twenty two- allies

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  As the character Yuki-Hikari belongs to yyh-ygo-fma as Ryokoto and Kazuki belongs to me.  The story however is completely my own idea!  Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it as I will be using some of my own attacks and techniques (not featured on the Naruto series)..............thank you!

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), {Yami no Tamashii (dark souls) language}, bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment towards boys, chan: familiarity or endearment towards girls, fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, onee-chan: big sister, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you,  ototo: little brother,  imoto: little sister, chishio kikan: blood mirror, yami no tamashii: dark souls

Twenty Two - allies

A call went out to the other neighboring villages and lands about what the Akatsuki’s plans were.  Those villages that weren’t all ready involved now found themselves involved.  The Akatsuki’s plans just proved that they needed to get rid of all demons.  But Kyuubi had voiced that not all demons were like that.  Some of the villages and lands didn’t join the allegiance and went to battle against the Akatsuki.  They were completely wiped out.  Kyuubi was in the Uchiha compound pacing back and forth on the grounds snarling.  A trail of fire followed in his wake as he hated stupid humans whom didn’t listen to reason.  Half of their fighting force had been wiped out.  Kyuubi was going over and over the idea of calling upon other demons for help.  There was a group consisting of eight powerful demons that humans had never laid eyes upon before.  Unlike the Jinchuriki, these demons couldn’t shape shift as some of them were too monstrous to be out in the human world.  After much deliberation, Kyuubi had finally decided to travel to the realm of the demons.

Kyuubi-dono…..let me go instead.  You are needed here in the village. stated Killer B

I understand your concerns B…..but, your voice won’t carry much merit like my own.  That and you won’t be able to enter the demon realm where I can. stated Kyuubi.  Killer B knew that Kyuubi spoke the truth.  I need for you and Tsunade to watch after the village in my stay.  I have a feeling that we will need all of the help that we can get.  They may feel that they shouldn’t socialize with humans but, they will learn that no where in the Akatsuki plans are they given reign. stated Kyuubi.

Will Naruto-sama be able to travel there one day considering what he is? asked Killer B.

Perhaps….he is my kit and his powers are even more powerful than my own.  He is not like Orochimaru.  Naruto wants for all demons and humans to live in peace equally.  He maybe the one who can truly do it.  But I want to try and see what I can do first even if it is to ask for their assistance. stated Kyuubi.

I understand.  Good luck Kyuubi-dono! stated Killer B as he left the kitsune.  Kyuubi closed his crimson eyes calling upon his ancient powers as he allowed his body to transform from his physical human-like form into that of his truest spirit animal form.  Kyuubi looked like a crimson fox made entirely out of fire.  It was the one form that he didn’t use too often as his powers in this form was almost two fold of what he usually used.  Kyuubi opened his eyes which were all completely ghost white with no visible irises and/or pupils.  Kyuubi lept leaving the Uchiha estate as he traveled within the clouds.  Kyuubi traveled until he came upon a realm of complete darkness.  Kyuubi let out a fearsome roar as the ground below him split in half allowing him to slip through to the realm of the demons.  Kyuubi found himself instantly within the lair of demons as the eight demons hid in the shadows as they looked surprised to see the kitsune.

Well Kyuubi………It has been over a millennium.  What brings you to the realm of the demons? asked a familiar male voice as it stepped out of the shadows.  Kyuubi turned facing the large white dog.  This dog had a blue crescent moon in the middle of his forehead and red capital V marks near his muzzle.  Part of his fur looked like clouds as he had long floppy ears, red corneas with blue irises.  This was the Inugami named Sesshomaru (I am using Sesshomaru’s full demon form from the Inuyasha series).

Yes it has been a long time my brother.  I wish that I didn’t have to involve you all with this but we have a large problem. replied Kyuubi.

If you are referring to that damned hanyou named Orochimaru……..we know of what he plans.  He attacked me while I was in the human realm.  He wanted my power.  snarled a deep voice as a dragon looking like a hydra with eight heads stepped forward.  This was the Yamata no Orochi named Meracumo (using a name that I got off of the Blue Seed series).  The others stepped forward to allow Kyuubi to see them all.  There was a large Kappa which looked like a turtle named Genbu (one of the four gods that I have seen on the Fushigi Yugi series).  A Hebi which was a giant snake which  belonged the same clan as Orchimaru named Serpentine.  A Komainu which was a cross between a lion and a dog named Griffin.  A Tengu which was a bird demon named Suzuki (another one of the four gods from Fushigi Yugi series).  A Tsuchigumo, a giant spider that looked more like a tarantula named Arachni.  And a Wani, a water monster that looked like either an alligator named Croc (a villain from the Batman comics owned by DC comics).

That little naga is definitely asking for trouble if he thinks he can take on a demon for trouble if he thinks that he can take on a demon from dark realms. stated the feminine voice of Arachni.

His plans are a lot more serious than that. replied Kyuubi before he told them about what Orochimaru was up to.  Large snarls and growls of anger resided within the eight great demons.  I have come to ask of your help.  To team up with the humans in order to put an end to Orochimaru and his collaborators.  It is about time that you all step out of the shadows and join the humans.

But humans hate and fear us Kyuubi.  Given the chance they will kill us! stated Genbu.

Yes to humans we are the things they often talk about in bed time stories.  But not all humans are like that.

If I remember right you have a hanyou cub named Naruto don’t you Kyuubi? asked Griffin.

