eighteen- training

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  As the character Yuki-Hikari belongs to yyh-ygo-fma as Ryokoto belongs to me.  The story however is completely my own idea!  Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it as I will be using some of my own attacks and techniques (not featured on the Naruto series)..............thank you!

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), -flashback scene-, {Yami no Tamashii (dark souls) language}, bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment towards boys, chan: familiarity or endearment towards girls, sempai: senior/one who comes before, sensei: teacher/master of a profession, kitsune: fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, onee-chan: big sister, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you,  ototo: little brother,  imoto: little sister, chishio kikan: blood mirror

Eighteen - training

The training that Naruto and Sasuke went through was anything but easy.  Both were learning high level jutsu as well as fine tuning their individual skills.  Kakashi even came to help out with the training.  It was discovered during training that Sasuke could also use lighting style techniques.  The training was so rough that there were times that both Sasuke and Naruto would collapse from exhaustion do to the training.  Kyuubi knew that the training wasn't going to be easy on either of them as it would push either of them as it would push their bodies to the limit.  He knew that Jiraiya was looking inti what the Akatsuki's plans were and what they were trying to accomplish.  The only other being whom could shed some light on the subject was Yuki-Hikari.  But Kyuubi was giving her time to recover from whatever the Akatsuki had done to her and her clan.

"One more time Naruto.  You have almost perfected it." stated Itachi as he was working with Naruto on combining his fire chakra with his wind chakra to produce a very unique jutsu that only Naruto was capable of.  Naruto had learned some of same fire techniques that both Itachi and Sasuke knew.  Naruto nodded his head weakly as he closed his blue eyes focusing on what he needed to do.    Naruto opened his eyes as he began to make the RASENGAN before adding fire into the mix.  Suddenly Naruto's eyes became blurry as the color of his eyes changed becoming a golden yellow color as his pupils were slit like subtraction signs (sage eyes).  Orange make up appeared around Naruto's eyes as he let out a painful howl as his body shifted back to his normal Jinchuriki form.  His five fox tails had a light flame surrounding them.  The FIRE RASENGAN had finally perfected perfectly in Naruto's claws before disappearing.  "Naruto-sama........are you all right?" asked Itachi in concern as Naruto's fur became a darker shade of red.  Kyuubi stopped dead in his tracks when he sensed it as he snarled a curse in his demonic tongue.  Naruto's body began to rapidly change as he looked much like Kyuubi in his true Jinchuriki form.  Kyuubi acted quickly shifting into his true form as he lunged at Naruto when he heard Itachiu scream in pain as he covered his eyes.  Naruto bit and clawed at his own father trying to get the older kitsune off of him.  Kyuubi poured every bit of power into his son and he bit down onto his son's neck.

*Naruto retract it quickly.  Remember what and who you are!* Kyuubi snarled as he witnessed a bone armor begin to erect its self around Naruto as four more tails formed made from pure fire.  Kyuubi knew that he had to act quickly or else the village was going to be in deep trouble.  Kyuubi activated his CHISHIO KIKAN while changing his form into his fullest and truest from.  Bone armor covered Kyuubi's body as every inch of his fur was on fire including all nine of his tails.  Kyuubi looked more demonic than ever before as his eyes turned all white with no visible irises and/or pupils as they were glowing.  Kyuubi pinned Naruto down with his massive paws as his elongated canines sank into Naruto's neck.  Kyuubi used every bit of his power to cause Naruto's CHISHIO KIKAN to disipate as he could also sense the Uchiha's MANGEKYO SHARINGAN was the source behind why Naruto was going feral.  Kyuubi could feel Naruto's powers slowly calming down as his body shrank.  Naruto let out a low whimper as Kyuubi released his son from his hold.  Kyuubi licked the wounds that he had caused allowing them to heal before he willed himself to transform back to his normal Jinchuriki form.  Kakashi and Sasuke were taking care of Itachi as he was trying to deactivate his MANGEKYO SHARINGAN.  *Is everyone all right?* asked Kyuubi as he held Naruto while he was in his fox form.

"What in the world just happened Kyuubi-dono?" asked Kakashi.  Kyuubi could feel Naruto shaking violently against his body as he curled his large body around Naruto.

Hush now kit.  Its all right........I have you. Kyuubi told Naruto softly as he looked up at Kakashi.  *Naruto had violently awakened our kekkigenkai which had a reverse effect on him as it activated Itachi's MANGEKYO SHARINGAN.  The backlash caused Naruto to revert to that of the kitsune's truest demonic form.  If I didn't stop him when I did, then he would have gone feral.* Kyuubi stated.  Kyuubi never thought that he would ever have to revert to his truest form.  The last time he did was when he fought against Orochimaru.

