four- the council

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  The story however is completely my own idea!  So please leave me your comments and reviews.......thank you.

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment for boys, chun: endearment towards girls, sempai/senpai: upper classman/senior/one before, kohai: under classman/newcomer, sensei: teacher/doctor/master of a profession, kit: child, kitsune: fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you

Four - the council

It has been one full week since the Jinchuriki hanyou named Naruto came to Konohagakure.  Since then Sarutobi has learned much about the Jinchuriki from Tsunade.  They were strickly vegitarians as they didn't eat any type of meat.  Some not many hibernate during the winter.  They were demons in animal type of form capable of incredible power as they each possessed a certain number of tails from one to nine.  The nine tails was said to be the strongest of them all and leader of all the Jinchuriki as he was Naruto's father.  No two demon were alike as they each possessed a different power and ability.  Naruto being half human and half demon possessed abilities far beyond that of his other human counter parts.  Naruto's wounds were almost fully healed as he was due to leave the hospital soon.  Since Kiba Inuzuka could understand Naruto's language and was working with him teaching him the human tongue, plans were made to have Naruto stay with the Inuzuka clan.  Today Sarutobi had a meeting with the council which were made up of various heads of the most powerful clans in all of the leaf.  Sarutobi knew that half of the council would possibly vote to kill the Jinchuriki.  Sarutobi hoped that he could convince a good number of them to vote in favor of striking relations with the Jinchuriki.

At the council meeting..........many arguments were heard about the Jinchuriki as they claimed that they possessed a threat to the village.  Everyone was shouting at one another about the Jinchuriki until frankly Sarutobi had heard enough.

"That's enough!" he yelled out causing everyone to shut up and to shit back down.  "Now before we continue on words, I have been in contact with those whom have been around and with the Jinchuriki hanyou named Naruto.  He has not once shown that he possess a threat to anybody within this village.  Even though this is truly our first true encounter with these demons, they have done nothing to harm or attack us in any way shape or form as they have protected our boarders without being asked too." stated Sarutobi.

"How do we know that this isn't some kind of ruse in order to gain our trust?" asked one of the council members.

"We should kill them all!" shouted another member.

"And hw certain are you that you can kill them?" asked Sarutobi as this managed to shut everybody up once again.

"How certain are you Hokage-sama that this creature won't betray us the second that it gets better?  This village shouldn't have allowed that this past the front gate." snarled a voice that Sarutobi recognized all too well.

"Are you questioning my judgement Donzo?" asked Sarutobi as he looked at the man who was almost covered in bandages.  Donzo wanted to say something but chose not too.  Ever since Sarutobi had learned about the Root program and what they do to young ninja making them into emotionless killers, Sarutobi had demolished the Root program and had stripped Donzo of his post as head of security.  He was lucky that Sarutobi was allowing him to sit in during the council meeting as Sarutobi was certain that Donzo still had many friends in high places.  "Lets put this to a vote.  All those who feel that we should kill the Jinchuriki, raise your hands." stated Sarutobi.  About two-thirds of the council had raised their hands.  "All in favor of working with the Jinchuriki, raise your hands."  All most all of the remaining members of the council raised their hands.  "So be it.  While Naruto is here within our village, I will meet with him and express our intrest in working with those of his kind.  Until then everyone is dismissed." stated Sarutobi.  Many muffled grunts could be heard from those angry about the decision.  Sarutobi knew that if Donzo had a chance, he would start a war with the Jinchuriki.

As Sarutobi was leaving the council he was stopped by a young adult ninja.

"Hokage-sama." stated the man as two long scars ran down besides his nose from the bridge of his nose.  His eyes were blood red with three back comma marks in his eyes.

"Itachi Uchiha, you wished to speak with me?" asked Sarutobi.

"Hai Hokage-sama.  It's about Team Seven's member Sai.  I know that he is currently staying with Kakashi-sempai ever since Kakashi-sempai had pulled him out of the Root program.  Sasuke has expressed an intrest in having us adopt Sai into the Uchiha clan." replied Itachi.  Sarutobi proceeded to scratch his chin.  Ever since the great murder of the Uchiha clan of which Sasuke and Itachi were the only survivors that were left alive.  It was still unknown to Sarutobi at who had arranged for the murder but he had his suspitions.  Itachi and Sasuke had both expressed an intrest in rebuilding and restoring the Uchiha clan.

"You do understand Itachi that Sai won't be a true Uchiha." stated Sarutobi.

"We understand Hokage-sama.  It is just we thought that we could offer Sai a chance to break out of his shell." replied Itachi.  Sarutobi thought about what Itachi had said as it would give Sai a good chance to be in an environment far different from that of the Root program.

"Have you talked to Kakashi Hatake about this idea?" asked Sarutobi.

"He was one of the first people that I talked too before I came to you.  He thought that it was an excellent idea." replied Itachi.

"Very well Itachi.  I shall take care of the paper work.  Now if you excuse me, I have to go and speak to Naruto." stated Sarutobi.

As Sarutobi approached the room that Naruto was in, he could hear voices coming from inside of the room.  He knocked on the door before entering as he saw Kiba Inuzuka along with his ninja hound Akamaru sitting by Naruto's bed.  The Jinchuriki hanyou looked to be completely healed.  A blanket was wrapped around his upper torso to keep him warm.  Kiba briefly bowed his head when the hokage entered the room.

"Hokage-sama..........what brings you here?" asked Kiba.

"I came to see how our guest is doing and to introduce myself." replied Sarutobi.  Naruto tugged on Kiba's jacket sleeve questioning who the man was.  "It is nice to finally meet you Naruto.  I am Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Hokage of Konohagakure.  I am sorry that I haven't been able to visit you sooner but as leader of the village, I have other duties to attend to." stated Sarutobi.

"Understand.........Tou-san is same way." Naruto stated in a broken human tongue.  His human tongue sounded guttered as he had some trouble forming some of the words.

"Naruto..........I was wondering if you know whom your Okaa-san was?" asked Sarutobi as Naruto shook his head no.

Died when born.  Only Tou-san knows and remembers." replied Naruto.  Sarutobi couldn't help but to see a striking resemblence to the fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze especially with that blond hair which stood out against Naruto's dark red fur (I know that Minato was Naruto's actual father in the series as I wanted him to have some tie into Naruto.  But I won't tell you until later how).  He was one who stated that a tribute should be left to the Jinchuriki every year just before winter.  Minato had died during the last ninja war at a young age as Sarutobi never found out why Minato wanted to help the Jinchuriki.  But something about Naruto's face also reminded him of another a woman named Kushina Uzamaki, a ninja whom came from Uzugakure better known as the village hidden in the whirlpool (don't worry everything about these two will become clear later on).  Sarutobi couldn't help but to feel that there was a great mystery behind Naruto and why he looked the way he did.

"Naruto............I was wondering if you could arrange a meeting with the dono of the forest so we can have relations with that of your kind." stated Sarutobi.  Naruto's fox ears twitched nervously before he nodded his head yes.

"But he slumbers during winter." stated Naruto.

"That's all right.  While your kind slumbers you are welcome to stay here until spring in order to learn." stated Sarutobi.

"Arigato Sarutobi-sama." replied Naruto.

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