👔Chapter Thirty Two~ Obsessed👔

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Chapter 32- Obsessed

~Not edited


The flight going back home was quite uneventful.

One because the new generation and electrical devices.

And two, I fell asleep for practically 99% of the entire trip.

I just can't help it, sleep and I are bestest of friends- sometimes.

Zayden had woken me up for the landing, even though I was still half asleep. Apparently, my head was on his shoulder when I was sleeping. I'm not complaining, he was a very comfortable pillow.

Now, here we are, dragging our suitcases across the smooth tile floor. I cover my mouth as I yawn, then check the time. 10:23pm. Blegh, I should've slept before I went on the plane. But I couldn't because Brianna would not stop talking about how amazing my butler was.

I roll my eyes at the memory. "What are you thinking about?" My butler ask.

I shrug it off. "Nothing really." I briefly reply. Then I find my best friend standing along side a few strangers, who're waiting for someone to arrive.

I take a deep breath in before shouting. "KATHLEEN!"

Her tired eyes snap up from her phone, wide in shock. Then she laughs. "QUEEEN!" I drop everything and dash toward her, lunging at her into a hug. The two or so of few people watching let out a few giggles and laughs. "You terrify me every time you leave!"

"Aw, I'm safe, Kathy." I say to lighten the mood. When Kathleen was younger, around 9, her plane nearly crash landed after a turbulence, but they got back on track, luckily. That traumatised her for life.

"I know.."

"Who brought you here, by the way?"

"Daniel." Daniel is her adorable blond boyfriend. I swear that boy is so whipped for his girlfriend. "He left because he had something to do at home."

"Kathy!" My sister's voice breaks the two of us away from either other. We turn to look at her. "Wanna crash at our place?" My sister blurts out before I had the chance to.

"Sure, I don't mind."

I glance at Zayden who's dragging both our bag. Rushing over to help him, I pull my bag away from him. "I'm so sorry! I can take it, it's fine!"

He rolls his eyes. "No, it's fine. Isn't this my job? This is what I'm suppose to do."

"But I still feel bad." I murmur, staring at the ground. That was until a hand rests on top my head and ruffles my ginger hair. "Hey!"

"Don't feel bad. I'm happy I'm doing this for you." He smiles at me, taking my suitcase not before tugging on a strand of my hair. Glancing up sensing a stare, Kathleen smirks in my direction giving me that, 'you have explaining to do' look.

I roll my eyes fighting a smile from my face.



"Shhh!" I try to hush her with my index finger. "It's late, you'll wake people!" I say in a hush tone.

"Sorry!" She whispers.

Kathy and I are in my room with me sitting cross legged on my bed while leaning on the head rest while Kathy sits in her favourite bean chair. With the current topic as Zayden versus Liam. As we eat ice cream.

"I'm not even sure if you like Liam, anymore, at this point."

I gape. "How could you said that! Of course I like Liam!"

"I mean sure, you like him, but you definitely like Zayden more!" She nods to herself as if agreeing 100% with her statement.

"I do not! He's my butler!"

She left out a laugh. "Pft, and?"

"It won't happen! Liam is the only one for me." I gush imagining me staring into his blue eyes.

"Let's get this straight, Maddy," she starts. "You and Zayden have more chemistry going than you and Liam." I huff an cross my arms because she's absolutely right. "Therefore, Mayden will more likely happen that Miam." She declared shoving a spoonful of pistachio in her mouth.


"Even the ship name is better." She mutters.

"I am... Confusion.." I say as I simply lick the icecream off my cone.

"Just go with Zayden. $20 on the table before the middle of February." She bets with narrowed eyes. I put up to the challenge.

"$20 if it doesn't happen." I go along with it because to be honest, $20 isn't that much money for us. "Are you still going to be there I when confess to Liam?"

"You're still doing that?" I nod. "I feel for the guy, poor Zayden." She mutters the last part.


"Yea fine. Still gonna murder him if he hurts you unnecessarily though!" She shrugs standing. "Hey, for casual day, let all four of us, Zayden included, hang out."


"So, silly, I can officially meet my best friends future husband and my future goddaughter's father." She quips then laughs.

That actually sounds nice... "Why 'daughter', who said it isn't going to be a boy?" I frown at the most important part of the statement.

She shrugs. " I just know."


I take a deep breath in while I stare at the café doors in front of me. I probably look like a retard because the doors are glass and transparent but whatever. I dust invisible dust from my jeans and fix my comfy jacket.

Kathleen pats my back in an encouraging matter and smiles at me. "Just say the word and I'll be there to castrate him and feed his tiny thing to my lovely German Shepherd husky at home."

I chuckle then shake my head. "I'm cool. You just sit with your totally whipped boyfriend and obsess over him all day." I reply cooly pushing the door open after spotting the love of my life.

Maybe a little dramatic.

She rolls her eyes. "Dani is not whipped. And I'm not obsessed!"

I give her the 'Are-you-serious' look as I say, "He carried you out for ice cream and took you shopping when you cried over your exam and he tried to make you feel better by saying he didn't do well in one of his even though we all know he did fricking fantastic. He also skips days of school whenever you get sick to take care of you."

She stayed silent.

"Okay fine. But I'm not obsessed!"

