👔Chapter Thirty Seven~ Skittles👔

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Chapter 37- Skittles

This was suppose to be posted on Tuesday but, like, I forgot.

Needs major editing! Beware!


"Where are we?"

After around 3 hours at the park, Zayden decides to kidnap us from the park and transport us to someplace which he won't tell us about. He just ignores Marisa and me as we annoy the hell out of him with 'Are we there yet?' While Nicholas just finds it completely hilarious.

When he parks the car in the place full of vehicles, I feel the panic in me build up. "Where are we?" I ask as Marisa and Nicholas hop out.

"Ah, I know where we are." Marisa plays with her braid. With no warning at all, Marisa jumps on Zayden's back, at first taking him by surprise but in the end supports her weight.

They walk ahead without me, not Nicholas though, he takes my hand as comfort and follows behind them. After walking through a huge, slightly full carpark, we approach a building, with a weirdly shaped front. "What is-" Then I look up at the large words across the front.

"WALMART!" Nicholas jumps up and down trying to pull me in throw the automatic doors quickly. "Let's go, let's go!"

"I'm going to guess he, of all people, likes shopping?" Zayden asks.

"Mhm. He likes buying the unhealthy stuff and running through the stalls. It's like a playground to him." Marisa explains.

"Isn't she heavy?"

My butler shakes his head. "She weighs almost next to nothing. You have a family of light weight people."


"Even you weigh almost next to nothing. And you eat a lot."

"If I had something, I'd throw it at your head right now." I huff.

He shrugs in reply. "Do that when we're in the store-."

"Can you stop flirting and walk into the store please?" The little nine year old whines trying to drag me across the floor.

"Seriously though." Marisa adds.

I roll my eyes at them but still walk into the enormous store. A lot of people. So many people. But... They aren't just in one spot. They're scattered out, doing their own thing. Despite the slight crowd, I feel a bit calm, a little frightened, but relatively calm. It isn't that big.

While I was too busy staring at the crowd, Zayden had already gotten one of the big shopping cart and was pushing it along. Apparently, during that time as well, Marisa was moved to sit on his shoulders instead.

"I've never felt so tall in my whole entire life!" Marisa beams. "I feel like I'm on top of the world!"

"Why do we need such a large cart?"

"One of you are going to get into it."

"Not me." Marisa and I say at the same time Nicholas says the opposite, "I'd do it."

"You were that last person I thought would be up to it. Good job! You're so brave unlike your older sisters." Both of the the older sisters glare at home and Nicholas just smiles a breathtaking and adorable sheepish smile.

"I'm jealous." Marisa says before me. "You and Madelyn have the prettiest smiles ever. And then you see my smile and think I'm cringing."

"Your smile isn't bad, Risa. I think it's very pretty." Nicholas compliments her and her cheeks turn a tinge of pink in embarrassment.

"I hate you."

"What did I do?"

"Little guy, girls are the most complicated living things that have ever existed. Sometimes don't try to understand them." Zayden explains. Marisa pulls his hair. "Never mind."

Thank you, Marisa.

When we get into a random empty aisle, I sneakingly lift my younger brother into the shopping cart- because he's too small to do that himself.

"The squares are irritating but other than that, it's comfortable." He says as I hand him sling bag to hold. "I could sleep in here." Zayden pushes it forward a bit testing the weight.

"How are all of you so light?"

"We have a healthy lifestyle?" Marisa says. "The candy aisle is two aisles down. Let's go there."

"So you don't live a healthy lifestyle then.." He murmurs.

"Is it safe to sit at the front of this without making it break?"

"I've seen two grown people stand in this, you'll be fine." My annoying butler says as he starts pushing the cart.


"Maddy, you bare scraped 100 pounds, you'll be fine." He stops the cart. "Are you getting on or not?"

"He got you there, Madison." Marisa snickers.

"You can't talk. You're lighter than I am." I narrow my green eyes at her. I stare at the shopping cart, contemplating and calculating the amount of weight it'd be able to hold before it breaks-

"Maddy, I love you, but you're thinking too much so please just get on the flipping cart!" Zayden shouts- whispers into utter frustration.

"Exactly! I want my Snickers Bar!"

Let's just say, I safely on the front. "This is a huge- ginormous safety hazard!" I onto the sides of the shopping cart keeping balance.

"Sometimes it's good to risks." Then he speeds up.

I mumble prayers under my breath and close my eyes. "Please don't let me die. I'm too young. Don't let me die.." I glance behind me. Nicholas is having a grand time with his hands are in the air and Marisa and Zayden are just laughing.

Am I the only one seeing the problem here?

We soon come to a slow pace when we reach the candy aisle. "What do you want, little guy?"

