two- recovery

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  The story however is completely my own idea! reviews so far.  Thanks guys and keep those reviews coming as I love hearing what you guys think.

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment for boys, chun: endearment towards girls, sempai/senpai: upper classman/senior, kohai: under classman/newcomer, sensei: teacher/doctor/master of a profession, kit/cub: child, kitsune: fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father

Two - recovery

The four ninja looked at Kyuubi in shock when they heard the large foxish-wolf speak them them in a manner that they weren't familiar with.

"His wounds are quite serious.  We are able to treat some of his lesser wounds and stop the bleeding." replied Kakashi.

"Kakashi-sensei.......we should bring him back to the village.  I know that Lady Tsunade will be able to treat this creatures wounds with no problem." suggested Sakura.  Kakashi seemed to agree with Sakura's suggestion as he knew that Sakura wasn't skilled enough in medical ninjutsu to take care of this Jinchuriki's wounds.  Kyuubi seemed to understand the situation as he felt like he could trust these ninja.  He knew full well that Naruto was a pretty good judge of character.  Kyuuubi also felt like this was a good chance for Naruto to learn about his human half and heritage.  Kyuubi finally let out a long sigh as he knew that if his kit was to recover and learn he had to trust these humans.

*I am trusting you ninja to look after my kit.  I am sending him with you to learn about humans and your world.  In return he will teach you about our kind.* stated Kyuubi.

"You have my word great dono of the forest that we will take good care of this cub." replied Kakashi slightly bowing his head.  The ninja's word was thier honor as Kyuubi nodded his head as he turned heading back to the forest.

"Please wait one second great dono." states Sakura.  Kyuubi stopped in his tracks as he turned his head meeting Sakura's gaze.  "Please tell us your name and his too." she stated.  This caused Kyuubi to simply smile.

*I am Kyuubi.  The nine tailed kitsune.  The kit is my cub, Naruto.* replied Kyuubi before he disappeared back into the forest.

After Kyuubi had left, Team Seven made a stretcher in order to bring Naruto back to the village.  Kakashi bit his finger as he summoned up one of his ninja dogs Paku to bring a message back to the hokage.  Paku simply nodded his head taking off quickly as Team Seven slowly placed Naruto onto the stretcher.  It was slow work dragging Naruto through the forest back to Konohagakure but the Jinchuriki's well being was the first thing that they had to worry about.  Team Seven finally made it back to Konohagakure village as Tsunade was standing near the main gate waiting for them along with the current hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi.  Both of their eyes widened considerably when they saw Team Seven dragging a mutilated Jinchuriki body.

"Is that truly a..........?" asked Sarutobi.

"I am not certain Hokage-sama.  He doesn't look like the other one we saw.  I will give my report once we get him to the hospital." replied Kakashi as Sarutobi nodded his head that he understood.

"I cleared out a floor in the hospital as we have no clue to how others may see him." stated Tsunade.  Team Seven brought Naruto over to the hospital as several villagers looked on with curiosity as Sarutobi knew that he would have to summon the council together in order to hear their views about having a Jinchuriki in the village.  After they had brought Naruto into the clinic, Kakashi dismissed his team as Sakura opted to stay with Naruto.

Kakashi gave Sarutobi a full detailed report about what had happened in the forest.  Sarutobi was a bit shocked by the man's report.

"So what is that creature?  Is it truly a Jinchuriki?" asked Sarutobi.

"It's true that he didn't look like the other Jinchuriki that we meet.  The dono of the forest, the nine tailed kitsune, Kyuubi.  This one appears to be almost half human.  I believe that Naruto could be the only one to fully answer that question." answered Kakashi.  Sarutobi proceeded to scratch his chin in thought.  It was well known that they didn't know much about the Jinchuriki and their kind.  Having Naruto here they would be able to learn more about the Jinchuriki.

"Maybe this will work out.  I will arrange for the Ambu to watch after and protect the Jinchuriki while he is here in our village.  Just in case somebody decided to try something." stated Sarutobi.

"Hokage-sama........with your permission, I would like to be assigned as well." stated Kakashi.  Kakashi was a part of the Ambu Black Opts whom were assigned the most secet of tasks.

"I figured that you would ask that.  Consider it done.  Please alert me when he regains consciousness." stated Sarutobi as Kakashi nodded his head as he took off.

Naruto regained consciousness finding himself in unfamiliar territory.  His fox ears twitched as he could clearly hear humans talking and laughing.  He had noticed that his wounds had been fully bound and treated.

'I must be in thier territory.  I am far too weakened in my present condition to contact Tou-san to find out what kind of deal he had made with them.  I have to save my strength and power to focus on healing my wounds.' Naruto thought to himself.  Naruto's stomach then rumbled loudly. Naruto scanned the room finding a basket filled with fruit by his bed.  His claws reached for an apple as he took a hold of it sniffing at it carefully.  He couldn't smell any poison as he took a full and large bite.  The apple juices ran down his throat as he downed the apple quickly.  He then smelled an unfamiliar scent of herbs coming to the room as the door opened to reveal a busty woman with long blond pigtails approximately thirty years old.  Her dark green eyes smiled as a small smile stretched across her Caucasian face.

"Ah I see that you're finally awake.  How are you feeling Naruto?" she asked.  Naruto's ears twitched when he heard the human call him by his name.

'Tou-san must have told them my name.' Naruto thought to himself as he shook his hand to say so-so.  Naruto's stomach rumbled loudly again causing him to blush as the woma laughed out loud.

"You must be starving.  I will have some more food brought in.  You are quite lucky that Team Seven had found you and helped you out.  Your injuries were quite serious but you should be fine now.  But it maybe a while before your fur and tails grow back fully." stated the woman as Naruto nodded his head that he understood.  The woman stated that she should be right back in a second.  Naruto visibly relaxed on the beds that he was on as his body, well at least his lower half took up two more beds besides the one that he was in.  He listened carefully to the sounds of kids playing outside of the hospital while some of the people that worked within the building whispered catching a sight of the injured Jinchuriki hanyou.  "Stop goofing off and get back to work!" shouted out the moan whom had smelled like herbs.

"But Lady Tsunade.......we just wanted to see him.  He is awfully young looking." stated some of the other women.

"He doesn't need for people to be stared at.  Now return back to work!" shouted out Tsunade.  This caused Naruto to laugh as the woman reminded him a bit of his aunt, the two tailed cat, Yugito.  Naruto had made a mental note of the woman's name.  Tsunade carried in a large tray of food that was piled high into Naruto's room as the foxes eyes widened as big as dinner plates.  He had never seen so much food piled onto one tray.  "Sorry about the commottion.  Everyone is a bit curious about you." stated Tsunade.  Naruto simply smiled as if to say that it was all right.  Naruto wasn't used to being around so many people before but, it sort of felt nice and familiar in some ways.  As soon as Tsunade placed down the tray of food, Naruto began to scarf down the food at an alarming rate.  The look of shock stretched across Tsunade's face as she watched Naruto devour the food that was on the tray.  When the Jinchuriki was finished he let out a low guttered yawn as his eyes closed slowly as he fell back asleep.  Tsunade slowly walked out closing the door behind her as she knew that Naruto needed his rest.

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