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Ezra pov.
Leia and I took the ship down on the planet surface. We landed, grab our stuff and walk off the ship. I look around and the hole planet was a tropical places. Wow this place looks amazing. I said. Yeah this place is pretty amazing. We even got our own house here so we won't be in no hotel. She said to me. Are you serious? We have an hole inter house to ourselfs.

Yes ezra it will be just you and me. Alright. We walk up to the house and she grab a key. She use the key to unlock the door and we walk in. The inside was huge. Dang how many rooms are in here? There are 5 bed rooms, 5 bathroom, and also the master bedroom where we will be sleeping. Come on I'll show you. She grab my hand and pulled me up stairs.

We reach the master bed room and she open it. The room was big and it had it's own bathroom. Wow I can't wait to go to sleep on that big bed. Yeah with me in it. I went to the window and look outside. Their was a beach not too far from here. Dang this is full of surprises. How did you know about this place? I ask her. This house we're in belongs to my family we come here every year but this year I decided to bring you. She said and kiss me on the cheek.

Then we heard a ship land. We went down stairs and went outside. We saw a hole bunch of people walk out the ship. Who are they? They are the servants. They we serve us on our stay. Your highness it is a privilege to server you and your boyfriend. The man said who's in charge of them. Thank you sir. Alright everyone let's get things ready. He told his people. They all rushed into the house and started doing their jobs. Well we have things to do for the next 2 week's. Leia said. Yeah let's go up stairs and rest. We went inside to rest so we can start our vacation.

The ghost
Hera pov.
I was in the comman room looking at my data pad when sabine came in. Hey sabine you ok? I ask her. No It's been days and ezra hasn't come back or contact us yet. Sabine said worried. Hey hey hey calm down he's still on his mission. That's why we haven't herad from him. I know but I miss him. I know but he'll be back in 2 weeks.

Ok I just go lay down than. Sabine walk out and went back to her room. Hum I'll try contacting him. I turn on my transmission to contact ezra but everytime I tried it I kelp getting no answer. Something not right but at least he has two weeks left. Once their up I'm coming to get him for sabine. I said and went back to my date pad.

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