Nicholas at this point looks as though he just entered heaven. "Can I really choose?" He seems so excited, it brings a small smile upon my face. "I want first of all the almighty Snickers! A lot of them! Like two boxes! And then I want Skittles! A lot of those too!"

"He has too much of a sweet tooth."

"Him and Madison are probably the most unhealthy eaters in the family. They wouldn't really eat regular meals but would rather get cake."

Nicholas rolls his eyes in exasperation. "You guys just haven't live yet. Your youth is your sweet tooth."

I hop off the front and high five my little brother. "You let Nicholas tell you off." I skip through the aisle trying to locate the Skittles section and pick up like 10 of them. And then to the Snickers, I take up two boxes.

"You're going to get cavities." Zayden says on the verge of laughing as I pass the items to the excited boy sitting in the cart.

"Not if we take care of out teeth! Besides, there's a 100% chance that Madelyn and Marisa are going to eat some too."

"She's not wrong."

"Anything you want, Risa?"

"Reese's Peanut butter cups."

"Thats it?"


So what do I do? Of course I get a box of those and reclaim my position on the front of the cart. "Now my turn! We're going to the snack section because I want oreos!"

"I thought you didn't like chocolate?"

"How dare you question my likings?! Oreos are an exception because they taste delicious!" I twist my body to glare at him.

"Again, she's not wrong." Nicholas chimes in then points onward. "To the oreos!"

Marisa points onward as well. "To the oreos!" I turn and do the same thing.

"To the oreos!"

"You guys are so immature."


We got caught but they didn't say anything. In the end, we ended up with a buttload of snacks, random food things and a store bought red velvet cake.

It was needed okay?

The cashier and manager recognised us as the famous actress' children, my mother, and gave us too much of a discount. So I threw a tip at them after I forced Zayden to split the bill between us.

I'm sure he wanted to throw me out the store.

During the journey back to the car, those people who didn't recognise us, thought we were a family and were gushing over us. Some even said, and I quote, "Are you two married?", " Such a nice family" and some "How old are they?"

What made it worse was we decided to play along with this family business.

Marisa switched with Nicholas and decided to walk because Nicholas was getting a bit sleepy and could barely keep his eyes open and walk without stumbling.

Marisa and I had to be the ones shoving the groceries in the 2nd backseat of the vehicle since Zayden was too busy carrying a half asleep nine year old.

As soon as we all got into the car, Nicholas fell asleep on his sister's lap.

"Marisa? Should mom and dad be home yet?" Dad sounded so foreign coming from me.

"It's only 3:30."

"Lemme rephrase that, do you want to go home, yet?"


"We can go to my place?" Zayden suggests, eyes focused on the road ahead.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you lived somewhere before." I say honestly and Marisa snorts. "You don't live your parents, right?"

"Nope. I live in a lonesome apartment."

"Why, if I may ask?"

"I don't know. Just want to live by myself and work for myself for a while."

"So independent." Marisa says as she plays with her brother's curly hair while he sleeps soundly.

"So we're going to your place?"



"This has to be one of the fanciest apartment areas I've ever seen in my life." Marisa gushes holding two grocery bags in her hands as we walk in.

We bought a lot of stuff. Don't even question it.

"My father owns a restaurant so we did have some sort of money coming in." He shrugs and he holds two bags as well as a sleeping Nicholas on his back. I'm carrying a bag and cake.

The receptionist stares at eyes really strangely with widen eyes. I just give him a shy nod of acknowledgement before jogging to meet the others in the elevator.

"Can I click the buttons?" Marisa squeals excitedly hand hovering above the control pad. "Which floor?" I know she's restraining from bouncing up and down.

While Nicholas is overjoyed with a grocery store, she's overjoyed by the beep sounds and pressing feeling of a button. Everyone in my family is weird.

He tells her the floor, almost laughing at he enthusiasm and before we know it the door opens and we're on our way to his door.

Sometime during our nice little stroll, a girl, around Zayden's age bounces up to him to greet him. And by the way she's looking at me, I think she already hates me.

"Hey Zayzay!" Her auburn hair is cut in a pixie cut which makes her soft face and bright protruding blue eyes look bolder. But her hair is dyed. I know it is. I know the difference between a real red head and a dyed red head. I mean, my family is filled with them, for goodness sakes!

Also, that nickname is fat NO.

"Oh." That did not sound very enthusiastic at all. "Hi Eliza. Don't you have class today?" He stops to talk. Marisa and I just exchange glances.

"Yep, that's where I'm going to now!" Then she glances at all of us. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend!" She gasp over dramatically. "Hello! I'm Eliza. I'm in one of Zayden's culinary classes!"

I just nod and smile, just like my mother taught me when I meet someone like this. "Madison."

"So you're Madison!" I hear a tinge dislike in there. "I've heard of you!" I nod and tilt my head in confusion.

