twenty three- the great battle

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  As the character Yuki-Hikari belongs to yyh-ygo-fma as Ryokoto and Kazuki belongs to me.  The story however is completely my own idea!  Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it as I will be using some of my own attacks and techniques (not featured on the Naruto series)..............thank you!

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), {Yami no Tamashii (dark souls) language}, bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment towards boys, chan: familiarity or endearment towards girls, fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, onee-chan: big sister, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you,  ototo: little brother,  imoto: little sister, chishio kikan: blood mirror, yami no tamashii: dark souls

Twenty Three - the great battle

The first order of business was to teach the eight great demon how to speak and understand the human tongue.  Once that was done, they discussed their plans for battle.  Kyuubi made them aware that they would be back to get those that they were after which included Naruto, Sasuke, and Yuki-Hikari.

“I think it should be wise to split our forces in half under the pretense that we going to attack their hideout.” stated Killer B.

“Luring them into a trap.  They have no clue that you have enlisted our aid.  It would work as they have no clue what is going on as we have no clue what is going on as we have the upper hand.” stated Meracumo.

“What I don’t get Kyuubi-dono is how you managed to get eight powerful demons to join our cause and out a sigh as he knew that sooner or later somebody was going to ask him this question.

“Its because of what I am.  A kitsune are known as spirit foxes.  But my powers goes far beyond what the demons are capable of.” replied Kyuubi as he unleashed his fullest and truest form that he had.  The two elder Jinchuriki and his son Naruto had seen it once before as they knew full well what Kyuubi truly was.  Kyuubi looked like a glowing fox made completely out of fire as a bone armor covered the main part of his body and his head.  His nine tails were a darker flames then his actual body as he stared at everyone through his all white glowing eyes with no visible irises and/or pupils.  His fangs and claws fully lengthened as he looked more demonic than ever before.  Upon seeing Kyuubi’s truest and fullest form every villager backed up gasping sharply.  Naruto whom stood unmoving from his father’s side simply patted his father’s head reassuring everyone that Kyuubi meant them no harm.  *Sorry sometimes I forget how humans actually perceive me when I take on this form.  This is why I don’t usually take this form too often.  And trust me you have yet to see the full extent of my powers.* Kyuubi stated as he willed his body to transform back to his human form.

*Unfortunately most of us can’t transform into a human form as willingly as Kyuubi can.* stated Sesshomaru before he allowed himself to transform into his human form.  Sesshomaru looked like an elf with long straight to the waist length snow white hair.  His eyes were a slitted golden yellow as his demonic markings could be clearly seen as he still had the blue crescent moon in the middle of his forehead (Sesshomaru’s human form as seen in the “Inuyasha” series).  Unlike Kyuubi, Sesshomaru didn’t have any animal ears and/or tail.  “Unfortunately only a very small number of us have ever achieved a human form.” he added.  Sesshomaru wasn’t the only one who could become human as Meracumo also transformed into his human form.  Meracumo had all black eyes with no visible pupils and/or irises as he had long black wavy hair that fell to his shoulders in length.  He had slightly pointed human ears which looked like an elf.  Some small blue beads that looked like gems could be seen on his body as the others remained hidden.  He had eight of them in total (Meracumo’s human form as seen on the series “Blue Seed”).  Suzaku also took on her human form as she looked like a human with short fiery red hair as she still had her long phoenix-like tail.  Her eyes looked like ambers as she had slightly pointed ears much like Meracumo and Sesshomaru (Suzaku human form is much like how it appears in the “Fushugi Yugi” series except instead of being a male, Suzaku is a female).  These were the only three that could become even remotely human.  This surprised the humans as they looked at Naruto wondering if he could do it as well.  There was many things about the Jinchuriki Hanyou that was far from the other his Jinchuriki brethren.

“But Killer B has good idea of splitting our forces as no doubt they will take the bait as we should do it tomorrow night.” stated Kyuubi  Tomorrow night was the new moon as Naruto would be forced to become human.  No doubt that the Akatsuki would think of attacking the hanyou when he was human and powerless.  No doubt Naruto wouldn’t be able to use his demonic powers but he still had his human chakra and the skills that he had learned as a ninja.  “What say you kit?  Are you up for it?” asked Kyuubi.  Nartuo looked at his father smiling.

