👔Chapter Twenty One~ Really?👔

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Chapter 21~ Really?


Madelyn and I pretty skip our through entire mansion. Almost knocking down a few expensive vases and breaking a few glass cups. We were pretty far from the front of the house. Like far. Way to the east. I have to say, I have never really looked at my house like this. I actually notice how nice and white our walls are and the beautiful painted pictures and scenery hanging from those said walls.

Half way through the walk, my sister and I were exhausted. So we got piggyback rides from our lovely kind butlers.

No, we're not lazy. We are just not extremely fit people.

Okay, maybe we're lazy.

We finally reach the stairs where our butlers put us down at the top. Maddy and I skip down those stairs at the last two stairs, my sister tripped. And um, fell.

It was the most hilarious thing I had ever seen in the 18 years that I had lived.

I burst out laughing sitting down on the second step to taunt her and sober up. "Maddy, are you okay?" She groans in pain still flat on the floor. "Are you breathing?" She nods slowly. "Then you're fine." I laugh again.

She slowly sits up rubbing to tip of her red nose to ease the pain. "That's not funny, Maddy!" She grunts frowning deeply. "I could've broken something!"

"But you didn't."

"I could've!"

"But you didn't."

She rolls her eyes standing up with a groan. "Shut up. I hate you."

"Oh please. You love me." I roll my eyes as well. But right after, like we didn't learn our lesson previously, we began skipping again as the butlers hold a conversation behind us.

We reach the archway of the living room walking instead of skipping. Because we would've gotta shouted at by everyone. The maids, the house keeper, the guards, my mother and my father.

There's a strict rule about skipping inside the house.

Madelyn and I do not care. Not even Marisa and Nicholas. We all skip in the house. Of course we've been scolded plenty of times but, we just do not care.

Call us rebels, because that exactly what we are.

"The guest of honour has arrived." Madelyn gestures to me as she does a ballet leap away.

I fake a sniffle standing in front of everyone. All the eyes on me made my heart beat faster. "I just wanna say thank you for inviting me to your special event. It has been wonderful so far and I hope the rest would be as good." I wipe a tear away. "I want to especially thank Nicolai, for all the tr--"

"Stop being dramatic, Madison, and sit down." My mother cuts me off, hissing between her teeth, most likely know that I was going to strongly insult her husband. "Your father just wants to take a family photo since my mum is here."

"Madelyn told me." I reply as I sit in the seat in front of Zayden, smiling slightly and I feel him secretly playing the strands of my hair.

"Alright! Hi! I'm Teresa, and I'll be your photographer for the day!" A lady, who I had not noticed was there the entire time, with black hair and nice smooth dark brown skin- her skin colour is so gorgeous- smiles brightly us with a camera handing from a strap around her neck. "Let's get you all into an acceptable position for this photoshoot!" Gracie and Starr bark in excitement.

I was positioned on armrest on slightly on the side toward the seats of the sofa. Zayden was standing behind me, on a side as well, with his arms wrapped around me. Of course my father hated it, but it was what the photographer wanted. Madelyn was on the opposite arms, with her butler standing behind her. But instead, she was leaning her back onto him, resting her head on his shoulder. My father and mother were in the middle, with Nicholas on my mothers lap. Nonna was beside my mother with dogs by her feet. Marisa was next to her father, with her feet in the chair, lying her head on her father's shoulder. My mother's maid was behind her, and the housekeeper was behind dad. Then every other servant, like the chefs, just filled in the vacant spots.

"All right! Perfect~!" The lady purrs snapping a whole bundle of perfect with her fancy camera. I think I smiled too much, my jaws were greeting tired.

She finally finishes showing us the photos. As usual, Madelyn had the brightest and most beautiful smile. Nicholas had a nice smile too while he pet Gracie for her head was on his lap. Marisa looked fierce as her hair was twisted around her finger. My mom and dad were holding hands in the middle. But my dad didn't smile. He never smiles during pictures. He hates them. He only does the because his wife loves them.

I smiled an okay smile but my hair is so long. I swear I saw Zayden holding a few strands of my hair with his arms around me.

"You guys are such a nice family!" Teresa gushes. "So! I'm going to send you all the pictures soon, don't worry. If you don't get them soon, you could just sue me." She giggles taking her camera back. "Bye, lovely family!"

Everyone went back to their duties right after except the family and the assistants.

"So." Nicolai starts off. "We're leaving on the 27th so on the 26th, I wanted to plan something. I was thinking a fair. My friend-"

"Oh my gosh, dad, you have friends?!" Marisa exclaims.

"Continuing, my friend is the owner of this company and they're hosting a huge fair. So I was.." He trails off when he sees the fear in my eyes. Written all over my face. A little on Marisa's face too. A small smirk grows on his face. "Oh right, I almost forgot."

"You little-" my nonna starts off hissing through her teeth. Nonna and Madelyn glare daggers at him but he ignores it all. And his wife is just so oblivious to everything.

"I- I can't go." I mutter looking down at my hands. "I don't think I can either." Marisa says and frowns deeply.

"Dad, that's not fair! You know Madison is-" Nicholas furrows his  brows arguing but mother covers his mouth instantly causing him to scream and flail in frustration. She moves her hand a second later and mumbles sorry to him.

"I'll just stay here-"

"No you coming with us." My father cuts Zayden off. "But we're going in different vehicles. But you know what a rule says if you're not with a member of the Witson's."

This causes Madelyn to stand up with complete anger as she glares at her father. "That is completely out of line, Nicolai! You are too harsh to do that do your own friggin' child! Children even! You know how Marisa gets! Do you not have any damn sympathy?!" She shouts clenching her fists.

I look at Zayden above me who is both in shock and confusion.

"Madelyn is right! That's absolute heartless!" My nonna glares at him as well.

"How dare you shout at him, Madelyn? You know this is by rule! You and Madison of all people." Mother butts in.

"I cannot believe that I have conceived a child like you, Morgan." Grandma glares at her own daughter ready to pounce at her and just strangle her.

"Either way, we all know, Madison won't go." Nicolai rolls his eyes.

"I wonder why the fu-"

I breathe in shutting my eyes before opening them and showing a small smile. "Really?" That stops Madelyn's sarcastic statement. Everyone stares at me. "I'll go."

"What?" Nicholas frowns and his face is painted with worry. "But big sis..."

"I'll go." I smile once more. But inside, I'm terrified. My father's eyes widen and my mother just remains calm petting Gracie and Starr.

"Maddy, you can't." Marisa says quietly.

"I'll go."

Madelyn glares at her father and so do I. We both say in complete unison. "But if anything happens, it's your fault."



So I just realised that I've been spelling Madelyn's name wrong for half the book. I just had to go back and change all of it. It's not spelt Madeline. It's why a 'y'.

I feel like I'm just gonna skip Christmas and go to New Years. The skip like Half of January and then go to Valentine's day.

What do you think of the Morgan?


Yea, me too.

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