That I do.  He shows great potential as both a demon and a human.  He is the exact opposite of Orochimaru.  He is even showing some signs that he may possess some of my own true natural form. replied Kyuubi as the eight great demons gasped in shock.  Never before has a creature like Naruto ever existed and to think that he may awaken as a true kitsune even though he is a hanyou shocked them.  Please…….I can truly use your help.  If I need too……..I will reveal my true self to everyone.  Not everyone knows what I truly am.  But I know by myself, that I don’t have the power to stop Orochimaru alone.  The eight great demons looked at one another as they knew that given a chance it would be nice to work be nice to work along with the humans and stop hidding in the shadows.  After much mental deliberation the eight great demons turned towards Kyuubi.

Very well Kyuubi we will help aid you. stated Suzaku in a feminine voice.

You best prepare the humans for our arrival in their world. stated Serpentine as Kyuubi nodded his head that he understood before he left the demon realm.

Kyuubi arrived back to the leaf village as his kit was there to greet him.  Naruto was one of the few besides both Killer B and Yugito who knew about the truth about what his father truly was.

Welcome back home tou-san.  How did it go? asked Naruto.  Kyuubi changed back into his human form nearly collapsing in exhaustion as Naruto had caught him before he could pass out.

I forget just how much energy and power that form exerts on me.  They had agreed to help.  I need to rest before I can tell our allies about them. stated Kyuubi as his body shifted back into his fox form.

Rest tou-san and let me take care of it. stated Naruto.

You kit……….but I……….

Please tou-san.  You are too weak.  You haven’t had to use that power since after I was born.  One day I will have to assume your duties as either the dono for the Jinchuriki or the hokage of the leaf.  Let me do this do this for you……..please tou-san.  Kyuubi gently nuzzled Naruto lovingly.

You are as strong willed as your okaa-san.  All right kit, I leave it to you. Kyuubi stated as he let go of Naruto letting out a long yawn.  His eyes slowly closed as he fell asleep.  Naruto left him as he trotted off for the hokage’s tower.


Naruto entered the hokage tower finding both Tsunade and Killer B discussing battle plans.  Naruto gently knocked on the door having them both turn towards him.

“Naruto-sama?” questioned Tsunade.

“Tou-san came back as he is exhausted.  He wants me to warn everyone that we are receiving help from the eight great demons within the demon realm.” Naruto stated.

“I see so he managed to get their help.  That’s good news.  Now we might have the necessary power to pull this off.  Did he tell you when they will be arriving?” questioned Killer B.

“Tou-san didn’t say.  My guess they are giving us enough time to warn everyone.” replied Naruto.  Both Killer B and Tsunade looked at each other as they arranged for a way to tell their allies about the other help they were receiving.  None of the humans knew the full truth of about how Kyuubi managed to find this other help or even how Kyuubi knew these eight great demons.


Two days had passed as Kyuubi finally regained full consciousness as he could clearly sense the eight great demons close by.  Naruto laid next to his father curled up as his fur appeared to be a lighter color than normal.  Kyuubi slowly slipped out as he stretched out his body.  He looked at his kit smiling as he was so proud to have a son like Naruto.  Naruto could have turned out just like Orochimaru if he didn’t keep him by his side and left him to his own devices.  No matter what……Kyuubi loved Naruto even though he had a fraction of his blood.  Naruto continued to surprise Kyuubi as there was no doubt that given a chance, Naruto would transform into a spiritual fox form just like Kyuubi could.  He was showing some signs of it.  Naruto slowly let out a long guttered yawn as he opened up his red eyes.

Did you sleep well kit? asked Kyuubi.

Tou-san……you look much better.  I am glad.  You had me a bit worried.

Sorry kit.  I didn’t mean to cause you any alarm.  It has just been a while since I had to revert to that form.  The other eight great demons are interested in meeting you. stated Kyuubi.  At one point of time there was a total of ten great demons but after the great demon king’s death thanks to Kusanagi and Kyuubi’s powers growing far past anything that his own brethren were capable of, that only left eight left in the world.  The other eight knew about Kyuubi and his kind as he was still welcomed back to the demon realm anytime he wished to go.  Kyuubi wasn’t sure if the others would join him in fighting against Orochimaru but learning that he was after one of the great demon powers raised the concern.  Kyuubi transformed into his human-like form as he slipped on his hokage cloak as he watched Naruto place on a black shirt with fishnet sleeves.  With the constant training that Naruto has gotten lately, his whole entire body was more muscular than before.  Both father and son left the Uchiha estate to go and greet the eight great demons.

Everyone stood at the ready for battle as a portal opened up while eight very large demons existed the portal.  Every human gasped in terror as the demons entered the village.  Most of them had to shrink their size as they were way too big to fit within the village.  Kyuubi stood along with Nartuo as he had yet to officially met the eight great demons as his father took him to meet them once when he was just a cub.

Welcome my friends to Konahaguakura village or the leaf village as many of the humans call it. Kyuubi greeted in his true demonic tongue.

Kyuubi………is that your cub?  He has certainly grown! stated Sesshomaru.  Kyuubi simply nodded as Naruto bowed his head.

It is nice to meet you all. he stated.

Kyuubi not to alarm you but certainly you have sensed it as well…….he definitely has that power within him. stated Meracumo.

Yes I am aware.  We have much to discuss before the battle begins! Kyuubi told them.

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