ninteen- Yuki's recollection

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  As the character Yuki-Hikari belongs to yyh-ygo-fma as Ryokoto belongs to me.  The story however is completely my own idea!  Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it as I will be using some of my own attacks and techniques (not featured on the Naruto series)..............thank you!

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), {Yami no Tamashii (dark souls) language}, bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment towards boys, chan: familiarity or endearment towards girls, sempai: senior/one who comes before, sensei: teacher/master of a profession, kitsune: fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, onee-chan: big sister, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you,  ototo: little brother,  imoto: little sister, chishio kikan: blood mirror

Nineteen - Yuki's recollection

It was two days before Naruto regained consciousness as it seemed that his powers finally settled in his body allowing him to transform back into his normal Jinchuriki form.  He apologized to everyone for what had happened as he felt bad about it.

Its all right Naruto.  Nobody is blaming you for how the power would react to your certain type of system.  Now we can worry about more pressing matters. replied Kyuubi.

Kyuubi-dono about that.  I think I may shed some light into that subject. stated Yuki.  Kyuubi turned to Yuki smiling at her gently.

I was wondering when you would say something Yuki-Hikari.  I will arrange for a meeting with all of the clan leaders, team captains, and Sarutobi-dono that way you can tell us everything. Kyuubi told her as Yuki slowly nodded her head that she understood.  Yuki hoped by over coming this past even that it may enable her to create more YAMI NO TAMASHII.  Yuki had a feeling that she was going to need them for the battle that was to come.

While Yuki was preparing herself mentally to tell everyone what she knew, Donzo was making his move.  He had learned from his sources what had happened to Naruto and that Yuki was a survivor from the Akatsuki attacks as the rabbit Jinchuriki knew about the Akatsuki's plans and possibly those whom were working with the demons.  He had learned that the rabbit was going to reveal everything during a meeting arranged by Kyuubi.  This troubled Donzo as no doubt the rabbit knew that on more than one occasion, Donzo had meet with Orochimaru and the Akasuki.  He set out a messenger bird to fly quickly to give the naga a message about what was going on in the leaf.  Donzo knew that he had to act quickly as he called for his root soldiers to gather together.  Tomorrow whether or not Orochimaru showed up, he couldn't allow the rabbit to reveal what she knew.

Elsewhere Yugito had found Itachi training teaching Sasuke how to fully use his SHARINGAN to its fullest potential.  Yugito let out a long soft sigh before she approached the two Uchiha's.  Itachi seemed aware that she was there.

"We will pick this up later Sasuke.  I think Yugito-sama and I need to talk." stated Itachi.

"All right Onii-san." replied Sasuke as he jogged past Yugito whispering "Good Luck" before he left the area.

"So what is on your mind Yugito-sama?  I have noticed that you have been avoiding me lately.  Did I do something to upset you?" asked Itachi.  Yugito shook her head no violently.

"Its not you Itachi........its me.  No doubt as you have heard from Kyuubi-dono is that we only mate once with the being that we choose as our mates.  The thing is with our kind and with those whom we have chosen as our mates if they don't return our feelings that we die of a broken heart.  I mean that very seriously.  We can only imprint on one being whom we hold special feelings for as they will carry our scent on them until we mark them as our mate." stated Yugito in embarrassment as her cat ears flattened against her hair while she played with her two tails.  Itachi thought that she looked incredibly cute when she was embarrassed.  Itachi walked up close to Yugito as her eyes were cast down avoiding looking at the human.  Itachi grabbed Yugito's chin forcing the cat Jinchuriki to look at him.

"Yugito-sama..........are you trying to tell me that you care for me and want me as your mate?" asked Itachi huskily earning a bright blush from Yugito as her two tails fell out of her hand.  Yugito slowly shook her head yes as she could feel Itachi wrap his arms around her slender waist pulling her close to him.  Itachi went in for the kill as he kissed Yugito softly on the lips earing a slight purr from the cat as their kiss became passionate.  Itachi pulled Yugito close to his own body as he could feel the cat's two tails wrapping around his leg while her arms wrapped around his broad back.  The two broke for air as he noticed the sultry look on the cat's face.  Her ears stood up on full alert.  "Yugito......I care deeply for you as I had fallen in love with you from the very first moment that we meet.  It doesn't bother me that you are a Jinchuriki or even what you truly look like.  All that matters is my feelings for you." stated Itachi.  Yugito's ears twitched at these words.

"Itachi......would it be alright if I mark you as my mate as I am very close to my heat.  It was one of the reasons that I have been avoiding you cause once go into heat........I am going to want to mate with you fully in order to bear cubs that will turn out to be much like Naruto-sama." asked Yugito in a slight purr.  Itachi smiled as he nodded his head yes.

"With you as my wife.  I will be able to rebuild my clan even if they are Jinchuriki hanyou.  I love you Yugito." stated Itachi.

"And I you Itachi Uchiha." replied Yugito as the two began to kiss passionately.  Yugito's kisses became aggressive as she began to nip at Itachi's bottom lip before she moved to the hollow of his neck.  Itachi moaned in pleasure as he could hear Yugito's purrs rumbling through her chest as she licked, kissed, and nipped at the hollow of Itachi's neck.

".......Yugito......" he moaned before he could feel Yugito's fangs sink into his neck as he screamed out in pleasure and pain from Yugito marking him.

