three- learning

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  The story however is completely my own idea!

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment for boys, chun: endearment towards girls, sempai/senpai: upper classman/senior, kohai: under classman/newcomer, sensei: teacher/doctor/master of a profession, kit/cub: child, kitsune: fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father

Three - learning

Naruto slept soundly for three days straight as some of his wounds were looking much better. One of his tails had slowly coming back as he regain his full winter coat.  When Naruto awoke, he was staving as usual.  His stomach rumbled loudly he helped himself to some fruit that sat in a basket by his bed.  The basket of fruit would quite his stomach at least for a little bit.  Naruto could hear the door open as a little girl the same age as him entered.  It was the same girl that he met in the forest.  Naruto smiled when he saw her causing the girl to blush.

"Hello Naruto, are you feeling better?" she asked as Naruto nodded his head yes.

'She smells like cherry trees in bloom when they produce the sakura flowers.  She is kind of cute too.' Naruto thought to himself.  Suddenly his stomach rumbled loudly causing Naruto to blush a bright shade of red.

"You must be hungry. Hold on and I will get you something to eat." started the girl as she left the room.  Naruto slowly pulled himself to sit up right.  He still had no dice on being  able to use any of his powers including  his abilty of touch telepathy.  He had no way of communicating, not unless there was someone capable of understanding animal speech.  Naruto sighed out loud as the girl reentered with a large tray piled with food.  Naruto this time took his time eating as he didn't want to appear ungrateful.  Naruto's ears perked up when he smelled Tsunade's familiar scent.  Tsunade entered the room as she smiled warmly at Naruto.

"Glad to see that you are feeling better.  The hokage, leader of our village wishes to speak to you." stated Tsunade.

There is only one problem.  I can't speak your language. replied Naruto in his native tongue.  But to Tsunade and Sakura, it sounded like a bunch of grunts and growls.  Naruto's ears nearly flattened against his head as he began to scowl.

"Lady Tsunade it seems that he may have some problems communicating.  May I suggest that we see if Kiba Inuzuka can understand him." stated Sakura.

"That's a good idea Sakura.  The Inuzuka clan are naturals when dealing with animals." stated Tsunade.

'So her name is Sakura.  No wonder why she smells like those flowers.  I would like to get to know her better.  Why is it that I feel this way about her?' Naruto thought to himself as he watched Sakura leave.

"Just hang tight Naruto.  Lets hope Sakura's idea works out." stated Tsunade.  Naruto just nodded his head as he slowly finished off the tray of food that Sakura had brought for him.

Minutes later Sakura had come back along with a scruffy looking boy the same age as her.  His raven black hair looked wild as he had almost slitted emerald green eyes.  He had red slash marks on his cheeks that looked like dagger blades.  By the boys side was a rather large white and brown dog.  The dog was almost the same size as Naruto.  The dog padded into the room sniffing out Naruto as Kiba's eyes widened when he saw the Jinchuriki hanyou.

'This must be the one that Tsunade and Sakura were talking about.' Naruto thought to himself as the dog inched closer to the bed.

"Let me get this straight Sakura-chan, you want me to see if I can understand this creature's language." stated Kiba as Sakura nodded her head yes.  "............Akamaru........." stated Kiba suddenly as he was afraid that the dog would attack the Jinchuriki.  Akamaru proceeded to place his front paws onto Naruto's bed as he gave Naruto a wet slimmy kiss.  Naruto giggled at the affection as Akamaru's tail wagged happily.  The dog barked loudly at his master as his face nuzzled close to Naruto's causing the Jinchuriki to laugh.  Kiba looked at the dog shocked as he had never seen the dog act this way before.

I like him Master Kiba. Akamaru barked happily.

Ok stop it Akamaru.  Its nice to meet you too. laughed Naruto in his native tongue.  The look of shock and surprise stretched across Kiba's face as he managed to fully understand what Naruto was saying.  Akamaru backed down off of the bed as he sat down next to Naruto's bed.  Naruto gently scratched Akamaru's ears as the dog's tail wagged happily.  Naruto's own tails were wagging as well.

"Well Kiba...........?" asked Tsunade.

"Can he understand ours?" asked Kiba as both women nodded their heads yes.  Kiba proceeded to clear out his throat as he turned his attention towards Naruto.  "My name is Kiba Inuzuka.  You are in the village hidden in the leaf, Konohagakure." stated Kiba formally.

It is nice to meet you Kiba.  I am Naruto, a Jinchuriki Hanyou.  I live in the forest just beyond your border. replied Naruto in the animal tongue as it seemed that the boy had no problem understanding Akamaru.

"Naruto are you aware of what's going on?" asked Kiba.

I assume that my Tou-san made a deal with your people in order to have them look after my wounds.  I unfornately don't know what kind of deal.  I am far too weak to contack my Tou-san to find out what the deal was.  I have to focus my powers on healing. stated Naruto.  Kiba then turned his attention to Sakura.

"Hey you know anything about a deal made with Naruto's father?" asked Kiba.

"You can understand him?" asked Sakura in shock.

"His animal tongue is a bit harsher, deeper, and rougher than Akamaru's but, yeah.......I can understand him." replied Kiba.

"The deal was that Naruto would come to the village to learn about humans and part of his heritage.  In return he would teach us about the Jinchuriki." replied Sakura.

Hey Kiba.......if it isn't too much trouble, I would also like to learn your people's language.  We have the ability to understand your language we just don't speak it.  Not in a way that is familiar to you.  Because I am a hanyou, I possess the ability to learn. asked Naruto.

"I don't see a problem with that Naruto but may I ask a question.  You appear to be human but not human.  What exactly are the Jinchuriki?" asked Kiba.

Demons.  We look similar to animals but fairly larger in form as we possess more tails than the normal animal.  I am half kitsune, a demon fox and human. answered Naruto.  Kiba seemed shocked by this answer.  Kiba then turned his attention to Tsunade and Sakura telling them both what Naruto had said.  They were both a bit shocked to learn exactly waht Naruto was.

"Well that does explain why Kyuubi had said about Naruto learning about his heritage.  Since being raised with the Jinchuriki, he doesn't know anything dealing with his human half." stated Sakura.

"It does make some sense when you think about it and look at him.  I will alert the hokage about what you had learned Kiba.  Since you can seem to understand Naruto, do you think you will be able to teach him the things he wishes to learn?" asked Tsunade.

"I should be able too." replied Kiba.

"Then its decided.  I will inform the hokage about everything." stated Tsunade.

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