"Will Naruto be all right?" asked Sasuke.  Kyuubi finally shifted back to his human form as Naruto had finally passed out.

"He will be fine Sasuke.  Once our kekkigenkai has triggered he will be able to use it without any problems.  To tell you quite bluntly, I never thought that Naruto would be even able to transform into that of our true kitsune form.  It scares me to admit that my own son has more power than even me." stated Kyuubi.  Finally Itachi opened his eyes to reveal his normal SHARINIGAN eyes.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?  For even to awaken his kekkigenkai and turn my own MANGEKYO SHARINGAN against me ain't no small feat.  I didn't even realize that you even had another form Kyuubi-dono." stated Itachi.

"I try not to use that form often as it is very hard to control myself when I use it.  A kitsune's true form often drives us to go feral as we will often attack those that we don't mean too.  We only use it as a last result only when we truly have too." replied Kyuubi as he used his powers to transform Naruto int a small fox form as he picked his son up gently.  Naruto whimpered softly in his sleep as ruby red tears streaked down from his eyes.

*I am sorry tou-san.* he whimpered lightly.

*Its all right Naruto.  Just don't scare me like that ever again.  Are you going to be all right?* Kyuubi asked him while gently stroking his fur.

*I just hurt a lot!* Naruto replied.
*I am sorry kit.  I got a bit rough with you in order to get you to revert and to stop using that power.  Just rest for now and we can resume training later.* Kyuubi told Naruto.  Naruto did as his father commanded as he fell into a deep sleep.

When Sakura had heard about what had happened to Naruto during their training, she was worried.

"Don't worry Sakura........Naruto will recover.  It just means that he will be put through much harder training then ever before." stated Gaara.

"That's what I am worried about Gaara-sama.  Naruto has it far rougher than anyone else because of his condition.  I know that this training is crucial but I don't think it is too healthy for Naruto's body and mind." replied Sakura.

"Don't give up on him Sakura.  Naruto is pushing himself hard in order to learn how to fully control his powers that way he can protect those whom are near and dear to his heart." stated Killer B.

*And to think we haven't gone through mating season yet.  So is there someone in this village whom catches your eye Killer B?* asked Yugito mentally.  Killer B glared at Yugito sharply.

*That ain't any of your business Yugito.  Besides shouldn't you be tending to your own mate?*  Yugito snarled sharply at Killer B as the boar had a point.  Yugito was avoiding Itachi because she was close to her heat cycle.  She was afraid that the human wouldn't return her feelings.  Jinchuriki have a very hard time accepting that the ones that they have chosen for a mate don't love them that it could cause the Jinchuriki to die from a broken heart (quite litterally).

*Yugito go to your mate now!  I will not have a Jinchuriki in heat dying on me.  There is very few of our kind left as it is.* a commanding voice snarled in her mind.

*As you command Kyuubi-dono.* replied Yugito as she shot a hateful glance to Killer B.  Sakura had noticed the sudden change in Yugito's mood as she stormed off.

"I hate to ask what that was all about." she whispered.

"Just be grateful that you don't as you don't truly want to know Sakura.  I suppose that you are here to visit Naruto-sama?" questioned Haku as Sakura nodded her head.

"Sorry Sakura until his body recoveres it is best if you stay away for a while,  But we will tell him that you stopped by." stated Killer B.  Sakura just nodded her head that she understood as she left the Jinchuriki compound.

Yuki sighed to herself as she knew that she had to tell everyone what was the Akatsuki's plans were and what they were trying to accomplish.  She shuttered at the thought of it as she knew that nothing good was going to come from this war.  So many people had lost their lives all ready.

{Mistress Hikari you must tell then or even more are going to die.} Ryokoto told her among their special path as he was still hiding within the shadows.

{I don't think that I have the strength to tell them.  I frankily don't even want to think about what I saw there.} replied Yuki.

{Please Mistress Hikari, you must do this.  I am the only one that you have left as you haven't been able to create anymore YAMI NO TAMASHII since then.  I am begging you to do this Mistress Hikari or we will loose all that we hold dear.  And that includes your mate Gaara-sama.} stated Ryokoto.  Yuki let out another long sigh as her ears drooped knowing that her YAMI NO TAMASHII had a point.  If she didn't act soon more will die and no body will be able to stop the Akatsuki from their plans.

{All right Ryokoto I will do it.  Once Naruto-sama has recovered, I will tell them all that I know.} she sighed in defeat.
{Arigato Mistress Hikari.} stated Ryokoto.

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