sixteen- a demon's rage

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  As the character Yuki-Hikari belongs to yyh-ygo-fma as Ryokoto belongs to me.  The story however is completely my own idea!  Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it.......thank you!

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), -flashback scene-, {Yami no Tamashii (dark souls) language}, bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment for boys, chan: familiarity or endearment towards girls, sempai: senior/one who comes before, sensei: teacher/master of a profession, kitsune: fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, onee-chan: big sister, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you,  ototo: little brother,  imoto: little sister

Sixteen - a demon's rage

Yuki blushed a bright shade of red when she heard Gaara claim her as his mate.  She could smell her scent mixed with Gaara's so perfectly which made her blush a far darker shade of red.  Gaara positioned his body protectively before Yuki.  The two demons laughed at Gaara and Yuki as they felt that the two Jinchuriki didn't stand a chance against them.  Gaara's eyes narrowed as he glared at Sasori and Kisame as he stood ready to protect both his mate and the Hokage.  Yuki also stood at the ready as both Sasori and Kisame paced before the two Jinchuriki preparing to strike.  Finally the two human-demons moved.  Kisame made several hand signs as water erupted all around him.

"WATER RELEASE: GREAT SHARK BULLET TECHNIQUE!" snapped Kisame.  Gaara stood unmoved as sand moved forming a shield of to protect Gaara and Yuki from Kisame's attack.  The sand then moved without Gaara saying a single word as it wiped at Kisame and Sasori keeping the two demons at bay.

"So your attacks deal with sand.  You won't be able to defeat us with that kind of technique!" stated Sasori as Gaara remained emotionless as his claws and fangs lengthened.  Gaara hated being underestimated.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." stated Gaara as he made several hand signs.  "SAND SHURIKEN!" he snapped as the sand formed into shrunken flying at the two Akatsuki demons.  Both Sasori and Kisame both managed to avoid Gaara's attack but they didn't see Yuki's attack coming.

"SHADOW FANG BITE!" she snapped as a shadow in the form of a skull was created that could swallow its victims.  The attack looked like it had hit the two dead on.  As the skull vanished disappearing from sight as it revealed two puppets in the forms that looked identical to Sasori and Kisame.  'Damn a substitution jutsu.' Yuki cursed to herself.  Gaara and Yuki stood back to back as Gaara's one tail wrapped around Yuki's slender waist.

Don't worry Yuki.......I won't let them take you. Gaara stated softly.

Meanwhile..........Orochimaru had sank his fangs into Sasuke's neck leaving a strange mark on the young Uchiha claiming that Sasuke was his.  Sakura moved attacking Orochimaru.

"No........get away from him!" yelled out Sakura as she ran attacking Orochimaru.

"Wait Sakura!" yelled at Kakashi a bit too late as Sakura lunged at Orochimaru forcing the naga to drop Sasuke.  Sasuke was out cold do to whatever the naga hanyou did to him.  Orochimaru just grinned wickedly.

"Please like you have a chance against me girl.  BINDING SNAKE GLARE SPELL!" hissed Orochimaru as he gave Sakura an icy cold stare that binded the girl.  With one flawless movement, Orochimaru swatted Sakura away with his tail.  Sakura flew colliding with a nearby building hard.  Naruto let out a loud primal roar as flames erupted around his body.

Orochimaru! he snarled as his body began to shape shift into that of a large demonic fox as dark flames surrounded his four tails (his transformation is similar to how he looks in his 4 tail form in the series).  Naruto moved in mid shift as he lept at the naga.  Orochimaru cursed violently as he didn't expect the hanyou kitsune to go full blood demonic.  Orochimaru just barely got out of the way as Naruto turned sharply on his paws.  Orochimaru tried to reach for Sasuke to find red CHAKRA ARMS grabbing Sasuke out of the way from Orochimaru's grasp.  Naruto let out a loud SONIC ROAR that rattled the buildings and shattered glass.  A fifth tail began to grow out of Naruto's back as Naruto moved viciously to attack Orochimaru.  Naruto had opened his mouth revealing a large sphere made both of energy and fire as he let the blast loose with great force.

