👔Chapter Thirty Three~ Casual👔

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Chapter 33- Casual

The definition of Unedited


°Zayden's POV°

My arms cradle my head on the island counter of the kitchen while I sit on bar stool. I was waiting for the red velvet cake to give to Madison since she's studying. She gets to engrossed in studying sometimes that she forgets to eat.

"You pamper her too much." A female voice says then a plate sliding in front of me filled with tortilla chips. She places the salsa right next to the plate before leaning on the counter next to me. "If that was my niña, she would have to get off her bum and get her own food."

I shrug my shoulders not really bothered as I pick up a tortilla chip. "I don't really mind. She smiles every time she eats, so why not make her smile?" I dip it in the salsa then bite it. "You have kids?"

"No. I have a child." She rolls her eyes. "A son. He's turning 5 this year." Her eyes suddenly light up. "Most adorable chico ever."

"Do you get to see him often?"

She nods as though the answer is obvious. "Of course! If I didn't, I'd quit this job! Señora Witson often accompanies me every day when Madison is at school." She eats a chip herself.


"Did you know that casual day is this Saturday?" Gabriella strolls into the kitchen tying up her curly, dark brown hair. She glances across at Preston, who's leaning on the counter further in the kitchen next to the stove, then back at us. She skips to sink and starts to wash the dishes. "Then there's an off day the next day."

"What's 'Casual Day'?" I bite into my fourth chip while Ashley's on her second.

"It's when you dress like you normally do instead of formally and in work attire." Ashley responds dipping her third chip in the salsa. "How are you going to spend the off day?"

"Seeing that this is the first time I'm hearing of it, I'm not sure." I shrug taking my sixth chip from the plate. Gabriella joins us in the chip eating. "Probably going to spend it with my parents or by myself."

"Your parents are chefs right?" I nod in response. "That's why you like cooking so much. Does she know you bake those cakes for her?" Gabriella says as she takes her second chip.

"Nope. That's a secret. Maybe I'll tell her later." I say then biting into my seventh chip. "How are you guys spending it?" I question curiously.

You could probably tell that I became pretty close with the chefs, except for Preston. They'd warmed up to me that moment I first came to ask what Maddy's favourite cake was and then baked it. Derek and I have become close too but not as close as I am with Ashley and Gabriella. The housekeeper, also Mr. Witson personal assistant, is often very quiet but we talk occasionally.

"With my son, of course." Ashley responds without hesitation.

"Probably with my friends. I'm still 23 after all! Gonna enjoy this youth." Gabriella muses grabbing her third chip. "What about you, Preston?" She adds trying to throw a chip all across the island at him.

"We were going fine without wasting food!" Ashley groans then sighs in exasperation. "You're cleaning the kitchen." She continues as Gabriella rolls her eyes.

"Probably here." He answers briefly.

Here with Madison.

When I am about to open my mouth to speak, the timer next to the stove beeps making Preston jump in surprise. I quickly get my ninth chip and push out of my seat in a hurry. Even though I stood, Preston is the one to test it and take it out.

Instead of arguing when he cuts a slice of cake, I busy myself by eating a chip. Gabriella soundlessly hands him a plate to rest the cake on. After that, I, oh-so politely grab the plate from his hand and cover it with a cloche. "I'll be going, now." I mumble leaving the kitchen.


I checked the study and she wasn't there. Neither was Madelyn. I'd heard from one of the chefs, when I went back to ask, that Madelyn had went out. That'd explain why Madison isn't in the study but not where she is now.


A place that isn't quiet and couldn't drive her crazy. She has to be with Nicholas or Marisa. But, I don't know where they are either. There are too many rooms in this house.

Just then, two dogs come running toward me and the dark one barks. Gracie and Starr run circles around my feet then start standing on their back legs as though I'm going to feed them.

"Down." They do as they are told. "Where's Madison?" Their heads tilt. "Find Madison." Starr barks again before going on all fours and trotting away with Gracie following behind.

I follow them all through the house then end up in front of a door that I've never seen in my life. "This door was here before?" Gracie nudges my foot when I push open the door.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Shhhh! Madison is trying to study!" Marisa yells even louder as I quietly tell the dogs to go to the kitchen.

