Boba Fett Strikes

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1 Week later
Chopper Base
Narrator pov.
Ezra and The Girls were Called to The Comman Center by Commander Sato for Another Mission. Ah Ghost Crew you have Arrived. Now we can get Down to Business. Commander Sato said. What's our Next Assignment Commander? Hera ask.

We Just got Intel that One of our Spys in The Empire is in Trouble. He's been  Discovered and Needs Help to Escape. I need you to go Rescue him Now. You can Count on Us Sir. They ran back to The Ghost and Took Off from Base.

5 Minutes later.
They Reach The Planet the Spy was on. They landed on The Ground and walk out The Ship. When they saw The Place. It was nothing but a Waste Land. Nothing but Dust and Cliffs. Is Commander Sato sure that The Spy is here? This Place is Nothing but a Waste Land? Sabine ask. Well he did say The Guy was here. So He must be hiding. Leia said. I'm not sure. Something just doesn't feel right. Ezra said.

I Feel it too Ezra. Ahsoka said. Then out of Nowhere a Electro Net Hit Ezra and Started Shocking him. He was Full Capture In it. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! He yelled. EZRA!!!! All his Girlfriends yelled. They ran to him attempting to Free him but were Stop by a Voice. STEP AWAY FROM THE JEDI!!! They look behind Them and saw a Guy In Green Armor.

And Who are you Supposed To Be? Hera ask. My Name is Boba Fett. I'm the one Greatest Bounty Hunters This Galaxy has ever Seen. And That Jedi Belongs to Me. So Step Away from him  or Be Destroyed. Boba Fett said Aiming his weapon. We're not letting you take him. Sabine said. Then you leave Me No Choice. He shot his Sniper at Sabine and But Ahsoka Actvied Her Lightsabers and was Deflecting his Shots.

DON'T LET HIM ANYWHERE NEAR EZRA!!! Ahsoka yelled. RIGHT!!! Everyone yelled back and pulled out there Weapons and Started Firing at him. He actvied his Jetpack and threw Smoke Bombs at them. The Girls can't see as Boba Ran into the Cannon. Once The Smoke cleared. They saw that he was gone. He must have ran off crying to His Mommy.

He doesn't have a Mom. He's a Clone. I knew him back in The Clone Wars. He tried to Kill My Master and Mace Windu. He was Arrested then Escape. And I can still feel that he still here. He's some where in The Cannon. He's trying to Escape. We're going after him. Ahsoka stay here and Guard Ezra. Everyone else We're going After Boba. Hera said as they ran into The Cannon to Search for Boba Fett.

5 Minutes later.
The 4 Girls were still Searching for Boba in Cannon but no luck. Then that's when they came two Path ways. Ok looks like We're going to have to Split Up. Leia and I are going to take The Left. Sabine, Ketsu take The Right. If anyone runs into him. Call and We'll be there. Hera said. Alright let's go Ketsu. Sabine said. Led The Way. Ketsu said and They went their path.

Hera and Leia went to the Left and Started Searching. Little did they know. Boba was standing on a Cliff looking at them. Easy Prey. I'll take out the Twi'lek and Girl First then The Two Mandalorians. And Once I'm Done with them. I'll take out The Female Togruta Jedi and Collar My Bounty. Now let's Finish This. Boba said and went to Hera and Leia.

Hera and Leia were unaware that Boba was coming. They kelp Searching when Hera ask Leia a Question. Leia Do you see anything because I don't. Bur Leia didn't respond. Hera look behind her and Leia was on The Ground Unconscious.  Hera ran to her and started shaking her.

Leia? Leia wake up. But Leia didn't. Hera pulled out her Com and called for help. Sabine Do you read me? But all Hera was Getting was Static. Your Signal is Being Jammed. There is no calling for Help. Boba Fett said Behind her. She turn around and Look at him. What did you do to Liea? I knock her out with My Knockout Darts. I tried to do The Same to you but you moved. So looks like I'm going to knock you out the old fashioned way or kill you.

I don't think so. You hurt My Ezra and you got to pay. Hera ran to him and Started swing at him but Boba was Dodging Them. Weak. He said as he Grab one of Her Fist. He used his other hand to pick her and Throw her to The Ground. You Never Stood a Chance Against Me. It's time to finish this. Hera look at as he was moving toward her.

She pulled out her Blaster and started Firing at him. Boba actvied a Button on The Wrist of his Armor that Make A Portable Shield. The Shield was Blocking Hera's Attacks. Before Hera decided to Get Any Other Ideas. He use His Other Wrist to Shot out a Electro Rope and Grab Her Blaster. Throwing it to The other side of where they Stand. He shot his Electro Rope Again and Tied Her Up.

Hera was Trap and No Way of Get Out. Well looks like our Little Game is over. I would like to keep playing but I have a Schedule to Keep. You Understand Right? He said in a Jokey way. The only thing I Understand is How I'm going to Kill You when I get out of This. She said in a Venomous way. And I'm looking Forward to it. But for now. It's time you to Sleep.

He actvied his Electro Rope and Started Shocking her Until She Fell Unconscious. He let her go and Proceed on with His Mission. Two Down. Three down. Now to Find The Mandalorians Girls. Then The Female Jedi. He said as He started His Search for Sabine and Ketsu.

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