Break Out And Attack

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Days later
Night time
Prison cells below the palace
Sabine pov.
I was in my cell figuring out how to get my revenge on leia. I need to get out of this cell but I can't because it's ray shielded. Wait I have a ray shield disrupter in my boot I been saving for something like this. I pulled it out and press against the door. The ray shield open and the alarm went off.

LOOK THE MANDALORIAN GIRL HAS ESCAPE!!! STOP HER!!! The guards yelled. They ran up to me and I kick and punch them. They laid on the ground unconscious. I went to a locker of weapons to get my blasters and helmet. I found them and exited the prison. Soon ezra will be mine again.

The palace
Leia pov.
I was in me and ezra's room. Ezra was about leave to talk to my father. Leia I will be back in a hour. Call me if you need anything. He said. Don't worry I will. Aren't you gonna kiss you girlfriend goodbye? I ask. He came up to me and kiss me. I never forget to kiss my girl. He left and I went to our bed and look at my  data pad.

Few minutes later.
I was still looking at my data pad when I heard a noise on the roof of my balcony. Hello is anyone there? I ask. Then the noise happened again. I got up and went to the balcony. Hello who's out there? Then I heard laughter. Hahahaha. Ezra if that's you this not funny. Then a figure land in front of me. They got up and I saw who it was. It was sabine.

Hello leia. Sabine said. Sabine how did you get out? I ask. That's non of your business but let me tell you something. You won't escape of what I'm going to do to you. She pulled out her blasters and pointed them at me. Look sabine you don't have to do this. Oh yes I do. She started shooting and I jump out of the way.

I need to find my com and blaster. Their on the night stand. I ran to the night stand and grab them. Ezra come in sabine's.... but sabine shot my com. It's fried. There's no calling for help now. Hey sabine how about we do this fist to fist. Fine by me. I want to kill with my fist anyway.

We charge at each other and started fighting. I knock her helmet off and punch her right in the face. She felt her nose and started to bleed. She turned red and going crazy. She kelp punch me repeatedly. She grab my hair and try to plant my face into the ground but stop her and kick in the stomach from behind. I kick her in the chest and she fell back. Destroying some stuff.

I need to get to the door. I walk to the door but she grab my leg. I don't think so. She got up and grab my arm. She twisted the other way and broke it. AHHHHHHH!!! I Yelled in pain. How you like that boyfriend stealer! She grab me and threw me to the balcony. I try to get back up but couldn't. I look at sabine and all I saw was pure rage. She grab me by the neck and had me almost over the edge.

This is the end of you leia. This is payback for what you did. You should have stay out of ezra's life. We're going to be together forever and he won't remember you. Keep telling yourself that. GOODBYE LEIA!!! She was about to push me over the edge when we heard a voice. STOP SABINE!!! We turn and saw it was ezra.

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