I sigh again. "But you have like a thousand photos of him, some planned- others not, and you always glare at any single thing with organs which looks at him." She opens her mouth to protest. "He's the only person that can call you Kathy- except me- and shut up. You know you're obsessed."

She huffs walking ahead of me. My best friend glances around for someone. Said person, her boyfriend, stands and waves in her direction to get her attention. A smile eventually takes over her lips as she waves back and heads in his direction.

They are so happy together.

I want a relationship like that.

It was now my turn to look around to find my love. I spot him sitting by himself at a window seat while he lazily sips his usual coffee, which is a white mocha by the way, with his eyes closed.

My feet start to involuntarily move on their own in his direction. I pull the chair across from him back and slide into it. One of his eyes open to peek at me and he smiles. "Hey, Maddy. Haven't spoken to you in a while!" He speaks up when he brings the cup from his lips. His pulls on a strand of his blond beautiful hair. "How've you been?"

"I've been doing okay. How about you?" I reply with a smile on my face. But I feel awkward so i twist my earring. My stomach twists and turns like usual but I feel like someone- some people are staring at me. I glance around the area for the source of the stare. The cafe is pretty empty this morning, which is pretty weird.

Liam claps his hands together making me flinch. "I'm good. How'd you spend your little vacation?" He lifts his cup in boredom and starts to spin it. He glances at something behind me and a small smile forms on his face.

"To Italy." I shrug. "How about you?" I turn to look behind me. At the counter, is a blonde girl, who seems to be a year younger than us, ordering a drink.

"Fiddlesticks was a pain. Now we have a lady cat." He rolls his eyes when I giggle. "Hey, can I ask you for advice?" He stares at the cup and smiles sheepish with his cheeks a little red.


I'm not prepared.

"There's.." He stops to breathe. "There's this girl... That I possibly might have a crush on..." My heart flutters at the possibility that it possibly might be me. "...but..." He runs a hand through his amazingly soft blond hair. "She's younger than I am and..." My heart immediately fell.

It's not me.

He doesn't like me.

Liam, my crush for 4 years, doesn't like me.

I block out all of the sounds around me, even Liam while he explains his situation. I was expecting this. I was also expecting that I'd be in tears and heartbroken. But I don't feel that bad...

"Madison?" He calls my name.

I release a long sigh before I look up at him. "Yea?"

"Everything alright?" I nod. "My story can wait. What's wrong?"

I bite on my bottom lip and risk the question. "Liam, what am I to you? What do you think of me?"

He lifts his head as though he's thinking. "As a... Sister? I think? Or best friend." He raises a brow at me then they narrow. "Why?"

I shake my head and force a smile. "Nothing. Continue your predicament. I'm hear to help as your.... Best friend." As much as it hurt my soul, I said it.

He smiles brightly at me and continues. And I share my advice. But my mind couldn't stop going back to thinking at the confession.

But why don't I feel that bad? Was Kathleen right?


"Do you need me to cut out his guts and feed them to my dog?"

Zayden lets out a few laughs at Kathleen's statement. "Lucky, your friend is terrifying." He says in amusement.

"What the hell? No, I'm not. I'm protective. I will go to extreme measures if someone hurt my best friend." She rolls her eyes and he shakes his head, attention still on the road.

I burst out laughing and rest my head on her shoulder. "Nah, I'm good." I say, breathing in the nostalgic sent of the vehicle.

Since Kathleen stayed over the night without a car, we're driving her home. Quite an eventful ride, if I do say so myself. Kathleen and Zayden argued about food for a good couple minutes. Kathleen was saying she hated tacos and Zayden disagreed with her.

In the end, I agreed with Zayden. His point was solid.

"I didn't really care, to be honest." I shrug munching on the burito, a favourite, that Zayden brought for me. Apparently, he made it at university today. I'm now finding out that he majors in Culinary Arts. And let me tell, this burrito tastes like heaven in my mouth.

"I said don't eat in the car, Lucky."

"Oops." I notice a meat stain on my white shirt and try to rub it away with my finger which only makes it worse. "Too late." I grin smugly taking another bite out of it.

"And you say that you're obsessed with Liam." Kathleen rolls her eyes.

"Maybe I lost my feelings for him." I shrug.

"You don't say." Kathleen states with a hint of sarcasm. "Who's the girl he likes?"

"Some junior."

"Ah." She looks out the window. "Oh well. He missed his chance." She starts to pick up her bag when she sees familiar huge buildings. "Look out for Wesley. He's gonna try."

"He can go screw himself." I huff.

She opens the door of the Mercedes when I lift up my head. "Bye, love." She blows me a playful kiss when she steps out. I giggle. "Thanks, Zayden." Then she leans by the window by the window and mumbles something to him before running off.

Zayden starts up the car again. "Yup, definitely scary."

"What'd she say?"


But I knew it was something. He had that smirk on his face.

That smirk, I think I'm falling for.



Updates were slow before and they are gonna be for a while. You're not gonna have any chapters for the next two weeks because I have exams. Whoops. They were like that before because I had exams.

I'm actually trying to look over the subjects I'm not doing good in. And French is already a lost cause, not even gonna try for that. But yea.

Favourite subject? I like art.

Vote, comment and share?♥


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