Meanwhile Orochimaru had received a report from Donzo about what was happening in the leaf and what was going to happen.  The hanyou cursed violently as he had no choice but to step up his plans.  He still needed to Uchiha's SHARINGAN, the kitsune's CHISHIO KIKAN, and the Hikari's YAMI NO TAMASHII to complete his goals.  With these three most powerful kekkigenkai abilities at his disposal, no human and/or Jinchuriki would stand a chance against him.  He was bound and determined to conquer all of the lands and arrange for a new world order where his kind reigned supreme over all Jinchuriki and humans.  He used various techniques at his disposal in order to create the Akatsuki demons.  Orochimnaru summoned his six demonic creations to tell them that now was the time to attack.  The six Akatsuki all gathered together looking anxious about what was going to happen.

The reason why I have called you all here is because I have learned some disturbing news from the leaf village.  It seems that one of the Jinchuriki we took hostage in order to gain their kekkigenkai is going to reveal our plans and our allies.  We have no choice but to step up our plans and destroy those who stand in our way. stated Orochimaur.

But what about the Jinchuriki-dono? asked Deidara whom appeared to be a human looking demon made out of clay (looks much like he does in the series but no mouths on his hands and paler colors).

Deidara has a point.  None of us have a chance against the kitsune-dono. added Kakuzu whom looked like a human octopus (using yyh-ygo-fma idea from the review on chapter 15).  Kakuzu had part of his face hidden behind a black face mask as he had black corneas and red eyes.  His arms which he had four of them had brownish-yellow scales lining his dark grayish tan skin.  His lower half was that of an octopus with the four remaining legs as his lower half matched the scales on his arms.  Orochimaru simply smiled as he turned to a red dragon-like human with slick black hair.  His large wings rested against his broad back as his long spiked tail thrashed angrily by his side.  The dragon had dark golden yellow eyes which looked similar to Orochimaru's eyes as he had four tan horns which erupted from his skull through his black hair and large elf like ears.
Madara were you able to find that item that I had asked you to locate? asked Orochimaru as the dragon nodded his head as he grabbed a large bundle that was on his back taking it off before he handed it to the naga.  Orochimaru carefully unwrapped the bundle to reveal a pure silver sword.  Special inscriptions laid in the blade as it sat on a golden hilt.

It wasn't easy to locate this object but I had managed. replied Madara. just looks like an ordinary sword to me. stated Kisame, the shark.

Oh.......this is no ordinary sword Kisame.  This is the sword of Kusanagi, the legendary demon slayer.  It is the one object that can kill any demon no matter how powerful. replied Orochimaru as he carefully wrapped the sword.

I take it that we are going back to the leaf village in order to fully destroy it this time. stated Sasori, the puppet.  Orochimaru grinned wickedly while nodding his head yes.

But no doubt that you want the hanyou kitsune Nartuo, the rabbit Jinchuriki Yuki-Hikari, and the human Sasuke Uchiha's kekkigenkai in order to complete our goals. stated Pain, the mixed element.

You know me all too well! replied Orochimaru.

The following day Yuki stood in front of all the clan leaders, team captains, hokage, and Kyuubi.  Naruto was there as well as Yuki stated that she would feel comfortable with the hanyou there.  Yuki took a long deep breath before she began.

"I was once held captive by the Akatsuki demons as they were after my clan's kekkigenkai to create YAMI NO TAMASHII." stated Yuki.

"Yuki-sama...........this kekkigenkai that you possess, how does it work exactly?" asked Sarutobi.  Yuki looked at Kyuubi whom simply nodded his head.

"The YAMI NO TAMASHII are created by using my power to create SHADOW CONTROLLING MASKS.  These creature masks take possession of a person.  Once in place, the masks can not be removed as it slowly feeds on a human's chakra like food in order to sustain its life.  I can contol these people as they will do my bidding obeying me like they are a servant as I can use them in order to use some of my own abilites and powers." stated Yuki as a sharp gasp of shock was heard from almost everyone in the room.  Yuki sighed softly before she continued on.  "The hanyou naga Orochimaru is quite familiar with my clan's kekkigenkai as he captured all of us in order to hopefully strip us of our kekkigenkai.  During my captivity, I had learned of the Akatsuki's goals to dominate all of the lands putting themselves in control over all the humans and Jinchuriki.  If any one dared to stand in their way, they would kill them." she stated.

"How close are they to completing their goal?" asked one of the clan heads.

"I heard that once they had my clan's kekkigenkai, that they still needed two more.  The SHARINGAN possessed by the Uchiha and the CHISHIO KIKAN possessed by either Naruto-sama and/or Kyuubi-dono.  I believe that they have all ready got the BYAKUGAN possessed by the Hyuga clan." replied Yuki.  Yuki's words troubled them as they didn't know how Orochimaru was able to possess the kekkigenkai abilities which laid in a single clan's DNA and their blood.

"Yuki-sama how is it that they managed to possess these kekkigenkai?" asked Kurenai.

"Oroochimaru had perfected a jutsu that enables him to take control over a body by sheding his own as the vessel becomes his new body.  That is how he is able to get a clan's kekkigenkai." she replied.  A low deep snarl erupted from Kyuubi's lips when he heard this fact as he recognized the technique that Yuki spoke off.

"While you were held captive by Orochimaru and the Akatsuki, did you happen to see those whom were helping him?" asked the Hyuga clan leader.  Yuki nodded her head yes but before she could tell explosion rocked the building and the leaf village.

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