twenty four- Naruto's release

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  As the character Yuki-Hikari belongs to yyh-ygo-fma as Ryokoto and Kazuki belongs to me.  The story however is completely my own idea!  Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it as I will be using some of my own attacks and techniques (not featured on the Naruto series)..............thank you!

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), {Yami no Tamashii (dark souls) language}, bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment towards boys, chan: familiarity or endearment towards girls, fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, onee-chan: big sister, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you,  ototo: little brother,  imoto: little sister, chishio kikan: blood mirror, yami no tamashii: dark souls

Twenty Four - Naruto’s release

The battles all over the leaf village had begun as Kyuubi kept in mental contact with all of the demons and Jinchuriki.  Kyuubi could feel and sense that Yuki-Hikari and Gaara needed some backup.  Meracumo was on his way to help the two.  The Uchiha’s were tied up dealing with Orochimaru.  Everybody was doing their part to protect the leaf.  Kyuubi shifted into his fox form as he didn’t want to reveal his ace in the hole until he needed too.  Kyuubi activated his CHISHIO KIKAN in order to counter act Donzo’s SHARNINGAN eye.  Kyuubi wasn’t certain if Donzo knew how to use the MANGEKYO SHARINGAN or not so he prepared himself for it.

“Kyuubi do you really think that you can defeat me in that form?” asked Donzo.  The persona that Donzo had of a feeble, battered, and weak old man had faded away right before Kyuubi’s eyes.  He looked like somebody whom could truly go toe to toe with Kyuubi.

*Don’t underestimate me Donzo.  You have never truly seen what I am capable of.* replied Kyuubi as he went to swipe at Donzo with his claws.  Donzo back flipped out of harms way laughing.

“Yes but Orochimaru has.” replied Donzo causing the kitsune to laugh.

*That naga has only seen a small fraction of my truest power.  There is only a small amount of beings that have seen what I truly am and what I am capable of.  But you won’t be alive long enough to see it!  NINE-TAIL FOX TWISTER!* roared Kyuubi as he whipped his tails unleashing a twister that managed to pick up all of the root ninja throwing them everywhere.

Back in the Uchiha compound, both Yugito and Orochimaru faced against one another.  Itachi, Haku, and Sasuke stood in the wings ready to attack.  Orochimaru simply glanced at the younger Uchiha to see the curse mark that he gave the boy had been sealed.

“You humans are so predictable.  You think that you can seal the curse keeping him from me well, think again!” hissed Orochimaru as he willed the curse mark to spread.  Sasuke screamed out in pain clutching at his neck as black tribal flames spread across his body.  “He is all ready mine!”  Haku moved to help her mate as Sasuke acknowledged her weakly.  Upon seeing this Yugito snarled sharply as she touched her mates mind telepathically.

*Itachi………do you trust me?* she asked as Itachi looked at her unsure of even why she was asking that question.  Through being marked as a Jinchuriki’s mate, the mark he had been given allowed him to respond and hear his mate telepathically as he could mentally speak with her among these same paths.

*Of course I do Yugito. Why are you asking me this now all of time?* he asked back mentally.

*I am sorry Itachi but there is something that I have been hiding from you.  Please forgive me for what I am about to do but I do it for you and your ototo.* replied Yugito.  Thunder and lightning rumbled loudly dancing across the heavens.  Orochimaru didn’t look too happy as he knew full well what Yugito was planning,

“Are you really willing to unleash that form Yugito allowing your mate to see the true you?” asked Orochimaru in a sneer.

*I am in order to protect those closest to me.  Haku……erect it!* snapped Yugito.  Haku performed several quick hand signs.

“ICE RELEASE: PROTECTIVE ICE DOME!” Haku yelled out as a dome of ice formed around her and the two Uchiha’s.  Yugito’s body became more golden yellow as she looked like a cat made entirely out of thunder and lightning.

Back in another part of the village, Yuki and Gaara were facing Sasori as the puppet moved swiftly to attack Yuki.  The two YAMI NO TAMASHII that were hiding in the shadows moved to protect their mistress.  The full shadow armor covered their body.

