six- out of the hospital

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  The story however is completely my own idea!  Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it.  So please leave me your comments and reviews.......thank you!

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment for boys, chun: familiarity or endearment towards girls, sempai: senior/one who comes before, sensei: teacher/master of a profession, kit: child, kitsune: fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you

Six - out of the hospital

Naruto awoke the next morning feeling well rested as today he was getting out of the hospital.  Both Sakura and Kiba were helping him learn the human tongue while Tsunade was teaching him about the other villages.  Tsunade was a bit surprised when Naruto stated that he knew a bit about some of the villages from the other Jinchuriki's whom lived close by them.  Even though Naruto was raised among his own kin, he had excellent manners and was really nice to everyone that he meets.  His human tongue was slowly getting better but during the times he had a hard time putting his thoughts into words, he used his true language grateful that Kiba could understand him.  Naruto's four fox tails twitched happily as he slowly climbed out of the beds putting his weight onto his paws.  He was anxious to explore the village that he was in.  Naruto began to make the beds that he had been lying in as he had watched the nurses when they made the bed when Naruto went to theraphy in order to rebuild his strength and to make sure that Tsunade was able to fully heal him.  Both his back left paw and right front paw had sustained injuries close to the bone.  It was a miracle that Naruto was still alive with the type of injuries that he had sustained.  Naruto's ears twitched when he smelled Tsunade's scent.

"Naruto..........what in the world are you doing up and out of bed?"

"Sorry Tsunade.  Anxious." replied Naruto as his ears flattened against his blond hair.  Tsunade walked over reaching out ruffling his golden spikes gently avoiding his ears.  Naruto's fox ears shot up suddenly as he wasn't used to this kind of affection.  It felt strange to him, foreign, and he didn't like it.  A low growl erupted from Naruto's throat as his fur stiffened.  A light flame danced around his tails as his whisker marks became broader.  Tsunade retracted her hand suddenly almost afraid of Naruto.  He looked upset by the display of affection.

"I am sorry Naruto.  I had no idea that you would react that way to being touched.  It won't happen again, promise." replied Tsunade.  Naruto eased up a little bit before Kiba had entered the room.  Akamaru barked happily as his tail wagged as Naruto watched the dog go to his partners side.  Kiba ruffled Akamaru's fur scratching behind the dog ears.  Akamaru whimpered happily which made Naruto a bit envious.

"So Naruto-kun...........are you ready to get out of this hospital?" asked Kiba.  Naruto simply smiled as he nodded his head yes.  Kiba gently took Naruto somewhat by the hand leading him out of the hospital.  Naruto seemed a little bit down in the dumps as if something happened that he wasn't aware of. That's when Sakura approached the pair.

"So today's the big day.  Here Naruto-kun............I made this for you.  It will help you out during the winter months." Sakura stated bashfully as she began to blush as she held out an orange square object.  Naruto looked confused by this gesture.  Sakura's face was turning as pink as her hair.  Kiba giggled to himself as he became aware of what was going on.

"Here Sakura-can let me help you out.  Naruto-kun.........hold your arms out to your side." commanded Kiba.  Naruto obeyed as he could feel something warm slip over his skin as the blanket was ripped off of him.  Naruto closed his eyes at first unfamiliar with the sensation that was happening to him.  Naruto could hear a strange hissing noise as he felt enveloped by warmth that felt somewhat familiar.  Naruto opened his eyes to see a bright orange object covering his upper body (Naruto's jacket that he wears in the first series).

What's this? Naruto asked Kiba in his native tongue.

"Its a jacket Naruto-kun.  Humans wear clothing to keep warm during the colder months." replied Kiba as he pointed to his own clothes.  Naruto tugged at the jacket as he felt that the color was a bit loud for his taste but it matched against his fur.  It was as warm as his father's fur but the smell was foreign to him.  As Naruto looked up his ears pressed down against his hair as he had noticed that Sakura was turning pink and nibbling on her lip.

"Arigato Sakura.  Like it.  Feels strange, but familiar." replied Naruto.  This caused Sakura to blush a brighter shade of pink.

"Your welcome Naruto-kun." replied Sakura.

"Still have thank team." stated Naruto.  Sakura just nodded her head as she took Naruto by the hand leading him out of the hospital.  Having Sakura holding his hand caused Naruto to blush a bright shade of red.  Akamaru laughed as it was apparent that Sakura liked Naruto and that Naruto liked her as well.

I think that she likes you Naruto-sama. barked Akamaru.  Naruto growled at Akamaru to keep quite as Kiba tried his best to restrain his laughter.

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