👔Chapter Twenty~ Sweet Talker👔

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Chapter 20- Sweet Talker




I'm in the second lounge area, sitting on the sofa with my head leaning against the back and my eyes closed while Zayden casually strokes my hair. I don't mind it, it actually feels kinda nice.

Zayden laughs and I frown turning my body to look at him. Instead, I kneel down on the seat, with my knees grazing the back, and rest both of my elbows on top of the chair back.

He looks nice. He probably put a bit of effort on his clothes but they fit him wonderfully, none the less. As they hug his lean, 6 ft body, and he is muscular. He's not as muscular as Wesley and Liam, but still muscular. Maybe he doesn't work out as often as they do.

His lovely brown hair was the best. It's just looks as he ran his hand through it in the morning. There was always a strand, a really curly one at that, which was always out for show on his forehead. It was cute.

What's happening to me? Why am I checking out my annoying butler?

"Yes, Lucky. I did have a girlfriend. A couple to be more precise." He grins down at me. I roll my eyes as I rest my right cheek on the palm of my hand, before letting out a small sigh. "Jealous?"

I shake my head then my lips spread in a smile. I lift my head from my palm as I playfully poke Zayden in the stomach. "It was the blue eyes, was it?" I say sticking my tongue out.

I had to admit, Zayden's eyes are absolutely gorgeous. They are a beautiful  blue colour. It sometimes seems as though they are transparent. You can tell when he's amused, his eyes sparkle with mischief.

"Mm.. Most likely." He answers after the thinking for a while. He tilts his head slightly and stared at me probably deep in thought again.

"What's on your mind?"

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?" His question throws me off guard but I keep my cool and turn back around sitting in the chair more ladylike.

"Yea. Only one though. Didn't last that long." Oh no... I feel a rant approaching. "I don't blame him, to be honest."

"Care to tell me why?"

Then my mouth took over instead of my mind staying in charge.

"I mean, just look at me and think for a second." I stand up on my two bare feet from the sofa and face him. I watch him glance over my body, as I fight a blush coming across my cheeks.

He stares back into my green eyes, raising a brow in confusion. "I don't see anything wrong."

"Lying to your mistress isn't good." I groan crossing my arms across my chest. "Just look, I am so plain. I have absolutely no bust, aka boobs, and little backside. I am probably the only one in my family that's like this. I mean, look at my mother, she's forty something and she still has a lot. Actually, look at my older sister! She's only like two years approximately older that than me and do you see those curves? Do you even see my clothes? She gets to wear all those nice clothing and I have to find something that won't make my chest look even smaller and my clothes won't look loose. My preference for clothes is so plain and boring, not words from me, words from my little sister who has a way larger closet than I do. I usually pick really simple and homey clothes but I get send back in my room to change. Look at what I'm wearing now a simple coral T-shirt and denim shorts. People come to our home often to take pictures, and I look completely odd compare to everyone else. Fancy clothes just don't suit my- 5ft 5 inches- self. Plus my long curly hair doesn't make it any better. It's such a hassle and I just throw it up in one. I have the longest hair on the family, right now, but it's stressful. And don't even get me started on my boring personality. I'm just so emotionless. Who would want to date a human hating antisocial person like myself who gets-"

Before I could finish, Zayden covered my mouth with his hand. I didn't even noticed when he moved from behind the sofa. My eyes automatically widen but then I narrow them into a deathlike glare.

"You don't appreciate yourself enough, Madison." He sighs, what really surprised me is he actually said my name instead of that stupid nickname. "You're beautiful and amazing, just the way you are. I can't stand to see you insult yourself like that."

I still continue to glare daggers at him, as he stares at me in confusion once more. I bite down on his palm making him yelp in pain and shock. "Jesus-" he says snatching his hand away from my mouth. He rubs his palm on his pants before massaging it with his other hand.

"Don't you dare shut me up like that ever again." I demand narrowing my eyes even further.

"Are your teeth made out of diamonds or something? You bite like a shark!" He groans in pain and I can see my teeth marks dug into his palm as that area slowly turns red.

I think I bit him too hard.

"Oh shoot! I'm so sorry. Umm. Umm.." I spot my older sister by the door frozen in shock and worry.

"Oh gawd, Madison! Again?!" She yells as she bolts to the small freezer in the room taking out a pack of frozen peas.

"Again?" Zayden questions as he takes the pack from my sister when she walks over.

"She's bitten all us before when we've done to her." She sighs standing next to me. "She once bit dad's hand until it started to bleed." I huff and Zayden just chuckles in strained amusement. "We're trying to get her out of that reflex. As you can see, we still haven't succeeded."

He waves it off. "No worries. I'm not dying, so it's fine."

"Sorry again." I mutter seeing him smile in forgiveness. "Madelyn? Why did you come here?"

"Right! Little Nicholas is freaking out because Christmas is tomorrow. And also because Marisa returned from the hospital."

"I know you're lying because, one, Marisa never went to the hospital and, two, Nicholas doesn't care that much about Christmas." I reply.

"How does he not care about Christmas?!" Zayden questions in surprise. "When I was his age, I was freaking out over Santa."

"Nicholas doesn't believe in Santa. Which is quite ironic since his name is Nicholas. But he doesn't really like the getting gifts part." I answer.

Madelyn nods in agreement. "He's more of a giving person and believes that a person should be given a gift no matter what time of year it is."

Zayden blinks in amazement. "Your little brother is a sweet talker."

Maddy and I laugh and nod. "Trust me. I know." We say the same thing in unison.

"Anyways, why did you come here?"

"Dad wants to take a family photo. Including the servants and stuff but he wasn't sure you'd come so he said to make up an excuse." She says quickly.

"Okay, I'll go."

She grins. "Oh, he also said something about a surprise."



So... I'm just going to point out that my favourite character in this book is Nicholas hands down. Remember he's only nine.

Who's your favourite? If you even have one.

Vote, comment and share?♥


PS- I also updated the photos of the characters in the very first part of this book. :P

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