“Of course tou-san.” he replied.  Once the plan was in place Sesshomaru stuck close to Nartuo as he was given a leaf headband and a change of clothing that way he didn’t stick up.  Suzaku took on her phoenix form keeping to the trees acting as look out while Meracumo was dressed in civilian clothes as he mingled in with the other villagers.

Night fell quickly as Naruto screamed out in pain.  He was used to transforming into his human form but without his demonic powers, he couldn’t bear the pain.  Naruto had learned not to fight against the transformation as it would only hurt more.  Naruto collapsed onto his human knees as the last bits of pain washed through his body as Sesshomaru held onto his human clothing.  Nartuo panted as he waited until he was able to move again as he took the clothes from Sesshomaru.

“Does that happen to you every new moon Naruto?” asked Sesshomaru.

“Yes it does.  No matter how many times it happens it hurts like hell, if you pardon the expression.  It doesn’t hurt nearly as bad when I envoke the change myself.” replied Naruto.

‘Now I understand what my younger brother went through because of his hanyou heritage.’ Sesshomaru thought to himself (Kinda of OCC for Sesshomaru but I thought this would happen many years after the Inuyasha series).  “Naruto…….do you have a mate yet?” asked the Inugami.  Naruto shrieked suddenly as he blushed never expecting the demon to ask him that question.

“Sesshomaru-dono…….” he studdered while trying to get dressed.

“Then I take that as a yes.  She must be very special as hanyou’s are very rare.  She is the only one who is truly meant for you so protect her with your life.” Sesshomaru stated as he thought about Inuyasha and Kagome.  Naruto just simply nodded his head that he understood Sesshomaru’s words.

“Ain’t that sweet.  Who would ever think that creatures like you are able to fall in love.  It makes me sick to my stomach.” stated a voice causing both Sesshomaru and Naruto to tense up.  Even though Naruto was in his human form, it didn’t mean that he couldn’t use his kekkigenkai.

{Madara……….tell my tou-san that they are here but not to strike yet as we don’t know if Orochimaru took the bait.} Nartuo whispered as he could feel and sense his YAMI NO TAMASHII close by.  Madara did as he was commanded as he moved through the shadows so not to be seen.  Pain the mixed elemental transformed his body from out of the wind to become solid.

“Naruto……….Orochimaru-dono wants you.  Your kekkigenkai shall prove a great use for us to achieve our dreams.” stated Pain.  Naruto took our his kunai knives arming himself as Sesshomaru did the same.

Meanwhile in another section of the village, Yuki and Gaara came face to face with the puppet Akatsuki, Sasori.  The puppet used his ability to tie up Gaara to keep the one tail from helping his mate.  Unknown to Sasori was the fact that Yuki’s YAMI NO TAMASHII, Ryokoto and Kazuki were in the shadows ready to make a move when Yuki gave them the word.  Gaara struggled within the strings to free himself.  He wouldn’t allow his mate to be taken from him.

“Struggle all you want one tail.  My CHAKRA THREADS are specially made to drain you of your powers the more that you struggle.  Now……miss Yuki-Hikari, you will be coming with me.”  Yuki stood at a defense position ready to strike Sasori.  Yuki was determined to fight back as she wouldn’t allow herself to be taken again.

“I rather die first before I let you take me again.  I won’t let you take me without a fight.” Yuki growled.

“Fine….its your funeral

Elsewhere in another part of the leaf village, both Haku and Sasuke stood back to back as Orochimaru circled his vessel.

“Back off wolf, I only want the boy.” hissed Orochimaru.

“Make me you damned snake.  I won’t let you lay a single claw on my mate.” snarled Haku.  Dark rich laughter spilled from Orochimaru’s when he heard Haku claim Sasuke as her mate. 

“Are all Jinchuriki human crazy?  It was bad enough that Kyuubi fell in love with that human woman who gave birth to Naruto.  But even you are admitting that you care for this human.  I am sorry but I have plans for his body.” stated Orochimaru.

“There is no way that I will ever go with you or allow you to use my body for your own twisted reasons.” snapped Sasuke.  Before Orochimaru had a chance to move, black flames rose up keeping the naga from Sasuke.  Orochimaru hissed viscously not happy that somebody had interrupted him from getting what he wanted. 

“Back away from my ototo Orochimaru.” snarled Itachi.

