eight- spring.... the forest a blaze

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Author Notes: this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time. I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured. The story however is completely my own idea! Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it. So please leave me your comments and reviews.......thank you!

Special Keys Used: "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment for boys, chun: familiarity or endearment towards girls, sempai: senior/one who comes before, sensei: teacher/master of a profession, kit: child, kitsune: fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, onee-chan: big sister, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you, nii-san: little brother, nee-chan: little sister, naga: snake

Eight - spring.....the forest a blaze

Winter came and went quickly as spring was in full bloom. Naruto hated to say good bye to the friends that he made while living in the leaf village but the time had come for him to return back to the forest. He had full filled the agreement made with the humans. Naruto had learned the human language and the various things that he had to learn because of his human heritage. In return Naruto taught them all about the Jinkuriki. Naruto stood in front of the Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi in his office at the Hokage Tower.

"Won't you stay a little bit longer Naruto-sama?" asked Sarutobi as Naruto shook his head no.

"I am grateful for the offer but I must head back as my kind are awaitting for me to tell them all that I have learned. Thank you Hokage-sama for everything your people have taught me." stated Naruto. Suddenly Kakashi came bursting into the room from out of no where surprising both Naruto and Sarutobi.

"Sorry for the disturbance Hokage-sama but its urgent. The forest is on fire!" stated Kakashi. Both Naruto and Sarutobi looked outside to see that the older ninja spoke the truth as they could see smoke coming from the forest as it was a blaze.

'Oh....no....!' Naruto thought as he ran out of the building as fast as his four kitsune legs would carry him.

Meanwhile back in the Hokage's Tower......Sarutobi looked troubled.

"Kakashi......I want every able bodied ninja whom has any ice style or water style attacks to help put out the fire. We must make sure that the Jinchuriki are still alive. After the fire is out I want the Anbu to investigate what caused this fire." stated Sarutobi.

"Hai!" stated Kakashi as he vanished as quickly as he had appeared.

'Please let them be all right. I would hate to think Naruto-sama feels that we would betray his trust. But why attack the Jinchuriki?' Sarutobi thought before he got up heading out to see what he could do.

Elsewhere.......Naruto had arrived at the village gates to see that the fire had spread quickly. Black smoke rose to the sky.

Tou-san! roared Naruto at the top of his lungs. Naruto could see ninja from the leaf running off past him as they started using their powers to put out the fire. 'Please.......let them be all right.' Naruto thought to himself. Naruto could smell the Hokage and Tsunade as they approached him.

"Naruto-sama be assured that I will do everything to find out whom did this." stated Sarutobi. Naruto had half heard him as he could see five human-like figures emerge from the fire as the fire bent its way from around the five. The only thing was that these figures had animal tails and animal ears. Naruto could see several figures stand before the five as they were wearing white face masks.

"No......don't attack!" yelled out Naruto as he watched the five safely get away from the fire before they collapsed shape shifting back into animal form. There was a one tail raccoon, a two tail cat, a three tail wolf (I chose to use a wolf instead of a turtle), a eight tail boar, and a nine tail fox. Naruto pushed his way passed the masked ninja concerned with the five that laid on the ground some of them unconscious. Tou-san! he yelled out running to the foxes side. The fox whimpered lightly as it looked like he had been in a fight as the fox then slowly closed his eyes. "Please help them!" Naruto cried out looking at Tsunade as blood tears ran down his face.

"Stand down! Get every able medic to the hospital and any others out here with stretchers. Tell those at the hospital to expect five gravely injured Jinchuriki!" commanded Sarutobi as the masked ninja disappeared quickly. Tsunade went to Naruto's side checking on the five Jinchuriki. The others didn't look as bad as the large kitsune. The kitsune had many wounds that looked very serious. Naruto whimpered lightly worried, his ears dropped against his head as his four tails were dropped low between his legs. Tsunade gently looked up at Naruto patting him on his back as she rose to her feet.

"Don't worry Naruto. I know that this looks bad but I will give them all of my attention and care." stated Tsunade as the medical team arrived with stretchers. They carefully lifted the unconscious Jinchuriki onto the stretchers to bring them to the hospital.

"Arigato Tsunade-sensei." replied Naruto as he watched them pick up the fox bringing him and the others to the hospital.

At the hospital.......Naruto sat by his fathers bed side as all of the Jinchuriki were brought to the same room. Naruto wanted to be there in case any awoke. Seeing how the two younger Jinchuriki couldn't convey their thoughts to humans unless through touch. Naruto sat stroking his father's blood soaked fur wondering what happened. Their home within the woods was no more as Naruto lead the Anbu ninja to where the Jinchuriki lived. It was apparent that somebody had set that fire. Naruto was also troubled by the scent of snakes. Naruto knew that he wasn't the only hanyou out there. There was another born half snake and half human named Orochimaru. (yes I chose Orochimaru to be a hanyou Jinchuriki like Naruto but he is still evil and the villain) But his father Kyuubi had banished Orochimaru long ago when the naga tried to kill Kyuubi for a seat of power. Orochimaru hated being a hanyou as he not only hate the Jinchuriki but also the humans. Orochimaru felt that if he was the lord of the forest, that he could feel free to kill anyone whom opposed him. He also wanted to kill off all of the humans. Kyuubi had won the battle as he banished Orochimaru allowing him to never return.

