fifteen- the attack on Sasuke and the leaf

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  As the character Yuki-Hikari belongs to yyh-ygo-fma as Ryokoto belongs to me.  The story however is completely my own idea!  Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it.......thank you!

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), -flashback scene-, {Yami no Tamashii (dark souls) language}, bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment for boys, chan: familiarity or endearment towards girls, sempai: senior/one who comes before, sensei: teacher/master of a profession, kitsune: fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, onee-chan: big sister, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you,  ototo: little brother,  imoto: little sister

Fifteen - the attack on Sasuke and the leaf

It had been a whole month since Naruto had begun to learn about his human half of his powers.  It had become known that foreign dignitaries were coming to the leaf village forcing the Jinchuriki to hide and not being able to leave the Uchiha estate unless the leaf village was in danger.

I don't like this.  I wish that I knew what was going on in that meeting. replied Kyuubi.

That could be arranged Kyuubi-dono replied Yuki as she made several hand signs summoning her personal Yami no Tamashii, Ryokoto.

{You summoned me Mistress Hikari?}asked Ryokoto.

Ryokoto could spy on them from the shadows.  He would be able to report back to me among a special path that is possessed by the members of my clan. stated Yuki.

Actually your clan isn't the only ones who can hear and understand the Yami no Tamashii.  Those of the Kitsune Clan possess a very unique kekkigenkai that allows us to mirror, copy, and understand an others kekkigenkai. stated Kyuubi.  (I know that Naruto and Kyuubi don't have one in the series so for this story, I decided that they would have this ability.  It would also explain why Naruto was able to understand and knew that Ryokoto was a part of Yuki's power).

{What he says is true Mistress Hikari.  That hanyou understood every wore I spoke when I first came to this village with you injured in my arms.} stated Ryokoto.

I that is the ability possessed by those of your clan Kyuubi-dono.  But I am certain that Ryokoto can carry out this task without being spotted or arousing suspicion. stated Yuki.

Very well Yuki.......  I am trusting you Ryokoto . I need for you to report anything out of the ordinary. commanded Kyuubi as Ryokoto nodded his head that he understood as he vanished into the shadows.  It is up to Ryokoto and Naruto to keep the leaf village safe.

Naruto wondered through the village in his human form as his body felt tense.  He knew that something bad was going to happen.  Even though he was in human form he could sware that his fur would be standing on ends.

'I have a very bad feeling.' Naruto thought to himself as he met up with his team in order to get the details about their mission.

" seems that you have adjusted rather well to your human form." stated Kakashi.

"I can deal with it thanks to the training I was put through.  But I prefer my true form.  According to my tou-san, I still have a long way to go before I have full control over my powers." replied Naruto.  Naruto could feel someone ruffle his hair which caused Naruto to snarl sharply as his eyes were glazed red showing his demonic nature.  Jiariya removed his hand quickly as Naruto's fangs as well as his claws lengthened fully.  Naruto quickly scampered off before he seriously hurt someone.

"Jiariya-sensei you shouldn't do that.  Naruto doesn't like it when you ruffle his hair or his fur.  Its do to his animalistic nature.  He doesn't understand the difference between the two jesters.  Considering what he is a cross between a human and animal as he was raised as an animal so he takes to that jester much like an animal would.  Like he is being treated as a pet." replied Sakura as she remembered another incident similar to this one with Tsudade.

"Oh I see.........I should go and apologize." replied Jiariya.

"Speaking of which......where did Sasuke and Sai go to?" asked Kakashi.

"My guess they went to help Naruto calm down.  Lets leave it to those two." replied Sakura.

Meanwhile..........Naruto had made it to the forest which had begun to regrow.  His claws sank int a nearby tree as he began to shed off his human clothes before he transformed back into his true form.  His howls echoed through the woods as he couldn't control or stop his demonic blood from boiling over.  Naruto panted hard before he could smell someone approaching as he snarled sharply warning both Sasuke and Sai to stay back until he had calmed down.

"I am sorry.  I just have a very hard time with that type of affection." snarled Naruto.

"Its all right Naruto, I can understand as I am the same way." replied Sai.  This caused Naruto to tilt his head looking at Sai in confusion.  "You may not know this about me but I was brought up in a program that trains ninja to ignore human emotions and to forget all about human emotions.  This program was designed to create a cold blooded killer that isn't tied down by emotions.  They will pull off any mission, assassination, and anything else for that matter that would require them to.  I was brought up not having any emotions but that was before Kakashi-sensei pulled me out of that program and put me onto team seven with Sasuke and Sakura.  Sasuke and his onii-san, Itachi decided to take me into their clan in order to help me break out of my shell." stated Sai.

"I had no idea." replied Naruto as he had finally calmed down by just listening to Sai's story.

"I don't talk much about my past as it is still a bit painful but I feel that since everyone else on the team knows about should as well as you are a member of our team as well." stated Sai.

"Arigato Sai." replied Naruto as Sasuke proceeded to hand Naruto back his human clothes.

"We should get going back.  We do have a mission to complete." stated Sasuke.  Naruto simply nodded his head as he transformed back to his human form before the three boys traveled back to the village.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sai headed back to the village in order to report to their assigned posts after they got to the details of the mission that they were to complete.

