense and eyes to realise that I was digging a deeper hole for myself."

His brown eyes soften and releases my wrist. He runs his hand through his gorgeous brown hair. Ah, using a fetish against me. Well, I fell for it and I watched him.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for what I did to you. But I changed. Just give me another chance." He begs with that fake pity.

I snap back to reality and glare. "You have 45 chances! And you screwed all of them up! I don't even know why I stayed with you for that long! I was stupid!"

"No you weren't. Don't call yourself that!"

Don't depreciate yourself like that, Lucky.

My eyes soften hearing Zayden's voice instead of his. "Just.... Stay away." I turn to walk away then I realise it's not only us.

Everyone. A circle. Both genders. People chattering. A crowd.

No, no, no, no, no.....

My heartbeat continues to quicken as I glance around frantically at everyone, for at least a little hole I can squeeze through. None. Sweat trickles down my forehead while everyone's eyes are trained on me. I felt small. My breaths are quick and ragged and my mouth feels dry. Puke, I have to puke. I hug my bookbag to my chest in attempt to calm down.

Come on, Lucky, count to seven then breathe out.

I could hear faint voices of Liam and Wesley but that's not what I wanted.

Where was Zayden?

I crouch to the ground still trying not catch my breath. Come on Lucky, you got this. A hand rest on my shoulder and someone crouches down to my level. The hand moves to my back and traces circles on it.

"Breathe in." I follow suit and close my eyes. "Out." I obey. "In." I suck in a sharp breath. "No, Lucky, slowly."

I release a breathless laugh, "Sorry, you didn't specify." I peek at my butler's face, seeing his blue eyes twinkle. I swear I'm going to be obsessed with his hair and his eyes.

"You okay, now?" I nod in confirmation. He helps me to stand up and I keep my attention to his eyes to be distracted from what's around me. "Shut your eyes, we're going to the car."

I do as I was told. He guides me away from the crowd before allowing me to open my eyes. After, I slide into the back seat of the car, he shuts my door. Mr. Annoying butler jogs to the driver seat and get in as well, immediately starting the engine when he shut the door.

"What the hell happened?"

"I got into an argument and our school is really inquisitive. So yea." I stare out the window, watching the scenery pass in a blur. "I'll tell you about it later when we get home."

"Okay. On the bright side, you didn't fall asleep like last time!" He teases and I kick the back of his seat making him chuckle. "You know, you are one very unlucky person for a someone who has a middle name of 'Luck'."

I shrug then glance at him throw the mirror. "I'm aware."

But I have you for a butler, and that's lucky enough for me.



My vacation starts on Friday! I gonna wrap this book up because I have more in store you for! I wanna thank all those who I saw adding my book to their reading lists!

Also, when Madison was talking about the percentage that she was older, yes, I actually calculated it.

Now you know the reason Madison hates Wesley. I'm clearing up some of the mistakes and plot holes in the previous chapters. Meaning I'm editing. Some changed some didn't. But the changes weren't that major. If you wanna check, go ahead. The most drastic was Chapter Nine, her dancing scene, when she in front of all those people and wasn't scared at all.

Request books here!

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