'There is no way that Orochimaru would have attacked now after so long. Besides there is no way that he could have started that fire by himself. Something strange is going on here.' Naruto thought to himself as he could see a young arctic wolf with three tails starting to stir.

Oh......where.......? the wolf asked in a female voice. Naruto went to the wolf's side stroking her fur gently.

Take it easy Haku. (yes I have made Haku a female, as he is a Jinchuriki, the three tail wolf. I chose to use Haku in this way as I had planned to use him in the story but decided to change him to fit the story better.) You are safe nee-chan. stated Naruto as the wolf opened up her eyes to reveal the most stunning sapphire blue slitted human-like eyes (yes I know that Haku has black eyes but I chose to use blue as they are the natural color of the arctic wolf eyes.) Haku's fur was mostly all white but she had some black fur near the tips of her ears, tail, and paws. Haku used to live with snow covered plains until the humans drove the Jinchuriki away. Haku was the only survivor left of her clan after the humans had killed all of the Jinchuriki. Haku had made it to the forest where most the Jinchuriki lived. Kyuubi took the wolf in and treated her like she was his own kit as Naruto was the older big brother.

Onii-san.......Naruto-sama. Where am I? asked the wolf.

Safe. We are in the Konahagakura village. replied Naruto as the wolf began to panic. Nee-chan calm yourself. Didn't Tou-san tell you that I was staying with humans Because of what happened to me? Haku lightly nodded her head yes.

But humans....... she whimpered lightly.

Its all right Haku. You can trust these humans. Right now you need your rest. commanded Naruto before he could smell a familiar scent approach him. "Sasuke....what brings you here." Naruto asked in the human tongue.

"I cam to see if I could help in anyway. You must be hungry Naruto-kun." stated Sasuke. Haku's eyes widened at the sight of the young Uchiha. She had never seen such a handsome and attractive human before.

"Actually I am hungry." replied Naruto as he turned to the wolf whom was lightly blushing staring at Sasuke wide eyed. Nee-chan are you hungry? asked Naruto in his native tongue. The wolf lightly nodded her head. This is a friend Sasuke Uchiha. he told the wolf before he turned to Sasuke. "Sasuke Uchiha meet my Nee-chan, Haku. I am going to get something for me and Haku to eat. Can I have you stay with her?" asked Naruto in human tongue.

"Sure Naruto-kun." replied Sasuke as Naruto got up leavng the room.

Haku laid on the bed watching as Sasuke reached for an apple as he took out a kunai knife before he started to peel the apple. Haku couldn't help but to breath in the boys scent of fire ash and insense, the exact opposite of her scent of ice and snow. Sasuke then cut the apple into slices placing them onto a plate as he placed the plate before the Jinchuriki. The wolf Jinchuriki looked at him in question.

"Just something to tied you over until Naruto-kun comes back." stated Sasuke. Haku nodded her head as she began to nibble at the apple. There was something about Sasuke that she liked. He was different from the humans that she had faced in the past. Naruto finally came back with several baskets filled with food as he held some by his four tails. He had brought enough foor to feed an army. This just caused Sasuke to shake his head. "Naruto-kun don't tell me that's all for you and Haku-chan." stated Sasuke.

"No.....of course not. Some of its for the others when they wake up." replied Naruto. This just caused Sasuke to shake his head even more.

After a while one by one the other Jinchuriki awoke. The next to wake up is the one tail raccoon named Gaara. Gaara used to live in the desert until Killer B found him near the ruins of what used to be a Jinchuriki home. Gaara was far too young to tell them what had happened to his home. According to Killer B, it looked like humans had attacked killing all of the Jinchuriki leaving Gaara the only survivor. Kyuubi officially took Gaara in raising the raccoon much like his own kits. In never bothered Naruto to have a younger brother and/or sister whom wasn't physically related to him. Such was the way of the Jinchuriki. It was the same way with his aunt and uncle and their relation with Kyuubi. The next two to wake up was the two tail cat named Yugito Ni'i and the eight tail boar named Killer B. The only one who had not awakened was the nine tail fox named Kyuubi, Naruto's father. The one tail raccoon's fur was not brown in color but kind of a reddish-brown in color as he had aqua green eyes. The two tail cat's fur was a deep bronze color (instead of blue) as she had deep emerald green eyes (I don't know what color Yugito's eyes are as I chose green). The eight tail boar had a tarnish brown color fur and jet black eyes. The two older Jinchuriki couldn't tell Naruto what had happened to cause their forest home to burn down to the ground.

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