👔Chapter Thirty Nine~Idiot Children👔

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Chapter 39- Idiot Children

Yes this was posted before. I'm reposting it because I changed stuff in it.


"So that's it?"

Zayden soon reenters the living room and places a mug in front his mother on the coffee table.

After the lady's husband had caught her after she fainted, my butler got scolded and I had to do the explaining instead. When the lady woke up, she and her husband introduced themselves as Zayden's parents and they had just came to visit their son- not expecting him to have a wife and children. I explained that it was a huge misunderstanding and that I was basically his "boss". After a moment of silent staring in shock, a look of realisation spread across Mr. Hart's face then he confirms that his son had gotten a new job.

"Yep! He's nothing more that butler! No need to worry! And these are just my siblings!" I smile politely at them and so do my siblings.

"Oh! I'm terribly sorry for jumping to conclusions! My son has just been living on his own for a while and hasn't called! So I was getting concerned!"

I sneak a side glance at him as Marisa answers the lady. "No need to be sorry, Mrs. Hart." She says as she leans her head on my shoulder.

Nicholas sits on my lap with my phone in his hands showcasing his charming smile. "Yea! Don't worry! It was just a huge misunderstanding."

"Why so formal? I'm Yasmine and this is Xavier. It's nice to meet you all." She sips from her mug. Honestly, how does she still look so young and beautiful? Her dirty blonde hair is still healthy and wavy and I don't see a single grey strand. Her eyes are a shimmering light blue, almost identical to her son's but just a tad darker. And only a few wrinkles.

His father has more of the strict and no nonsense vibe to him. He has brown- slightly silver rooted- hair and the same grey blue blue eyes as my butler. I can see that Zayden got his height from his father but definitely not his build. His father was more broad and muscular.

Zayden has a good genes of hair.

"Well, I'm Madison and these are my younger siblings, Marisa and Nicholas."

"Madison." His father speaks for the first time. "How old are you?"

"Still in school?" I nod. "Then why in the world would you need a butler for?"

I shrug in reply. "I have no idea. Part of our family tradition thingy."

"That's a waste of money."

"Oh shush, Xavier." Yasmine rolls her eyes then glance between Zayden and I. "He's still salty that his son had to leave his restaurant. Zay was the best worker there, you know."

"Surprise, surprise." Marisa mumbles, earning herself a slight pinch from her brother. They got bored of the conversation and decided to return to their show, Miraculous Ladybug And Cat Noir.

"That's... good?" Zayden snorts.

"You're making her feel awkward mom." He says, holding his mug in front of him. While they had cake, I just asked for a slice of the red velvet cake, which I couldn't eat since Nicholas was sitting on me, so Marisa did the job.

"It's my job as a parent." She winks and Xavier groans leaning back in his chair. "Having a butler means you come from a rich family?" I nod then tilt my head slightly. "Is it well known?"


"Where are you from?"

"Virginia but my mother is from Italy."

"Really?" I nod. "Can you cook?"

I should've never added that in. I shake my head. "I can't. I'm learning though. Zayden's teaching me."

As her gaze shift to her son, her brow raises and a smirk forms on her face. "Oh really?" I nod, I'm doing a lot of nodding now. "That's nice. How close are you two?"

"We're just friends." Zayden answers instead. "I work for her, I'm sure boss and coworker relationships aren't advised."

"You're a terrible liar." His father mutters, thinking that no one heard him and sips his tea. But I heard you, you sneaky bastard.

"What is your favourite thing to do?"


"Oh? What do you want to do for a living?"

"I'm not sure?"

"That's okay. You're still young. Housewives are still a thing. I'm one mainly because I'm waiting for Zayden to someday visit." Her eyes narrow at the son who just decides to look away. I shake my head in fake disappointed.

"I think I'll just go get more tea..." He says and stands, escaping to the kitchen.

"Oh, I apologise for wearing your jeans. I'll wash them and return them, I promise."

"That's okay, they were getting too small anyway." She merely flicks her wrist at me. "The next time he visits, you can come along, Madison!" His mother muses. "It'll be great to get to know you better!" I begin to twist my nonexistent earring.

"Yasmine. You're making the poor girl uncomfortable."

"Well I see my son with a girl, it's my job to get to know her!"

"You're scaring her off with all your questions."

"Um.. Excuse me?" Nicholas cuts in and they snap to him but their expressions soften when they see him. "Someone's calling my sister. Can you excuse her for a minute?" He asks politely with that heartwarming smile.

They nod, subconsciously probably, and Nicholas hops off my lap. "Thank you." He says when he hands me my phone. Marisa also hops off the L shaped couch. She grabs my hand and drags me to the guest room along with Nicholas.

Nicholas shuts the door and runs to take his spot on the bed beside Marisa. I finally decide to look at my phone, entering the pin, since it often seems to reject my finger print. 2 miss calls from Madelyn and a couple from Kathleen, which Nicholas seemed to ignore. My sister's name appears on the screen for another call and I answer.


"Finally! Mom sent me to, and I quote, 'fetch those idiot children and Nicholas'." I laugh at that. "So yeah, where are you?"

"Still at Zayden's place."

"And where's that?" I tell her the name of the apartment building we're in and it's address. "You're so far from home. Damn."

"No that far. Only a half an hour drive, I think." It's probably more.

