five- attack made on Naruto

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  The story however is completely my own idea!  Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it.  So please leave me your comments and reviews.......thank you!

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment for boys, chun: familiarity or endearment towards girls, sempai: senior/one who comes before,  sensei: teacher/doctor/master of a profession, kit: child, kitsune: fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you

Five - attack made on Naruto

Once the arrangement was in place Sarutobi told Naruto that he would be staying with Kiba and his family.  Naruto just nodded his head that he understood.  Sarutobi then left the hospital before he stopped suddenly.

"Keep both of your eyes open.  I feel that somebody may make an attempt on Naruto's life." he stated before he continued on.  Even though he didn't see them, he knew that the Anbu were there watching over the Jinchuriki.

Meanwhile............Sakura sat in her room humming to herself as she put the last finishing touches on the jacket that she had made for Naruto.  She had noticed that with the colder weather moving in, Naruto has been wrapping the blankets around his upper human body to keep warm.  Sakura felt that he could use the jacket.  Sakura wished that she could use a different color to make the jacket but the material she had bought was the warmest of the bunch and on sale.  Sakura smiled to herself as she hoped that Naruto would like it.

'Even though it is a very loud color, its better than nothing.' Sakura thought to herself.  She couldn't figure out why a creature like him seemed so magical.  There were times that she wanted to touch Naruto's ears and stroke his fur.  But she had to restrict herself as Naruto wasn't a pet and she didn't know how Naruto would react to having his ears touched or having somebody stroke his fur.  Sakura has been helping Kiba with teaching Naruto their language as Naruto had expressed that he wanted to thank the other members of Sakura's team for helping him.  'I just hope that I got his size right.' Sakura stated as she folded up the jacket before heading to bed.

The night was quite as Naruto slept within the hospital unaware of the danger that would befall him.  Akamaru slept besides the bed as both the dog's ears and Naruto's ears twitched along with their tails in their sleep.  Two darts came flying into the room one of them hitting Naruto and the other hitting Akamaru, making sure that both didn't awake.  Two figures dressed in black entered the room that Naruto was asleep in.

"Lets do this quickly!"  stated one of them in a low whisper.  As the figures crept along side Naruto's bed, two shrunken flew in front of them causing them to retreat back while arming themselves with their kunai knives.

"Sorrh but we can't allow you to harm this Jinchuriki." stated a mysterious voice as two figures entered the room clearly they were Anbu as one was wearing a white dog mask while the other was wearing a white dragon mask.

"I don't know whom put you up to this but this creature is under our protection." stated the man behind the dragon mask.  The men in black moved attacking the two Anbu members whom were protecting Naruto.  The two masked Anbu quickly took out their kunai knives going onto the defense.  The two men in black managed to shatter the Anbu masks to reveal whom was behind the masks.  The two men in black then cursed out loud when they came face to face with Kakashi Hatake and Itachi Uchiha.  Both had their SHARINGAN eyes clearly visible.  Even though this Kekkeigenkai was a blood line ability possessed by the members of the Uchiha clan, Kakashi had obtained the SHARINGAN eye from one of Itachi's relatives (Obitito) during a mission of which cost the man his life.  Because of his one SHARINGAN eye, Kakashi was known as the copy ninja.  The two men in black knew that they didn't stand a chance against the SHARINGAN eyes as the eyes allowed those who possessed it the power of insight and allow them to copy any technique that they see.

"We can't allow you to stop us, this is for the good of the village." stated one of the men in black.

"That remains to be seen." replied Itachi.  As the men began to move, Itachi's vision became blurred as his Kekkeigenkai changed revealing the MANGEKYO SHARINGAN eyes.  Itachi quickly caught both men in the TSUKYOMI genjutsu which allowed the victims to experience their own private Hell created within Itachi's mind.  The two men in black let out terrible screams of pain before thier bodies dropped to the floor twitching in agony.  Kakashi slid his leaf headband back over his SHARINGAN eye as Itachi quickly closed both of his eyes as he was panting hard.

"Itachi.........are you all right?" asked Kakashi in concern.

"I am all right Kakashi-sempai.  Just give me a second or two.  I still don't have full control over that genjutsu or that version of the Kekkeigenkai." replied Itachi.

"How long has it been like that?" asked Kakashi as he went to pick up one of the men in black.

"Ever since that day when my clan was killed.  It only thanks to this Kekkeigenkai that Sasuke and I are still alive." replied Itachi as he opened his eyes back up to reveal his normal SHARINGAN eyes.  The Kekkeigenkai had become permanent as he could not turn them off.  Both Kakashi and Itachi worked clearing out Naruto's room and looking for any clues on whom had arranged the attack on Naruto.  The ninja that attacked Naruto were skilled but not that skilled as soon as Itachi and Kakashi inspected the bodies, they found paper bombs which blew up the bodies leaving them both with no clue of whom arranged the attack.  Itachi recognized it as it had the same distinct signature of what happened the night when the Uchiha clan was murdered.  But who stood to gain anything from killing the Uchiha clan and the Jinchuriki hanyou?  What was this person's goals?

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