twenty- the hokage's death

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Author Notes: this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time. I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured. As the character Yuki-Hikari belongs to yyh-ygo-fma as Ryokoto belongs to me. The story however is completely my own idea! Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it as I will be using some of my own attacks and techniques (not featured on the Naruto series)..............thank you!

Special Keys Used: "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), {Yami no Tamashii (dark souls) language}, bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment towards boys, chan: familiarity or endearment towards girls, fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, onee-chan: big sister, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you, ototo: little brother, imoto: little sister, chishio kikan: blood mirror

Twenty - the hokage's death

As the explosion ripped through the building and the leaf village. Everyone was on high alert as ninja appeared wearing full body masks only allowing everyone to see their eyes. A sharp snarl could be heard coming from Kyuubi.

"It was tried to kill my clan along with all of the Jinchuriki. There is no use hiding yourself human as I recognize Orochimaru's scent anywhere." snarled Kyuubi sharply as his shifted into that of his true form. None of the masked ninja moved which forced the kitsune to move as he wildly jumped pouncing on top of Donzo. Kyuubi's nine tails moved taking off Donzo's mask. His elongated fangs snapped close to Donzo's face. "Tell me what you are after human?" snarled Kyuubi angrily. Sarutobi wasn't a bit when Kyuubi attacked Donzo. What surprised when Donzo managed to knock the Jinchuriki off of him as he unbound the bandages that covered him to reveal the SHARINGAN eye in his left eye. This caused Itachi to grow angry.

"It was killed my clan." Itachi snarled.

"Indeed it was me. I want power and I will use whomever I can in order to get what I want. Now Hiruzen Sarutobi........I will take your head and become the next hokage." stated Donzp as he moved to attack Sarutobi. Nobody saw Ryokoto take form from out of the shadows moving to protect Sarutobi. Yuki moved quickly as she wouldn't allow those whom were willing to help her and her fellow Jinchuriki live here peacefully as he YAMI NO TAMASHII was willing to protect the hokage.

"SHADOW CONTROLLING MASKS!" she snapped as a shadow mask in the form of a hawk form in her hands. One of the Root ninja moved to protect Donzo from Yuki's mask as the mask was slapped hard on his face. The Root ninja screamed in pain before his body went lifeless. Upon seeing this Donzo retreated out of the building as a secondary explosion rocked the leaf. Both Naruto and Kyuubi snarled sharply when they smelled the familiar scent of the Akatsuki demons.

"Thank you Ryokoto and you too Yuki but I can't allow Donzo to get away with this. Everyone quickly go to stage one alert and deal with the

Akatsuki while protecting the villagers. Kyuubi-dono and I will deal with Donzo." commanded Sarutobi. The various leaders and team captains nodded their heads that they understood as they took off.

"Naruto...........Yuki-Hikari gather what Jinchuriki you can to assist and the Akatsuki from what they are after." commanded Kyuubi.

"Hai!" both answered in unison. Yuki turned to Ryokoto and her new YAMI NO TAMASHII snapping her fingers before the hawk mask. The YAMI NO TAMASHII opened its eyes looking at Yuki. He suddenly went down onto one knee before the rabbit.

{What is your name?] she asked.

{I am called Kazuki Mistress Hikari.} answered the hawk mask YAMI NO TAMASHII.

{Welcome to the team Kazuki. I need for you and Ryokoto to help protect the people in this village. There is an emergency shelter set up there. Stay there until I summon you.} she commanded.

{Hai Mistress Hikari!} both answered in unison.

Both Kyuubi and Sarutobi followed Donzo as the kitsune allowed the human to ride on his back that way they could catch the traitor. Kyuubi and Sarutobi caught up with Donzo as he stood next to Orochimaru, the kitsune snarled sharply as Sarutobi jumped off the kitsune's back. Orochimaru just simply smiled an evil smile.

"One way or another will die by my hands."

*I would like to see you try Orochimaru. But then again it isn't like you to join forces with a human.* snapped Kyuubi.

"What can I say Kyuubi..........I am just fall of surprises. HIDDEN SHADOW SNAKE HANDS!" snarled Orochimaru as he attacked Kyuubi and Sarutobi. Both Kyuubi and Sarutobi dodged the attack as Donzo moved to attack the hokage.

"Leave me to deal with Hiruzen Sarutobi. deal with Kyuubi." snapped Donzo.

