seven- exploration

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  The story however is completely my own idea!  Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it.  So please leave me your comments and reviews.......thank you!

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment for boys, chun: familiarity or endearment towards girls, sempai: senior/one who comes before, sensei: teacher/master of a profession, kit: child, kitsune: fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, onii-chan: big sister, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you

Seven - exploration

Kiba Inuzuka and Sakura Haruno lead the Jinchuriki hanyou Naruto through the streets of Konahagakura.  Various people stopped and stared at Naruto as the young Jinchuriki felt so out of place.  He looked far different from everyone else.  It was the same way that he felt with the others of his own kind.

'Why can't I seem to fit in.  Even here among these humans, I don't fit in.  Okaa-san was a human and Tou-san is a demon.  By all rights I should have never been born,  Humans and demons never got along together as humans have been trying to kill us.  Why is it that the people here in this village seem so willing to except me?' Naruto thought to himself.  A couple of kids ran past Naruto as they quickly stroked one of his four fox tails causing Naruto to jump.  His ears pressed close to his head as he was a bit irritated. as he let out a low growl.  Both Sakura and Kiba couldn't help but to laugh.

"Its all right.............they are just playing Naruto-kun." stated Sakura.  Naruto growled underneath his breath in his native tongue

Still don't like how some people treat me like an animal, a pet.  This caused Akamaru to growl at Naruto sharply.  No offense Akamaru. stated Naruto.

None taken Naruto-sama. replied Akamaru.

The group arrived at the area where Sakura was to meet her team.  She was a bit surprised to see everyone there including their captain.

" are late!" stated the older looking man.

"Sorry Kakashi-sensei but Naruto-kun was getting out of the hospital today as he wanted to meet those who helped him back in the forest.  Naruto-kun may I introduce my team mates of team seven.  Our leader is Kakashi Hatake.  This is Sasuke Uchiha and Sai." stated Sakura formally as she pointed to each one individually.

"I have a last name know Sakura-chan.  Its Uchiha as I was adopted into the Uchiha clan." stated Sai softly.

"Thats good news to hear Sai-kun.  I couldn't be happier for you." stated Sakura as she hugged her pale team mate.

"Of course you have already meet Sakura Haruno, Naruto-sama.  I am glad to see that your wounds have healed up nicely." stated Kakashi.

"Yes it is thanks to you all.  You helped me." stated Naruto bowing his head.

"There is no need to thank us Naruto-sama.  We did what is required for us to do." replied Kakashi.

"What Kakashi-sensei says is true Naruto-kun.  Each group of Ninja here in the leaf is taught never to ignore a cry for help." stated Kiba.

"Kiba you are a ............?" asked Naruto.

"Ninja.  There are four teams in the leaf.  Team Seven, Team Eigh which I am on, Team Ten, and Team Guy.  I was given time off to help you as the other teams are still active except for my own team." stated Kiba slowly making sure Naruto understood.

"So Kiba-kun......your team has been cut?" asked Sai.

"No team can't operate without me and Akamaru since I am helping Naruto-kun out as I am the only one who can fully understand him." replied Kiba.  This caused Naruto's ears to drop back.

I didn't mean to be a bother Kiba. Naruto stated in his native tongue.

"No not at all are not a bother." stated Kiba.

"Kiba-kun since your here along with you want to train with us?  Naruto-kun could watch." stated Sasuke.

"That’s a good idea Sasuke.  What do you say you want to watch how Ninja train?" asked Kakashi.  Naruto's ears perked up again interested in what they were talking about as he nodded his head.

Kakashi split them up into two groups as he tied two silver bells to his pants.

"Rules are simple, the first team to get the bells win.  Use any and all techniques at your disposal.  Come at me with full force.  For now I am no longer your sensei, I am an enemy.  Ready..........begin!" stated Kakashi as the teams broke up Sasuke and Sakura, Sai along with Kiba and Akamaru.  Naruto laid close by watching with interest as the teams had a hard time grabbing the bells.  Sasuke managed to touch one when he pulled out several taijutsu moves but couldn't quite grab them.