I just really want to eat this cake.

"Um, I'll go ahead. Which door is it?" I ask as Marisa taps Nicholas to wake up. No Witson left behind!

Zayden sighs letting Nicholas down when he wakes up. "Second door down. I'll be right there, in a moment."

I nod taking the key from his finger and we make our way to his apartment. I stand in front the door that's supposedly his and just stare at it.

"Open the door, Nicholas is about to pass out at any moment now!"

"Okay! Okay!" I push the key in the keyhole and turn, hearing a click sound after. Holy, thank goodness it fit. I push open the door and I'm slapped in the face with a beautifully scented aroma.

Nicholas didn't care though. He just saunters toward the L shaped beige couch and collapses onto it. Everything was a different shade of beige and brown. Except the walls, they were flat white.

Marisa follows me as we try to find the dining room of the place. We eventually find it through an arch way from a lounging area connected to the kitchen. Since the table is small, only surrounded by four chairs, we decide to put the grocery bags on the kitchen counter instead.

"Can I play on your phone, please?" Marisa pleads, giving her best puppy eyes. I give in, letting the phone recognise my finger print because I'm too lazy to type in the password then hand it to her. She runs off to the living room almost immediately.

In the middle of packing up the items for Zayden, the butler himself enters when I'm putting peanut butter in the cupboard.

"You didn't have to do that."

I shrug. "I mean, you paid for half of them anyway." I reach for something else. "Besides, I had fun today. Thank you. So this is the least I could do."

I turn my body to face him and smile as he leans on the corner counter next to me. "I could at least help?"

"No. You have to cook." I glare at him and point the tomato sauce can in my hand at him.

"I'm not cooking today. You are."

"What?" I almost drop the can. "Do you want the your home to be burnt to ashes?"

"It won't burn. I'll be hear to help you if anything goes wrong." A smiles spreads across his lips. Peaceful. Cheerful. Happy.


I moved without thinking.

I quickly put down that can and press my lips against his. He's taken by surprise and I pull back. "Uh- um.. Sorry! I wasn't thinking! Let's just-"

He cuts me off by snaking his arms around my waist and leans in, our foreheads touching, smirk prominent on his face. "Shh." I close my eyes, savouring the moment. Then his lips brush against mine.

My body reacted before my mind did. My hands press against his chest then wrap around his neck, resting on his shoulders, to pull him closer. My fingers involuntarily play with the curly locks of his brown hair and I feel him smirk against my lips in amusement.


He lifts my next to nothing weight off the ground, turns and sets me on the counter, not breaking away from the kiss. His hand moves to cup my jaw, tilting my head and guiding the kiss. He pulls away and I'm about to whine about it but then that action gets tossed away when he starts peppering kisses from my neck and shoulder. I bite my bottom lip to refrain from doing any of those noises that are reserved for red velvet cake. He returns to my lips and I nibble on his bottom lip.

As soon as we are about to deepen the kiss-

"Madison!" Marisa's voice shout and I hear her footsteps approaching so I pull away. "Madelyn's calli- Oh. I'll just tell her to call back. Hehehehe." She snickers peeking from a the fridge.

Zayden stares at me with those bright amused blue eyes and smirks. "It was great while it lasted." He kisses my nose and steps away leaving me flustered and flabbergasted. "Go talk to your sister. Don't forget you have to cook."

"She's cooking? WE'RE ALL DOOMED-" Marisa scrunches her nose up with the phone to her ear. "Okay wait, Jeez."

I follow Marisa out of the kitchen to the dining room and she hands me my phone. "Hello?"

"Where the hell are you?"

"Nice greeting there, Maddy." I lean on the wall. "We're at the place where Zayden use to reside."

"And you didn't bother to call!" She practically yells in my ear.

"No? I didn't know it was gonna happen. I forgot to call. Sorry."

She sighs on the other side. "Where'd you all go?" I fill her in on all the activities we did so far and she shifts from angry to completely jealous. "Jealooooous. I wish I could've been there. You sound like you had fun. Screw my music gigs, I'm going with you next time."

"But those are important."

"Yea, yea. Angry parents want you back by tomorrow morning. Go supposedly 'learn to cook' because I'm sure that's what you'll be doing." She says with sarcasm in her voice.


"Bye! Love you!" And she hangs up.

I head back into the kitchen watching Zay take out some potatoes. "Round two or actual cooking?"

I flick his shoulder when I reach him. "Cooking."

"That sucks." He smirks. "We'll start simple. Fries and fried chicken. From scratch."



*sips tea* 🐱☕

Vote, comment and share?♥


P/S: Shout out to Andyl90 and read his new fan fiction! He's new here and had the courage to dm me so go read it! You can find it in one of my reading lists or just go on his profile. That too.

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