"Trying to change the subject to escape the fact that you cheated!" Nicholas argues.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"WHY THE HELL DO YOU TWO PLAY CARDS?" The person I've been looking for shuts both of them up. She was seated by a window at the back of the room while Nicholas and Marisa took up the two single seat sofas. "Whoops? Was that too harsh?"

"I told you so." Marisa mutters to her younger brother who just groans. The room went totally quiet and I could see Lucky tapping her pencil annoyingly on the desk.

"I didn't say to shut up, though."

They glance at her before continuing their bickering but a little softer.

That's when I decide to start moving forward. I help Nicholas pick out a card and he thanks me. "I'm close to Uno now!"

Marisa growls at me. "That's not fair! You got help from Zayden-" Madison glances across. "And he's great at strategy games! Especially chess!" Marisa crosses her arms.

"But you're better than me at strategy games! It's 100% fair!" Nicholas says. He goes quiet again. Everyone notices. Marisa sends him a worried stare while Madison frowns. I ruffle his hair in assurance that everything's gonna be fine.

"Afternoon, Lucky." I greet her when I reach her. Then I place the plate on the table.

"Hey. What's in there-" she uncovers it herself. "I swear. I love you for this." Her frown turns upside down when the cake is revealed. "This is what you call spoiling."

"Only for my mistress."

A faint blush runs across her beautifully freckled cheeks. "Thank you." She shuts her book and tosses it on the ground. I saw part of the title and instantly knew that it was her ultimate enemy. "Causal Day is Saturday."

"I heard. And there's an off day the next day."

"How are you going to spend it?" She questions shyly not even glancing at me then she lifts her hand and starts to twist her earring.

"Probably with my parents. You?"

"Most likely home."

A short silence between us.

"Name a few things that you always wanted to do." I mutter not expecting her to hear.

She stares at the cake with a slight furrow of her brows. She always does that when she's thinking. "Go to a supermarket in the morning..."

"You've never gone to a supermarket?"

She shakes her head. "I'm not allowed to go places like that. Quote from my dad, not me."

"What about school?"

"My school's private. Pretty empty compared to other schools. Only like 150-200 people at my school."


"Yup." Then she continues the list. "I wanna learn how to cook something..." She stops herself. "You know what? Anywhere that isn't at home. But most definitely want to cook something." She smiles at me.

Well I know how I'm spending my off day now.

Her attention changes to Nicholas and so does mine.

"Has he been like this for a while?"

"Yea." She swallows her cake staring at Nicholas. "It's been off and on. Marisa decided to play a game with him to brighten his mood a little bit." She explains stabbing the cake with the fork again. "He hasn't been taking pictures as often."

"He used to a lot when he was younger?"

"His camera was like a drug to him." She starts poking the cake instead. "Now it's locked in a room."

It went quiet. Until Nicholas' cheeks turn a little pink and tries to hide his face with his cards.

"Did you... Sono confuso." Marisa blinks then rubs her eyes.

"My Nicholas just blushed!" Madison squeals in joy. I admit. I covered my ears for that. That was unexpected. "Who's the person? Boy or girl?"

Nicholas plays another card but Marisa isn't paying attention to the game anymore. She is just as excited as her older sister. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Who are you thinking about there, Nick?" I tease him instead.

He blinks and stares at me. "A girl... But she's leaving tomorrow though. It doesn't matter." He fumbles with his cards some more.

"Aw.. my baby.."

"I'm not a baby Maddy. I'm nine." He might've rolled his eyes but I see that small smile on his face.

Marisa plays down her next card. "If she's meant for you, she'll come back."


Marisa flips her curly red head behind her. "It's my specialty." She frowns when Nicholas shouts Uno. "I don't think you're my favourite brother anymore."

He shrugs. "I'm your only brother. Besides, I never asked to be."

"I hate you."

"Love you too, Marisa."

I peek at Madison as she smiles broadly at her younger siblings. Those are her life and she'd rather nothing but to see them happy and smiling.

And probably Madelyn too.



Sorry for not updating! Exams are over!

Anyways, that means summer and tons of spare time which means faster updates! Imma get this book finished! Possible spinoff. Or not.

Coming on to the last five or so chapters, I'm going to start posting my other book. ♪Dadadadadadada!♪ Actually prouder of that one that this one. Whoops. Don't book shame.

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