"Before we pull off this mission please note that various lords and leaders from other lands and villages will all be here for the conference.  Hokage-dono is discussing various things among one of them is the Jinchuriki.  We have to keep our eyes open for anything unusual.  But unfortunately we aren't allowed in the main building." stated Kakashi.

"I wouldn't worry so much about it as we do happen to have somebody on the inside." replied Naruto.  Everyone looked at Naruto in confusion.  "Yuki had summoned Ryokoto, her personal Yami no Tamashii, her kekkigenkai.  He is within the building acting as our lookout.  Since Yuki's powers are shadowed based, Ryokoto can easily hide and blend in to shadows.  Yuki, tou-san, and I can communicate and hear Ryokoto among a special path that Yuki is only supposed to possess."

"How is that even possible Naruto?  Kekkigenkai are only possessed by the members of the clan that it orginally belongs to." asked Sakura.

"That's because of mine and tou-san's kekkigenkai, the CHISHIO KIKAN (translates as BLOOD MIRROR in Japanese).  Its quite similar to the Uchiha SHARINGAN eye.  Much like how they can copy and see any genjutsu and ninjutsu.  Ours goes further than that as we can copy any kekkigenkai ability." replied Naruto.  Everyone was a bit shocked to hear this.

"That is interesting to hear Naruto.  I trust that you will alert us if anything is up." stated Kakashi as Naruto nodded his head.

Within the meeting hall, Ryokoto watched everything as it seemed that the meeting was drawing to a close but Ryokoto couldn't help but to feel that something was wrong.  He could feel it clearly as if a part of Yuki's Jinchuriki blood was within him warning him of the impending danger.

'I have a bad feeling that something is going to happen.' Ryokoto thought to himself.

Meanwhile outside........Naruto could sense it clearly as he snarled sharply.  There was no way not even in his human form that he wouldn't be able to not smell or forget that scent.

'He's here within the village.  I am not certain how but.........'  Naruto knew that he could worry about it later.  * must protect Sarutobi-dono.  Orochimaru is here as he isn't alone!* Naruto commanded.

*I understand Naruto-sama.* replied Ryokoto.

*Tou-san alert all of the Jinchuriki.  Orochimaru is here, the leaf is in danger!*

*I understand. what you must to our home now!* replied Kyuubi.

*I understand tou-san.* Naruto replied as he turned to his team mates as his demonic nature was beginning to show.  "Orochimaru is here in this village.  I am also smelling those same beings back in the land of lightning that I smelled within Kumogakure.  We must protect the leaf and Sarutobi-dono.  The other Jinchuriki are on the way." snarled Naruto.

"Well that's good to hear.........frankly I was waiting for the day that I would be able to kill Kyuubi and gain the power of the kekkigenkai that belongs to him.  To bad that it had to be you Naruto that I faced against.  I wished that I only had the chance to face your tou-san." snarled Orochimaru.  Naruto grew tense as he snarled sharply as his team drew out their kunai knives.  Orochimaru slithered out from his hiding spot as his forked tongue licked his lips.  Sasuke activated his SHARINGAN eyes causing Orochimaru to smile sharply.  "So I see.........  The Uchiha kid had finally activated it.  The other kekkigenkai that I have been searching for has at last awakened.  Now I will have what I wanted." hissed Orochimaru as he moved to attack Sasuke.  Naruto moved at the same time as he quickly shedded his human clothes ripping them off of his body while transforming to his true form.  "Its no use Naruto.....he is mine!" snarled Orochimaru as he sank his fangs into Sasuke's neck.

"No..........get away from him!" cried out Sakura as she moved to attack Orochimaru.

A huge explosion ripped through the building at which the council was being held revealing Ryokoto whom stood in front of the Hokage as a rabbit was next to him

{Mistress shouldn't be here.  Its them.......the ones whom killed your clan.} stated Ryokoto.  Yuki transformed into her human form as she performed several hand signs.

"SHADOW ARMOR WARRIOR!" she snapped as Yuki touched Ryokoto causing armor to form on Ryokoto being made from shadows.  "Sarutobi-dono stay behind Ryokoto as he will protect you." stated Yuki.

"Hai..........I understand.  Just be careful Yuki-sama." stated Sarutobi as he got behind Ryokoto.

"I won't allow you to hurt Sarutobi-dono." snapped Yuki as she got into her fighting stance ready to unleash a jutsu if she had too.  Evil laughter crackled as two figures emerged drapped in black cloaks with red clouds on them.

"So you survived.  But not for long!" stated a human-like puppet whom didn't even appear human anymore as he looked more demonic and like a true puppet.

"Don't attempt to toy with her Sasori.  Orochimaru wants her alive because of her unique kekkigenkai.  It will prove useful in increasing our own powers." stated a human-like shark with blue skin and sharp teeth.

"Its you two again.  I won't be taken lightly and I won't let you take me without a fight!" snapped Yuki as she prepared for the worse.  The two figures began to move suddenly as a wall of sand stoped the two attackers.  Yuki turned her head to see Gaara by her side.

"I won't let you harm my mate!" he snarled standing before Yuki protecting her from any harm.

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