👔Chapter Thirty Eight~ Arrogant Bastard👔

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Chapter 38- Arrogant Bastard

Oh yeah, I have to update this.


'Dinner' actually came out okay.

I didn't burn anything. Even Nicholas was surprised that it was edible and tasted good. It did take me at least half of an hour to learn how to peel potatoes and a whole hour to slice them. And then I actually had to do all of them by myself. And that took a while.

I mean, some of the fries were a bit too crispy but it was still edible! Zayden didn't trust me with frying the chicken because I burnt the first one so he just took over and did the rest of the food.

But hey! On the bright side! The fries didn't burn! Thats an improvement!

Zayden had a guest room which we decided to use as Marisa and Nicholas' napping room. They didn't seem to mind when they had to share rooms. They do that often.

We had stayed over the night, one- Marisa and Nicholas were practically passed out by 7 and two, the angry parents did say tomorrow morning. Even though I very well knew that they wanted us home immediately. I'm going to use their words against them. Also three, Marisa and Nicholas had shoved some of their clothes in the car because they had already planned not to go home the night.

Sadly, they didn't have any clothes for me, so I was stuck with one of Zayden's shirt. It was grey, I loved that colour now.

I stir awake, a heavy arm draped around me and its fingers tangled in my ginger hair. My hands press against a bare chest and my eyes slowly flutter open. I rub my eye looking then look up at the own of all those parts.

He was peacefully sleeping, his lips slightly parted and curly locks of his hair fell across his forehead. His other arm was under my head. Forcing my eyes to break their gaze, I push against his chest to get away, but he just pulls me even closer.

I'm still innocent, children. Don't panic. No deeds were done.

"Zayden." He stirs a bit at the sound of his name, but his grip just tightens around me.

Then the doorbell rings.

And then again.

And again.

It wouldn't stop.

Have some patience.

"Zay." No answer. "Zayden." Nothing but a slight movement of the corners of his mouth. I knew he heard me. He's awake but just being stubborn. "Zayden!" He visibly frowns, his eyes still close.


"Someone's at the door."

"Okay?" His fingers begins to twist my hair and tug on some strands, gently.

"You need to answer it." Til this point, that doorbell has not stop.

"They'll eventually get bored and stop. And then finally go away and give me some damn privacy."

I glare. "Isn't today your off day? I'm sure you invited your parents?" He nods. "That might be them."

"They're coming later."

"You don't even know what time it is-"

"It's probably no later than 7:30, Lucky. I know that because you're awake. You still follow your wake up schedule even on the weekend." I can't help that. I'm too accustom to it.

"They might be early."

"I doubt." His finger begins to trail down the length of my spine making me shiver at his touch and arch my back slightly. He felt it and smirked, not even going to stop.

Arrogant bastard.

"Zayden." I warn, voice strained, but he continues, going as far as tracing lazy circles on my lower back. "Zayden, please, they won't stop ringing the doorbell." Then he stops and groans.

His eyelids slowly lift, uncover those bright, blue shining eyes. "Morning to you too." He removes his hand from around me and yawns.

"Morning breath." I begin to roll away. But that wasn't a smart idea because then I remembered this bed isn't as large as mine. I fell off- rolled off.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine!" I just lie there in embarrassment while Zayden laughs at me. "I'm just gonna... Lie here for a while." To you know, soak in my misery.

"You sure? You don't need help getting up?" I knew he was leaning over me, I could see the shadow, but my pride refuses to look at him.

"Just go an-"

"DIO MIO! APRA ALLA PORTA!" Marisa screams in exasperation and then we hear someone trying to hush her. The door did stop.

Only for the ringing to speed up.

"I am going to take the hint that Marisa wants to rip someone to threads?" Shuffling comes from the bed, indicating that he's getting off the bed.

"Yep, utterly pissed off. She's going to be like that for a while."

"This might be fun."


We had bought toothbrushes from the store- we planned to stay here either way- so I used one of those to brush my teeth in the master bathroom.

Now here I am, on the living room fur carpet trying to get a stubborn Marisa from glaring at that girl we saw yesterday. Nicholas was at the dining table eating his Lucky Charms cereal, in his star PJs,  but then he got a bit lonely so now he's in the corner of the couch watching whatever Marisa had turned on- Miraculous.

Zayden had put on a shirt- a miracle. While watching the series, Marisa keeps mumbling in Italian as the two, Zayden and Elina- I think- talk about something. Zayden's still playing with my hair by the way, since I'm sitting in front of him.

Then I hear my name gets mentioned and I pretend as though I'm watch television but truly I'm listen. Marisa and Nicholas do the same too. My little sister stops her Italian rubbish and Nicholas slows his eating.

