twenty one- the Akatsuki's plans

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Author Notes: this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time. I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured. As the character Yuki-Hikari belongs to yyh-ygo-fma as Ryokoto and Kazuki belongs to me. The story however is completely my own idea! Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it as I will be using some of my own attacks and techniques (not featured on the Naruto series)..............thank you!

Special Keys Used: "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), {Yami no Tamashii (dark souls) language}, bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment towards boys, chan: familiarity or endearment towards girls, fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, onee-chan: big sister, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you, ototo: little brother, imoto: little sister, chishio kikan: blood mirror, yami no tamashii: dark souls

Twenty One - the Akatsuki's plans

After the Akatsuki and their allies left the leaf village.......a loud mournful cry echoed through the leaf. All of the Jinchuriki had heard Kyuubi's cry and understood what had happened. Hiruzen Sarutoboi had been killed. All of the Jinchuriki joined Kyuubi in the howl. The Jinchuriki wouldn't forget what Sarutobi had done for them. Tsunade came to Kyuubi's side as she saw that Sarutobi was dead.

"Kyuubi-dono........" she stated sadly.

"He protected me from being killed by the sword of Kusanagi. He told me as he laid dying to continue to protect the leaf village as he named me hokage." Kyuubi told her as he carefully picked up the sword that laid by Sarutobi's side.

"He did what he felt was right. The other Jinchuriki still need you as Naruto-sama still needs his tou-san. The leaf village will still need a hokage to lead and protect its people. He felt that you have all that is needed to continue in his stead." stated Tsunade.

"Tsunade........I hope that everyone will agree with your words as I will do what I must to end this war that both Orochimaru and Donzo started. Hiruzen's death won't be in vein." snarled Kyuubi as he wrapped up the Kusanagi sword in the cloth that laid on the ground before he held it in his tails as he went to pick up Sarutobi's body. They still had to figure out what the Akatsuki were up too.

A large funeral was held for Sarutobi as the leaders of the various clans discussed whom should be the next hokage. Tsunade had told them what Kyuubi had told her upon her arrival to aid those whom had been injured. The leaders of the clans knew that the kitsune Jinchuriki was perhaps one of the strongest beings in the leaf as no doubt Sarutobi had his own reasons for wanting the Jinchuriki-dono to become the hokage for the leaf. There was much discussion over the issue as it was finally decided that the leaf village would honor Sarutobi's request. It was also brought to everyone's attention that Haku's attack had captured one of the Akatsuki members.

"There is no way that we will get them to talk. Not without resorting to torture."

"Actually there is a way. What about Yuki's YAMI NO TAMASHII powers?"

"It is true that Yuki-Hikari's powers forces its victims to obey her every word. But her power is no where near strong enough for her to control an altered being." stated Kyuubi. "But there is another way that we can use Yuki-Hikari's either myself and/or my kit to use our kekkigenkai power to copy Yuki-Hikari's kekkigenkai. It may be the only way that we can find out what the Akatsuki's plans are and what they are planning." stated Kyuubi. The leaders of the clans agreed to try Kyuubi's idea but they first wanted to grieve for the loss of Sarutobi.

The following day after the funeral. Naruto was asked by his father to use his kekkigenkai to copy and use Yuki-Hikari's kekkigenkai ability to create a YAMI NO TAMASHII.

You want me to have the Akatsuki member that we caught to become my YAMI NO TAMASHII that way we can find out what Orochimaru is planning.

Yes kit. I know that Yuki-Hikari's powers are not strong enough to pull this off but ours is. Unfortunately the clan leaders don't want me to do anything as they fear that something may happen to me. stated Kyuubi.

Its because you are now the hokage for the village as they don't want for anything to happen to you. replied Naruto.

I know kit. Do you think you can do it? asked Kyuubi.

Hai tou-san. I have seen how Yuki uses her kekkigenkai so, I should be able to reproduce her power. replied Naruto in confidence.

Several chunin and Anbu stood guard as they brought the ice prison that Madara was stuck within. The ice was melting a little bit as several of the ninja performed using their fire jutsu in order to free Madara of his prison. Naruto activated his CHISHIO KIKAN as he began casting Yuki's ability to create a SHADOW CONTROLLING MASK in order to have Madara become his YAMI NO TAMASHII. Once Madara was freed of his prison he was bound in order to keep him from escaping.

"Madara of the way or another you will tell us what your group is planning." growled Kyuubi as his tails moved to reveal Naruto whom held a shadow mask in his claws. The mask took on a cross of Madara's own draconic features combining it with Naruto's own foxy features. Madara simply smiled wickedly not afraid of the villagers but he hadn't truly seen what Naruto and Kyuubi were capable off. Both kitsune's have been holding back their incredible power knowing full well what would happen if they released it. Naruto walked up towards Madara as Kyuubi nodded his head. Naruto slapped on the mask onto Madara's face as the dragon howled in pain clawing atg the mask. Suddenly his screams stopped as his arms fell lifeless at his side. Naruto nodded to his father as Kyuubi instructed the ninja to release the Akatsuki of his bindings. The ninja did as they were told. Naruto circled Madara as he snapped his fingers before the creatures eyes. The dragon man opened his eyes and then knelt down before Naruto as his wings folded up behind him. Madara's tail lightly flicked at his side.

{ may I help you?} asked Madara.

{Madara.......I need for you to tell us in the human tongue what the Akatsuki plans are. We need to know what they are trying to accomplish.} commanded Naruto. Madara simply nodded his head as he stood back up to face everyone.

"The Akatsuki want to destroy all of the great nations in order to create a new world order. A world in which demons reign supreme and humans are no longer a threat. In order to achieve this goal Orochimaru needed very powerful kekkigenkai powers that would allow him to achieve his goals. He also wants a younger vessel to host as his new body. At first he wanted to elder son of the Uchicha....Itachi but Donzo screwed up the hit on the Uchiha family causing Itachi to activate his MANGEKYO SHARNINGAN. This caused Orochimaru to revise his plans. Once he had the Uchiha all he needed was the jinchuriki rabbit and the kitsune powers before he could continue on with his plans." stated Madara. Everyone looked at the dragon shocked by what they had just learned. Now the call would go up to put a stop to

Donzo, Orochimaru, and the Akatsuki before it was too late.

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