"Don't boss me around human!" growled Orochimaru. While the two fought..........Kyuubi shifted to his truest form as he activated his kekkigenkai.

*NINE TAIL FOX FIRE STREAM!* Kyuubi snarled attacking both Donzo and Orochimaru.

While Sarutobi and Kyuubi were dealing with Donzo and Orochimaru, the other teams were dealing with the Akatsuki demons with support from the Anbu. The four teams fought hard against the six the teams including the Jinchuriki members. The only two that seemed to be overwhelming the teams including the Jinchuriki members. The only two that seemed to be holding their own against Akatsuki was Naruto and Sasuke. But everyone was giving their all against the Akatsuki.

"Don't fight against it. Sooner or later you humans are bound to die!" snapped Deidara as he broke off a part of his body creating what looked like a piece of art of his body reformed going back to normal. "C NUMBER TWO!" he snapped. Naruto was the first one to move as he shifted into his full kitsune form as he moved to take the hit.

"Naruto-sama!" everyone shouted out in concern

"I wouldn't be so worried about him. The same fate await all of you!" stated Deidara. As the smoke began to clear, Deidara found himself facing a rather pissed off Naruto in full kitsune form.

*FOX FLAME BULLET!* he snarled (a variation of the TOAD OIL FLAME BULLET). A large flame spat from Naruto's muzzle as it engulfed Deidara as his clay body couldn't handle the intense flames. Deidara's body melted into a puddle of goo.

"What a weakling! Lets see what your capable of you damn kitsune." snarled Madara as he attacked Naruto. Suddenly sand caught the dragon keeping him from Naruto.

"He's not your only opponent. SAND BINDING COFFI N!" snarled Gaara as he made a hand jester causing the sand to tighten around Madara. Madara opened his wings up full as he escaped Gaara's jutsu. But Madara didn't see Haku as the wolf approached from behind.

"CRYSTAL ICE PRISON!" she snapped (this is my own attack). Madara was frozen instantly not being able to escape from Haku's attack.

Meanwhile.........both Sarutobi and Kyuubi were panting as they stood face to face with Orochimaru and Donzo. Even those two looked out of breath. The four looked on the brink of exhaustion.

"It is time to end this one way or another. Time for you to die Kyuubi!" snapped Orochimaru as he unwrapped the bundle revealing the demon slayer sword.

*It can't in the world did you get the sword of Kusanagi?* snarled Kyuubi.

"That is for me to know and for you to not find out." snapped Orochimaru.

"Kyuubi-dono........what in the world is that?" asked Sarutobi.

*A sword that is said to be able kill a demon. The sword that once belonged to a slayer of demons named Kusanagi.* replied Kyuubi.

"Which means that is the end." stated Orochimaru. Orochimaru charged at Kyuubi with sword in hand. Sarutobi moved quickly getting in front of Kyuubi taking the hit from the sword.

*No.........Sarutobi-dono!* called out Kyuubi as his nine tails moved to strike at Orochimaru.

"Lord out!" stated Donzo as he pushed Orochimaru out of harms way.

*Its time that you get out of the way. TAILED BEAST SONIC ROAR!* snapped Kyuubi as he blew away both Donzo and Orochimaru with his attack.

"Damn too powerful. You haven't seen the last of us! Retreat for now." called out Orochimaru as both he and Donzo fled.

Kyuubi rushed to Sarutobi's side as he pulled out the sword of Kusanagi out of

Sarutobi's gut as he shifted back into his human form.

"Sarutobi-dono hold on.........don't die on me." snarled Kyuubi.

"I don't think I will be able to hold on. This wound is fatal. Kyuubi promise me that you will protect the leaf village. From now on I want you to be the hokage of the leaf village." stated Sarutobi as he coughed up blood. Tears of blood streaked down Kyuubi's face.

"I promise you Hiruzen.......I will do what I can. This village and its people meana lot to me and my kind. I will use every bit of my power to stop Orochimaru and Donzo from their plans." stated Kyuubi sadly.

"That is the first time you called me by my real name. Thank you Kyuubi for everything." stated Sarutobi as he closed his eyes slowly for the last time. Kyuubi lifted his face to the sky and let out a long painful howl of sadness. Hiruzen Sarutobi was dead.......and there will be hell to pay!

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