Injury And Consequences

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Ezra pov.
SABINE STOP!!! I yelled. Sabine turned around and  was happy to see me. Ezra your just in time to see leia die. Sabine said. Sabine let leia go. No she needs to die for what she did. She took you away from me. Now it's payback time. She was about to push leia over the edge until I use the force to stop her arms. What I can't move? Leia drop to the ground and I pull sabine towards me.

Now sleep. I use the force to knock her out. I didn't lay her down like normal people. Instead I throw her to the ground hard as payback for hurting leia. I ran to leia and she hurt badly. Leia can you move? I ask. No I can't. My arm is broke and everything else hurts. She said in pain. Don't worry I'm calling for help. I pulled out my com and called for help.

I NEED SOME GUARDS TO MY ROOM NOW!!! We're on our way sir. Don't worry leia as soon as they get here and take sabine. I'll take you to the medical center. Leia says falls unconscious. Then the guards came in.

The princess is she ok? One of them ask. I don't know but her injuries are bad. Take sabine to a cell were she can't escape. And what about you sir? I need to get leia to the medical center fast. I pick up leia and ran out of room with her in my arms.

15 minutes later
Medical center
I was in the waiting room. I brought leia to the medical droids and they told me to wait outside while they examined her. Then her father came rushing in. Ezra how is she? He ask. I don't know. The only thing she said was that her arm was broken. Sabine mess her up and was about to kill her. I said. That mandalorian has gone too far. My leia she's my only child. I don't want to lose her. Me neither.

Then a medical droids came. Mr brigder. He said. Yes is leia ok? She's fine sir but she suffer minder injuries. Like what? Her right arm is broken, she has some bruises on face and body, and she has 3 broken ribs. Is she able to move? Not at the moment but with some rest in a couple of weeks she will be able to move again. Can we see her? Bail organa ask.

Not right now she's in surgery but she's be out in 30 minutes do to the injuries. Ok that's good. With that the medical droid left. You know what happens next. Bail said. What? I ask. This is sabine's third attack. This time she will be on trial. I got up when bail stop me. Where are you going? I'm to contact hera to stop get credits. I said and walk outside.

Somewhere in space.
The ghost
Hera pov.
Me and kanan were in the cockpit chilling. Zeb was taking a nap and chopper was fixing something on the phantom. Then a transmission came on. I wonder who that can be? Kanan ask. Let's find out. I said and answer it. It was ezra. Ezra it's good to see. I wish I can say the same thing but not right now. We got a problem. What wrong? You sound angry and sad at the same time? Kanan ask.

It's sabine. What about sabine? I ask. She broke out of prison and attack leia badly. WHAT!!! We both yelled. How did she get out. One of the guards found this ray shield disrupter on her. What's the damage on leia? She has a broken arm and 3 broken ribs. So sabine will be on trial for her actions. So their will be no need for the credits anymore. Ok we're on our way right now. I said and ended the transmission.

I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!! I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!! I yelled. Hey caim down. Kanan said. Caim down, CAIM DOWN!!! I CAN'T CAIM DOWN!!! WHAT PART OF STAY AWAY FROM EZRA AND LEIA DOES SABINE NOT UNDERSTAND!!! I don't know but her love for ezra has gone beyond out of control. She's lost her way. OR HER MIND!!! ok stop yelling. Sorry I'm just really stress out. I know but we to be there for ezra so let's get moving. Right. I put in the corners and we went into hyperspace.

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