“Ah……..the other Uchiha shows up.” hissed Orochimaru as he saw the mate mark on the Uchiha’s neck knowing that he had been claimed as somebody’s mate.  Orochimaru backed up sharply when he heard a low rumbling snarl as the air felt electrified with energy.  There was no way that Orochimaru wouldn’t recognize that snarl.

“Yugito… nice for you to join us.” he snarled turning his head to the two tail cat whom was in her cat form.

*Watch that tongue of your Orochimaru before I rip it out of you.  I won’t let you insult my mate or harm his family.* Yugito snarled sharply bearing her fangs causing Orochimaru to laugh.

“How low our kind have sunk that they have mate with humans.  This is why you all shall be destroyed.” stated Orochimaru. Yugito moved shape shifting as she attacked the snake.

Outside of the village Kyuubi awaited with the back up squad of Anbu black ops, the other great demons, and Killer B.  Madara suddenly appeared before the kitsune bowing his head.

{Kyuubi-dono……Naruto-sama sends word that the Akatsuki are within the village.  But he doesn’t wish for you to strike yet.} Madara told the kitsune lord.  Kyuubi could see storm clouds forming over the village as he clearly recognized the power flowing in the air.  It was Yugito’s power that he was sensing (yes I know that Yugito’s element is fire but I changed it to be lighting as I was thinking that Yugito is more like a mountain cat than a regular one).  Kyuubi watched as a bolt of lightning crashed down to the leaf village causing Kyuubi to shake his head.  The two tail Jinchuriki was riled up as no doubt Orochimaru was attacking the Uchiha’s.  Kyuubi let out a loud roar as his team moved out to attack.  Upon hearing the roar or Kyuubi, both Mercumo and Suzaku moved as most of the villagers went into hiding in the rock slide cliff where the hokage’s faces were carved in.

Pain moved attacking both Sesshomaru and Naruto as the Jinchuriki activated his CHISHIO KIKAN as Pain attacked singling his partner Kisame to move in as well.

“One loan human won’t keep you from us Naruto.” stated Kisame as he made various hand signs.  “WATER RELEASE: EXPLODING WATER COLLIDING WAVE!”  Naruto quickly grabbed Sesshomaru moving him out of harms way before the attack could hit him.  Naruto gathered his charka as he began to create a RASENGAN as it grew in size.

“BIG BALL RESENGAN!” Naruto snapped as he threw the RASENGAN at Pain and Kisame.

“EARTH RELEASE: EARTH-SYLE WALL!” snapped Pain as he slammed his hands into the earth erecting a large earth wall to protect him and Kisame.  Finally Team Seven without Sasuke had shown up to back up Naruto and Sesshomaru.  “More labs to the slaughter.”

“Maybe its time that you realize whom your dealing with!” snarled Sesshomaru before he invoked the transformation into his true demonic form.  Both Pain’s and Kisame’s faces paled as they didn’t expect one of the great demons to have allied with the leaf.  Poison dripped from Sesshomaru’s muzzle as he went after Kisame.  *Leave the shark to me.* he told the group mentally.  Team Seven moved to help out Naruto.  Kakashi had his head band up revealing his SHARINGAN eye as he made several hand signs as lightning formed in his hand.

“CHIDORI!” he snapped trying to get his attack to connect to Pain.  Pain avoided the attack by becoming wind as he seemed to vanish.  But Naruto’s eyes could clearly see him as he was going after Sai and Sakura.  Naruto moved pushing both humans out of the way.

“FLAMING ARROW MISSLES!” snapped Pain as his attack hit Naruto as he managed to get Sai and Sakura out of harms way.

Team Eight, Ten, and Guy were busy in the village stopping what remained of the root ninja as several of the great demons moved to help them.  Kyuubi came face to face with Donzo as he had both Kakuzu and Deidara by his side.  Kyuubi could have sworn that his kit Naruto had destroyed the clay demon but somehow the demon stood before him unharmed.  Kyuubi knew that he could handle these three but, both Killer B and Griffin had opted to stay by his side.

“Fine but Donzo is mine!” snarled Kyuubi as he was bound to make the human pay for everything that he had done.  Both Killer B and Griffin didn’t argue with the kitsune as they could sense his lust for the human’s blood.  Donzo just simply smiled at Kyuubi as he extended out one hand moving his fingers as if asking Kyuubi to bring it!

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