Day At The Beach

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The next day
Ezra and leia were in their room sleeping together. They were holding each other close then ezra woke up.

Ezra pov.
I woke up and saw leia holding me close to her. She looks so beautiful when she sleeps. Then she woke up and look at me. Good morning leia. I said. Good morning ezra. She said and got up and stretch. So what's the plan for today my princess? I ask her. I thought that me and you could go to the beach and have some fun. Sure anything for you babe. Great let me go get ready.

She walk into the bathroom and close the door behind her. Well let me get ready then too. I got out of my PJ's and put on a orange t-shirt and swimming trunks. Now to wait for leia to get out. Then the door open and saw leia walk out. She was wearing a white t-shirt and white shorts. So you planning on swimming in that?

No I don't like swimming. All I like do is relax in the sand. Ok then more water for me then. Come let's go I want to be there before the afternoon hits and it's starts getting hotter. Leia said and grab my arm. Alright I'm coming.

Few minutes later
We were in a speeder on our way to beach. So how's the beach here? It's wonderful it's big too. Ah we made it. I look and it was big. Wow! I said with my jaw down. She park the speeder and we got out and started walking while holding hands. Yeah you were right. If we came in the afternoon it would have been hot but I'm glad you choose the morning where it's cool. I told her.

See I told you. You should listen to me more often. She said with a smile on her face. Look I found us a good spot. We walk over there and sat down. Well I'm about to go for swim care to join me. You remember what I said about swimming right ezra. Oh yeah right my bad. It's ok go in joy yourself I'll watch you. Ok. I said and took off my t- shirt and ran to the ocean.

Leia pov.
I watch ezra ran to the ocean. He ran in and started swimming. He would go under water and pop back out. COME ON LEIA IT'S FUN IN HERE!!! Ezra yelled from the water. I DON'T WANT TO!!! I JUST NOT SURE OK. I yelled back at him. He came out and walk to me. Ok ok I won't force you. Thanks ezra. No problem. Hey want to see something? What? He quickly ran back in the ocean and went under water.

What is he up to? I ask myself. Then I saw a big wave and ezra was riding it on a space dolphin back (I made that up.) and he was in enjoy it. Some people where like how is he doing that? When the wave was going back down he jump off the space dolphin and wave it good bye and it left. He came back to shore and some people come up to him.

Yo bro how did you do that I mean that was awesome? One person ask him. Lucky I guess. Then more people started talking to him. This was going to be long.

10 minutes later
After everyone had their questions. They all left he came up to me. So I guess that your popular now. I said. Yeah they were asking me ahole bunch of questions and I told them different things but your the only one know what I really did. He said. Yes you use the force to connect with dolphin and he help you ride the wave.

Yes so what do you want to do now? How about we have more fun here for 2 hours and go home and get ready for tonight. What's happening tonight? He ask. We're going to dinner it will be our first date. Ah ok then I can't wait for tonight then but for right now let's just enjoy ourselves. Ok. I said kiss him on the cheek.

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