Mandalorian Take Down

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Boba Fett pov.
I Was On My Way To The Location Were The Mandalorian Girls Were. After Taking Care of The Princess and Twi'lek Pilot. It Was Time To Finish Them and Head Back To Togruta Jedi and Beat Her So Can Capture The Young Jedi and Bring Him Back To The Seventh Sister Alive.

I Reach The Location Where They Were Last Spotted. They Must Have Gone Down Deeper In The Trail. I'll Follow It. I Follow The Trail and Hid Behind Some Rocks. That When I Saw Them. Still Searching For Me. Now It's Time To Take Care of The Mandalorian Brats. I said and Made My Move.

Sabine pov.
Me and Ketsu Were Still Searching For Boba Fett. But So Far Nothing. Are We Sure That He Still Down Here? Ketsu ask. I'm Not Sure. But We Can't Let Him Get Ezra. I said. What If He's Attacking Ahsoka Right Now? If He Was Attacking Ahsoka Right Now. Don't You Think She Would Have Contacted Us By Now.

Maybe She's Too Busy Fighting To Call. Fine I'll Contact Ahsoka. I Took Out My Com and Called Ahsoka. Ahsoka Do You Read Me? I ask. Ahsoka Here. What Seems To Be The Problem? She ask. We Believe That The Bounty Hunter Has Escape. There's No Sign of Him Down Here. How's Ezra?

Not Doing So Good. I Can't Get The Electro Ropes Off Him. You Better Get Back Here and Help Me. Alright I'll Contact Hera and Tell Her and Leia Pull Back. Alright Ahsoka Out. She said and Ended The Transmission. Alright Time To Contact Hera. Hera Do You Read Me? I ask But All I Got Was Static. Hera? Hera Are You There? What's Going On? Ketsu ask.

I Don't Know. I Can't Reach Hera For Some Reason. Well What About Leia? Good Idea. Leia Do You Read? Her Com Was The Same Static. Now I Can't Reach Leia. Ok Sabine There Are Two Possibles. One There In Trouble Or We'll Too Deep In Canyon. But If We Were Then How Did We Contacted Ahsoka? Ok Their In Trouble. Let's Go.

Me and Ketsu Started Running Towards The Way We Came Until We Were Stop By A Few Shots That Hit The Ground In Front of Us. A Person Landed In Front of Us and It Was The Bounty Hunter. You Two Aren't Going Nowhere. He said With His Blaster Pointing At Us.

We Pulled Out Our Blasters and Aimed Straight At Him. No Boba Your The One Who's Not Going Anywhere. I said. Is That Challenge I Here. I Like Challenge. You Two Better Put On A Good One Better Then The Princess And Especially The Twi'lek. Hera, Leia. WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM!!! Nothing But They're Just Taking A Little Nap.

But I Can't Say The Same For Your Jedi Boyfriend When I Deliver Him To The Empire. YOU STAY AWAY FROM EZRA!!! Ketsu yelled and Ran Towards Him. She Attempt To Punch Him But He Grab Her Fist and Lift Her In Air and Then Kick Her In The Stomach. He Let Her Go and She Drop Her To The Ground.

Disappointment Indeed. So Mandalorian. Can You Do Better Or Fail Like Your Friends? Fine But You Ask For It. I Used My Jetpack and Flew Towards Him. He Expected For To Punch Him But Instead. I Double Kick Him. He Fell Back and Landed On The Ground. Good Move But See If You Can Stop This. He Stood Back Up And Actvied His Jetpack. Then He Use His Flame Thrower.

I Use My Flame Thrower and Both Were Going At It. I See That You Have You Have Your Own Flame Thrower Too. Yeah So What? Every Mandalorian Warrior Is Suppose To Have One. True But Can They Increase It's Power. WHAT??? He Press Some Buttons On Wrist and The Flames Were Stronger. I Had To Let and Jump Out of The Way But Arm Didn't.

It Got Caught and Burned. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I yelled and Drop To The Ground. Holding My Right Arm. Oh Did The Tough Mandalorian Girl Burn Her Arm. Serves You Right To Challenge Me. Boba Said Still Flying In Air. SABINE!!!  Ketsu yelled and Threw Her Staff At Boba's Jetpack. It Hit and It Started Smoking and Caught On Fire.

It Started Going Crazy and He Started Flying Around Crazy. He Landed On The Ground and Took Off His Jetpack. It Exploded Along With Ketsu Staff. NO MY JETPACK!!! YOU PAY DEARLY FOR THAT!!! He yelled and Went Straight For Ketsu. They Begin Fighting and It Seem Like Ketsu Had The Upper Hand But Then Boba Got Back In The Lead.

He Punch Her In The Stomach and Kick Her In Her Legs. She Drop To The Ground and He Pick Her Up By Her Face and Threw Her To One of The Canyon Walls. See If You Can Survive This. He Pulled Out A Bomb and Threw It On Top of The Wall. KETSU GET OUT OF THERE!!! I yelled. As She Was Getting Up. The Bomb Exploded and Rocks Started Coming Down. Ketsu Couldn't Escape and She Was Buried.

KETSU NOOOOOOOOO!!! My Best Friend Now Gone. I Stood Back Up and Look Straight At Boba. YOU WILL PAY THIS!!! I yelled Full of Anger. And What Are You Going To Do? You Have Only One Arm Left. You're In Position To Fight Back. And What I Did To Your Friend Was Her Mistake. Maybe I Should Make You Join Her.

I Had Enough of This. I Pulled Out My Blaster and Started Firing At Him. He Actvied His Portal Shield. It's Time To End This Young Mandalorian. He Pulled Out His Blaster and Shot My Blaster Out of My Hand. I Tried To Reach My Other Blaster But He Use His Electro Ropes To Tied Me Up and My Legs.

He Kick Me The Chest and Knock Me Down. Then The Next Thing He Did Was Cruel. He Stomp On My Burned Arm. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I Bet It Even Hurts More Than Before. He Kelp Stomping On It and The Pain Was Getting Worse. It Was So Painful That I Even Started Crying. I Hope Those Aren't Tears I See.

He Stop Stomping On My Arm and Pointed His Blaster At Me. I Will Get You Back For This. I Promise. I said Full of Anger. Now Little Mandalorian. Don't Make Promises That You Can't Keep. I Going To Keep You Alive So You Can Feel The Pain of Your Arm and Losing Your Best Friend. Why You Little.... Was All I Could Say Before He Stun Me And I Blackout.

Boba Fett pov.
I Stun The Last Mandalorian Girl and She Blackout. She May Have Not Suffer The Fate Her Best Friend Did. But She Will Suffer The Pain of Loss. I Should Know How That's Feels. Now For The Togruta Jedi and The Boy. I Hope Getting Gets Him Won't Be For All This Trouble. I said and Headed Straight For Them.

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