"You work for her?" I'm going to assume Zayden nodded because the girl just continues. "When you told me that you 'got a new job' I didn't think it'd be babysitting!"

Marisa's string of Italian words return.

"It's not babysitting, Eliza." Right, I was close, enough.

"It sure looks like it. But hey, who am I to judge. I just met them anyway. What is it called then?" Nicholas just casually raises the volume of the show.

"I'm her butler."

"Why does she need one-" I don't know either, hon, I don't know.

My younger sister takes her frustration and annoyance out on a poor near by dark beige pillow still saying her string of words. It's easy to end her little Italian string.

Out word her.

I'm about to shuffle to her before realising that Zayden's hands are still in my hair. I turn to swat them away then shuffle to Marisa at the edge of the sofa, despite my butler's pleas.



"Lei non ha sbagliato niente."

"Sì, mi ha svegliata!" Marisa huffs patting down her night dress then hugs the pillow to her chest. I'm sure Nicholas understands some parts and just pieced them together.

I shake my head. "Non ha. Il campanello ti ha svegliata. Avresti potuto apri anche però non be consiglio, comunque. Non arrabiarti con lei."

She quiets, the whole room did, and blinks at me. "Sorry? Can you say it slower? I didn't catch from 'svegliata'?" Her cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"Nothing. Don't worry about." Nicholas hops off the sofa to sit on my lap with his cereal.

"You're Italian?" Eliza says to me for the first time since she arrived. I nod in reply. "That's so cool! Does that mean you can cook well?"

Zayden snorts and the girl behind me releases a series of giggles. My face heats up and I turn away to hide.


"But you can cook?"


"Not at all?" I remain quiet. "That's.... kinda sad."

Everyone just agrees with it, except Nicholas who's the sweetheart of the bunch. Or maybe he just stopped listening to watch his show.

When Zayden gets up to head to kitchen to start breakfast, even though Nicholas beat him to it, Eliza turns to be completely and starts whispering. "Is that all your natural hair?"

"Yep!" Losing interest in the conversation, my sister slides off her seat onto the floor next to me.

"It's so pretty!" She shout- whispers. "Did you know that Zayzay has a thing for redheads and curly hair?" She says with amusement and mischief in her blue eyes.

I blink at her. "Is that why you dyed your hair red?" I blurt out then instantly slap my hands over my mouth in regret. "I'm sorry,, I didn't mean it in a rude wa-"

Then she laughs.

"No need, no need." She waves it off. "But yeah, I had a short crush on him before and found out he liked redheads. So tada! But then he flat out rejected me and said he only thought as me as a best friend-" I wince. "Yep! He threw me in the best friend zone! So I cut my hair to start over."

"Sorry to hear?"

"Nah it's okay. I found the one for me." She grins as though she was picturing the person in her head. "Sorry about my little 'annoyance' yesterday. I guess I was just tiny bit jealous of you. Its all gone now because I know who you are!"

"It's okay."

"You're not a very social person, are you?" She says out of curiosity.

I shake my head 'no'. "That's more my sister."

She nods understanding. "Ahhh, I see. Well, I claim the godmother of your first daughter."

You can do that now?


Marisa and Eliza together spoke for hours until she had to go.

Now it's 10:30, all of us had showered and stuff. I got shoved into one of Zayden's hoodies and pair of his mother's old jeans, despite my denies. Another person rings the doorbell and Nicholas runs to get it. Might I tell you, with my phone.

I shout for him to stop, darting out the dining room to stop him. I was too late, and I stop a little in front the archway, he opened the door already, staring wide eyed at a confused, yet familiar, sapphire blue eyed middle aged lady. Her eyes shift to me and she looks at the door number.

"I'm sorry? I think I have the wrong door..."

Right on cue, Zayden from the dining room and stands behind me and Marisa pokes her head out from behind me. The lady blinks dropping the bag in her hand, gaze switching between all of us.

"But- Huh?"

"Mom?" He brushes pass me to reach her. That's why she looks so familiar! She's the person as his profile picture! So thats where he gets his eyes from!

"I left you for one year! One single year! And you already have a wife and kids?" I could tell her mind was spinning. "I can't believe it! You're only 19! Oh god-"

"Is my Lord and saviour." Marisa mumbles, I think Nicholas said the same thing because his mouth moved too.

"I can't believe-" And then she felt back but someone is, luckily, there to catch her.



The Italian Conversation-


And then:

Madison- Stop it.
Marisa- But-
Madison- She didn't do anything wrong.
Marisa- Yes, she woke me up!
Madison- She did not. The doorbell woke you up. You could've answered too but I wouldn't recommend that anyway. Don't be angry with her.

Favourite aisle in a grocery store?
For me it's between these two: freezer aisle and dairy aisle.

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