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30 minutes later.
Ezra pov.
It's been 30 minutes and leia still in surgery. With every minute passing I get more worried. Then a medical droid came out and look up. Mr brigder. He said. Yes? I ask. Ms. organ is out of surgery. She expects to make full recovery. That's great. Bail said. I'll take you to see her. Ok but ezra seeing how you and leia really care. I'm going to let you go first. Thanks. I got up and follow the medical droid.

2 minutes later.
I made to the room. The medical droid left and put my finger on button. I took a deep breath and press the button. The door open and saw her laying on the bed sleeping. Her right arm was in a cast, she had banges on some parts of her face, and rolled up banges rap around her chest. I went on her left side and hold her hand. It hard see her like this.

Sabine why couldn't you just accept that I was in love with someone else then you. I felt so much anger inside me but I knew what anger led to. Leia I so sorry that I didn't come quick enough to stop this from happening. I said. It's not your fault ezra. I look up and saw leia awake. Leia your awake. Thanks to your voice. She said. Your welcome.

Ezra how did you know I was in trouble? Could you feel it? Well someone called me on their com before it was shot. Luckily I made it time before sabine push you over balcony. But I wasn't in time to stop damage on your body. It's ok ezra. So what's the damage she did? She broke your right arm and 3 of your ribs. Your too injury to move but be help you until you can. Thanks. Then bail organa came in.

Daughter you're awake. He said. Yes father I am but can't move thanks to sabine. Leia said. Well she'll be on trial in two days. The court will decide her fate. Right now she's in maximum prison. Lock up tight. Her armor and all her gear have been taken away from her forever. That's good. I said. Oh ezra your friends just arrived. I'll break them in now. Ok. The door open and the only one who came through was hera.

Hera where's everyone else? I ask. Their back at the ship. They insisted that I only come. She said. She then look at leia and was in shock. Oh leia I so sorry that this has to happen to you. I don't think sabine would've gone this far. It's ok. Luckily my ezra came and save me before it got worse. Captain syndulla are you and your crew are going to be here for the trial? Bail organa ask. I don't know I want too but I have to see what commander sato says.

Don't worry I'll tell him that your on special assignment for me. Thank you. Ezra will leave you and my daughter alone. Come captain let's contact sato. Yes senator. Hera said and they both left.

We're finally alone. I said. Yeah just me and you. Leia said. I len my face over her and kiss her. I love you leia. I love too ezra. I leave to let you rest. I got up and was about to leave when she stop me. Ezra wait! I turn around. What's wrong? Can stay in here with me? It will be a honor my princess. I pulled up a seat and sat next to her. We talk all night until we both fell asleep.

The next day
Alderaan maximum prison.
Sabine pov.
I woke up in cell on a metal bed. I saw a little window that barely had light coming through it. I got up and saw that I wasn't in my mandalorian armor. Instead I was in prison jumpsuit. What's going on? I said to myself. I ran to the ray shielded door and bang on it. Hello someone get me out of here.

QUITE DOWN MANDALORIAN. One of the guards yelled. Where am I? Your in alderaan's maximum prison. For attacking the princess. She deserves to die for taking my ezra. Your have everything to say at tomorrow trial. Now someone close the this cell. The a metal door started coming out of the walls and was going down. No I will not be quiet. This is not the last you heard of sabine wr.... But it was too long and the door close.

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