"EARTH RELEASE: EARTH-STYLE WALL!" snapped an unfamiliar voice.  A wall made of earth erupted before Orochimaru protecting him from Naruto's attack.  "Reckless as always Lord Orochimaru.  Why is the world would you go and piss off the kitsune hanyou for?"  Orochimaru turned seeing a mixed elemental demon which was made of a combination of every elemental that existed. 

"..........Pain........." hissed Orochimaru low and deep while Naruto's eyes narrowed glaring at the Jinchuriki hanyou and the mixed elemental demon that stood before him.  Another loud SONIC ROAR erupted through the village alerting all that Kyuubi had heard his son's howls.  Orochimaru knew that he didn't stand a chance against the older kitsune.  "Pain alert everyone that we are pulling out!" snarled Orochimaru as Naruto was glaring at the naga.  Naruto moved too quickly not allowing Pain and/or Orochimaru to escape.  Fire and energy combined together as Naruto released another powerful blast at the two demons.  Naruto had lost all reasoning as he violently attack the two that stood before him.  Both Pain and Orochimaru snarled sharply as once again Pain made a few hand signs causing another earth wall to erupt to protect them from Naruto's attack.  Both Kakashi and Sai watched in horror not being able to stop Naruto.  Pain knew that if he wished to escape, then he best had to act fast.  Chakra formed in Pain's hands as he made hand signs with one hand.

"CHAKRA: EXPLOSION!" he snapped throwing the chakra orb at Naruto.  The explosion rocked the whole leaf village as the blast caused smoke and dust to rise from the impact sight.  When it all cleared Naruto was standing in a large crater unphased from the attack with flames dancing around his paws.  Both Orochimaru and Pain where no were in sight.  Naruto let loose another SONIC ROAR as his ears twitched violently when he heard both Kakashi and Sai.  The two humans stood frozen almost afraid to fight Naruto.  They didn't want to fight the Jinchuriki hanyou as he was a friend and a member of their team.  Suddenly Kyuubi lept landing before his son stopping him from attacking his own team.

Naruto.......stop! Kyuubi roared in dominance bearing his fangs at Naruto.  Kyuubi was in full animal form as it was the only way to stop his son from doing something that he would regret.  Naruto snarled sharply at his father as it seemed that he wasn't about to back down.  Kyuubi's body grew larger as he showed his pure dominance to Naruto.  Naruto.........I said that is enough! he snapped in a threatening tone as he poured every bit of his power into his voice.  Naruto began to cower before the alpha male bearing his throat as a sign of submission.  Kyuubi walked up to Naurto nuzzling him softly.  Its all right now kit.  I need for you to calm down.  You did a very good job in protecting your team mates and our home. stated Kyuubi as he watched Itachi head to his little brother's side.  When Kyuubi saw the curse mark on Sasuke's neck, he snarled sharply spitting out a curse.

"Kyuubi-dono........what is this thing on my ototo's neck?" asked Itachi.

*Its a curse mark brand.  It seems that Orochimaru wants your ototo's eyes to further his ambitions.  In time the curse will devour him alive until he goes to Orochimaru.  The only way to prevent this is to seal the curse mark and to strengthen his own powers.* stated Kyuubi.  Kyuubi began to nuzzle Naruto as the Jinchuriki hanyou slowly shifted back to his normal form.  Kyuubi had noted Naruto's fifth tail as he shook his head as he knew that now Naruto had a rough trail that laid ahead of him as he had forced the new tail to grow which would increase Naruto's powers.

Meanwhile..........both Sasori and Kisame heard the call for a retreat as both demons cursed out loud.

"Count yourself lucky this time but next time you won't be so lucky!" snarled Kisame.  The two Akatsuki demons retreated before either Yuki and/or Gaara could do anything to stop them.  Yuki collapsed against Gaara breathing out a sigh of relief.

{Mistress Hikari.......are you all right?} asked Ryokoto.

{I am fine Ryokoto.  Thank you for protecting the Hokage-dono.  I fear that's not the last time that we will ever see them again.} replied Yuki before Ryokoto melted back into the shadows.  Gaara gently helped Yuki as she was shaking like a leaf.

Don't worry Yuki.  No matter what...........I will protect you.  I won't allow them to hurt you ever again. stated Gaara softly while nuzzling at Yuki's slender neck.  Yuki moaned softly out loud Gaara's name.

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