{Ryokoto…….Kazuki!} she shouted out.  The puppets weapons were coated with poison as both Yuki and Gaara could smell it.

{Worry not mistress Hikari.  We will protect you with our lives.  As it is our duty!} they replied in unison.  Gaara’s sand finally freed the one tail of CHAKRA STRINGS but he was still visibly weak.

“Come on you both can do so much better.  Oh well…..IRON SAND DRIZZLE!” snarled Sasori.

“DRAGON WAVE!” shouted out a voice as a large water wave in the form hitting the two of  Jinchuriki and YAMI NO TANASHII.  Meracumo stepped before the four of them grinning.  “So this is where you have been hiding.  Sorry I am so late but I had a hard time finding you guys.” replied Meracumo.

“Just who in hell are you?” snapped Sasori

“Do you really want to know?” questioned Mercumo as he shape shifted into his true form.

Meanwhile…….Pain’s attack had hit Naruto hard as the hanyou went down hard.

“Naruto!” shouted out Sakura as she ran to his side.  Naruto cursed violently as coughed up blood.  Both Sesshomaru and Kakashi were busy dealing with Kisame.  Sai rolled out a large scroll drawing on it quickly as he made a single hand sign.

“SUPER BEAST IMITATING DRAWING!” he yelled out.  Pain as he caused fire to erupt destroying all of Sai’s scrolls.  But Pain never saw the bombs that Sakura had thrown right by his feet.

“CHERRY BLOSSOM IMPACT!” yelled out Sakura as she activated the bombs.  It hit Pain directly as she used her own body to shield Naruto’s.

“Sakura!” yelled out Sai as Pain emerged from the smoke and fire swatting the human girl off of Naruto.

“That actually hurt you damned human.  Perhaps I should kill you first!” stated Pain as she grabbed Sakura by the neck.  Suddenly there was a large burst of power as everyone turned to see Naruto standing surrounding by flames.

“Don’t you even dare harm her!” snarled Naruto low and deep as he rose to his feet.  Pain just grinned wickedly.

“BANSHO TENIN!” he snapped hitting Sakura with the attack as she was out cold before Pain threw her.  Sai moved quickly catching his unconscious team mate before she hit a rock wall. “Now you were saying Naruto?” asked Pain.  Naruto hunched over in pain as the sun began to rise.  His transformed hit him hard and fast but it wasn’t the transformation into his hanyou form but something else much deadly and more powerful.  Naruto’s lower fox half became that f a fox made out of fire as bone covered his main body as he looked like he was wearing a bone helmet.  His golden spikes looked longer as they were glowing as if made out of gold fire and his fox ears looked much longer than normal.  Nine dark flame tails came out of his back as his eyes were glowing all white with no visible irises and/or pupils.  His claws and fangs had extended fully as his whisker marks on his cheeks became much broader.  Naruto once fully transformed he unleashed a loud roar that shook the leaf village.  Naruto had done the impossible, he managed to some how his father’s truest kitsune form become something that nobody has seen before.  His powers in this new released from was nothing to sneeze at as every demon could sense it.  Sesshomaru’s tail quickly grabbed Kakashi as he lept of the way Naruto’s attack as he told the human to seal off his SHANINGAN eye and not to look at Naruto through it. 

TAILED BEAST: TWIN RESENGAN!” roared Naruto as his attack hit Kisame dead on.  The demon shark was completely destroyed upon impact. 

“Damn you Naruto!  CHIBAKU TENSEI!” yelled out Pain as he made several hand signs combining all of his elemental powers to hit Naruto all at once.  Naruto moved too quickly as he managed to dodge the attack.  Naruto made several hand signs gathering together becoming larger in his hands. 

“PLANETARY FIRE RASENGAN!” (a revised Planetary Rasengan attack) snarled Naruto sharply as Pain tried to move but found out that he couldn’t.

“FOUR COURNER SEALING BARRIER!” coughed Sakura weakly as her kunai laid pinned in the ground trapping the mixed element.  Pain couldn’t escape as the attack hit him killing him in the process.  Naruto let out another loud roar!

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