"FANG OVER FANG!" shouted out Kiba as he and Akamaru spun their bodies at high speed.  Kakashi avoided it easily as Sai moved in from behind the older man.

"NINJA ART: SUPER BEAST SCROLL!" stated Sai unraveling a scroll to release an ink drawing of a bird.  Kakashi was smiling underneath his mask pulling up his head plate revealing the SHARINGAN eye.

"Nice try!" he stated as he avoided Sai's attack as Kakashi sent it crashing into Kiba and Akamaru whom were still in their attack.  The two attacks collided as the ink spilled over the three of them.  "Two down!  Two to go!"

"FIRE RELEASE: GREAT FIREBALL!" shouted out Sasuke as he made several quick hand signs as he spat out a fireball from his lips.

"SAKURA BLIZZARD TECHNIQUE!" snapped Sakura as she threw several kunai knives at Kakashi armed with paper bombs.  Both attacks hit him dead on leaving no trace of him.  "Did we get him?" asked Sakura.  A hand shot up from the ground wrapping around their ankles dragging them down into the ground as Kakashi appeared coming up from the ground.

"Sorry I guess I win."  Naruto was besides himself in laughter.

"No fair using the SHARINGAN eye Kakashi-sensei." whined Kiba as he was covered in ink.

"Your enemies won't play fair Kiba remember that.  You have to be ready to anticipate their moves." replied Kakashi.

All I want to do is go home and shower. whimpered Akamaru.

Kiba, Akamaru, and Naruto made it to the Inuzuka house.

"I have to warn you family works with a lot of dogs.  Some might not be as friendly as Akamaru." stated Kiba as he opened the door.  "I am home!" he called out.

"Kiba what took you so long and what stinks?" called out a female voice.

"That would be me and Akamaru.  We were with Team Seven as Naruto-kun wanted to thank them.  We kind of got roped into a training session.  I am going to take a shower and get Akamaru cleaned.  Could you show Naruto-kun around the place onii-chan?" asked Kiba.  A figure stepped out of the back coming out to the front.  She was holding her snickers when she saw both Kiba and Akamaru covered in ink.  She bore the same facial marks as Kiba.

"So this is the Jinchuriki that I have been hearing about.  He's in good hands." replied Kiba's sister.  Kiba left Naruto with his sister as he went to get cleaned up.  Kiba's sister took Naruto all around the place showing him where he would be sleeping.  "We weren't sure if you sleep on the ground or on a bed."

"Normally ground.  When in hospital......bed.  Either fine." replied Naruto roughly.

"Hey onii-chan where are all the dogs?" asked Kiba as he came back looking not so much a mess along with Akamaru.

"Out with Okaa-san and Tou-san.  They were needed for a mission." she replied.

"I see.........  I still have to show Naruto-kun around the village.  If they get back before I do please warn them about Naruto-kun." stated Kiba.

"We will do Kiba-kun!"

Kiba, Akamaru, and Naruto ventured back out as Kiba lead Naruto all around the leaf.  There were many new sights to see and new smells to get used to.

"So what do you think of the leaf village?" asked Kiba.

"Isn't known as Konahagakura?" asked Naruto.

"Yes it is but since it is such a hard name to pronounce we call it the leaf village since it is also known as the village hidden in the leaf." replied Kiba.

"I see..........."  A loud howl echoed through the village causing Naruto's ears to perk up.  Tou-san. he stated softly as he listened to the howls.  Naruto cleared his throat lifting his face to the sky as his own howls echoed through out the village.  Sleep well Tou-san as I will see you come spring.  I like it here with these humans as they are very nice. called out Naruto.

Till spring then my kit! answered back the loud howl.

"Naruto was that?" asked Kiba whom was almost in tears.  Naruto nodded his head.

"Tou-san and the others are heading off to sleep.  They wished me well and look forward to seeing me in the spring." answered Naruto.

"Come on we should get going back as I am starving." stated Kiba as Naruto's stomach rumbled in agreement.

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