"Well, guess what, I'm not home! I am close by because I thought you'd be at a place like that. Derek and I'll be there in five. Pack your things." Then she hangs up.

"What did she say?"

"She's going to be here in five minutes."

"That sucks. Didn't wanna leave yet. I guess we still have to get there by morning. Let's go get out things together, Nick."

"I'll go tell Zayden that we have to go."

They nod. I leave the room which is directly to the living room. Zay still hasn't returned from the kitchen. So I just smile at his parents. "I have to leave soon, but it was very nice meeting you."

"Likewise!" Yasmine grins as she combs her hand through her husband's hair. "Can you get our terrible son out of the kitchen please?"

I let out a snicker but obey anyway. Peeking my head into the kitchen, my gaze lands on the butler leaning on the counter with his arms crossed and his head down in deep thought.

"Um." He jumps up, eyes wide in my direction. "Madelyn's arriving soon to return the three runaways home."

"Oh." He scratches his nape in embarrassment. "It was nice having you here." He says when he see me strolling over to him.

"Thanks for having me." I send him a toothy smile.

He releases a long sigh. "Sorry about my parents. They can be a pushy sometimes."

"Nah that's okay. I actually like your parents." I lean on the counter next to him. "You have great parents, stop pushing them away. They're just looking out for you. Some people in the world would do any thing for parents like yours." He opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off. "So be grateful that their your parents. Besides, they gave you beautiful hair." I ruffle his beautiful brown hair.

He laughs at that.

"You're a terrible son for not calling or visiting them."

"I use to visit them but that kinda stopped when I started working for your family."

That just made me feel guilty. "You don't have an excuse for not calling them, though. And, if you had told me I would've worked something out."

"Like what, bribe your father?" He snorts.

"Okay good point."

"Maddy! Madelyn is outside!" Marisa yells and I hear a door open then a some goodbyes.

"Well, that's my cue. I'll see you on tomorrow." I push off the counter. "And go talk to them. Don't use the kitchen as your hiding place."

"Hey, wait! Don't you want the cake and the snacks you bought?" My brother asks heading to a cupboard then hands me a filled bag of snacks. Then he opens the refrigerator and takes out that cake and gives it to me as well.

"Thanks. I'm not saving any of this cake for you."

He rolls his eyes following me out of the kitchen. "Look at that. He came out!" His father jokes making me smile slightly.

"We have your thing Maddy, just come." Marisa says in a slightly strict tone as my two younger siblings stand outside, holding the door open.

I wave at the Hart family before heading toward the open door. "Goodbye! I hope to see you again." As soon as I step out, the door shuts.


We were in the process of opening the door when all three of our names are called out in a very feminine voice. When Nicholas shuts the door and we turn around, my mother is there standing in the hallway- in front the staircase- with her hands on her waist and staring at us with a deadly glare.

"I told you to return!"

"In the morning. It's still 11:50. I don't see anything wrong." Marisa says confidently but I could tell she isn't. She's picking at her pigtails.

The red haired lady face turns red in anger, almost like her hair, still glaring at all of us. "You didn't have to bring Nicholas into this!"

Nicholas runs a hand through his hair probably feeling the tension. "Actually, it was mostly my idea?" And my mother is taken aback.

She tries to find something to use against us. Then my father steps from the living room. Madelyn huffs behind me before abandoning us up the stairs. Gee thanks sis.

I stroll the kitchen resting the bag in a cupboard and then place the cake in the fridge before walking back out to the hallway.

His eyes land straight on me. "You know your butler can get fired for this." My jaw clenches and so do my fists.

"Okay, honey. Maybe that's a little too far." My mother's arms slacken.

"No, he can't. He didn't force us to do anything. He didn't break any of the rules set out. As far as I know, he kept all of them." I snap crossing my arms across my chest to resist punching something or someone.

"He practically kidnapped you."

"No, he didn't!" Nicholas and Marisa say at the exact same time I say, "Define kidnap?"

"Don't play smart with me Madison." He narrows his eyes, mimicking my action of crossing arms.

"No I'm serious. Define kidnap." I repeat. "See, your unable to answer because you already know he didn't commit an illegal action. Taking me to places is part of his job. And you already know it wasn't by force. Don't be stupid, you're smarter than that. Stop trying to get him fired when he hasn't done anything wrong."

"What about your younger siblings?"

"They were with me, so it doesn't count."

"We asked to go anyway." Nicholas mutters.

"It does. Your butler is on a warning. You're grounded for a week, Marisa and Nicholas are on clean up duty for the same week. And your cousin is coming to visit tomorrow for your school show next week."

Every year on the day that both my school and the male school were founded, they would join together to host a show. It just consists of a play or something that the founders were said to enjoy. Kathleen participates every year in the plays because she's in the drama club.

But that's not the point here.

This day is just getting worse and worse.

I sigh moving toward the staircase. "It's not like I can go anywhere, anyway."

My mother's expression softens as though she finally, finally, realises and sees what's going on around her. "Maddy..."

"I'm going to my room."

That's when I hear Nicholas- Nicholas, hiss between at my father between his teeth. "You're a ruthless and heartless monster." Then he darts after me.

Well damn.



100% not edited. The reason this was a bit slow to be updated is I was in the process of editing other chapters and slightly changing some of the scenes.

And yes, I changed the scene divider from °∆° to 🍀 because it suits it more and it represents luck.

Dream job?

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