fourteen- Naruto's training

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  As the character Yuki-Hikari belongs to yyh-ygo-fma.  The story however is completely my own idea!  Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it.......thank you!

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), -flashback scene-, {Yami no Tamashii (dark souls) language}, bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment for boys, chan: familiarity or endearment towards girls, sempai: senior/one who comes before, sensei: teacher/master of a profession, kitsune: fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, onee-chan: big sister, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you,  ototo: little brother,  imoto: little sister

Fourteen - Naruto's training

The following day Naruto was to begin training with Jiariya.  Naruto and all of team seven were up at the training grounds.  Team seven seemed determined to help with Naruto's training.

"Its not necessary but if you truly wish to I welcome the help." replied Nazruto.

"Of course Naruto-sama.  You are a member of our team.  We want to help you out." stated Sasuke.

"Sasuke-kun has a point Naruto-sama.  We are willing to do this since you have helped us out time and time again with our training and stuff." replied Sai.

"Arigato everyone.  I appreciate the help." replied Naruto.

"Naruto-sama are you ready to begin your training?" asked Jiariya as Naruto nodded his head.  "According to Kyuubi-dono you have mastered your animal form but have you ever willingly tried to transform into your human form?"

"No...........I usually only transform into my human form during the nights of the new moon." replied Naruto.

"Yes Kyuubi-dono informed me to this fact.  Because of the shape and form of your body its harder for you to control the shape your body transforms to.  Every Jinchuriki has the ability to transform from one form to another.  Normally your kind is in the form of an animal as you can transform into a human form.  But because of the shape and form of your body, its harder for you to control what form to transform into." replied Jiariya.  Naruto had to admit that what Jiariya had said was true.  It was hard for Naruto to learn how to take on his animal form.

"I will give it a shot Jiariya-sensei.  But......." replied Naruto bashfully as he blushed a deep shade of red causing his ears to drop against his head as he looked at Sakura.  Sakura also began to blush a deep shade of red as well.

"Its all right Naruto-kun.  I will go else where so that you can focus on your task." replied Sakura.  Sakura left their sights as Jiariya proceeded to hand Naruto a change of clothing.  Naruto took them from Jiariya placing the pants to one side as he slipped on the tee shirt.  Naruto closed his eyes focusing on his powers.  He could sense the human half within as he focused feeling the transformation ravage his body.  Naruto howled in pain as his body changed from his current form to his full human form.  After the transformation was completed, Naruto had collapsed onto his knees panting hard.

'God............I didn't think it would hurt so much.  It hurts as much as transforming into my fox form.' Naruto thought as it took him a while before he could fully move.  Naruto proceeded to get dressed feeling a bit uncomfortable in his human form especially given it was during the day.

"Are you all right Naruto-sama?" asked Jiariya as Naruto simply nodded his head.  "For the remaining time that you are in training, I want you to remain in your human form."

"Is it safe to come out now?" asked Sakura.

"Of course Sakura." replied Kakashi as Sakura came out to rejoin the group.  "What shall we do know Master Jiariya?"

"Well doubt you can still feel your demonic powers coursing through your veins right now while you are in your human form.  No doubt you have noticed that the humans here use a power called chakra.  Because you are half human, you will have the same kind of powers.  First we need to teach Naruto-sama how to use his chakra rather than his demonic powers." stated Jiariya.

"I know the perfect task." stated Kakashi as Naruto swallowed sharply fearing what he was about to go through.

Naruto laid on the ground panting as his form was fluxing between his human form and his true form.  It was taking most of his power not to allow the transformation to happen.

"I never knew that this would be so hard.  Climbing trees without using your hands and only the souls of your feet infused with chakra." panted Naruto.

"Don't give up Naruto-sama, you almost have it." stated Sai as he stood on the tree where Naruto was last.

"Please can we not use the titles.  Since we are all on the same team can't you just call me by my name.  I don't like how everyone keeps calling me sama feeling that I am better than them." asked Naruto as he rose to his feet again looking at the tree.  Marks lined the tree going about half way up.  Naruto was determined to make it to the thickest branch on the tree which was a quarter of the way up the tree.  Naruto stretched out his human body as he closed his eyes making a single hand sign as he could sense and feel his chakra running through his body.  Naruto then opened his eyes as he then ran at the tree before him.  'I can do this.  If my blood tou-san and okaa-san could do this, then I can do it as well.' Naruto thought to himself as he climbed almost to the mark that he had in mind.  He had just barely grabbed a hold of the branch before him as he began to feel his chakra failing him.  Suddenly Naruto could feel cool hands grasping his as they began to pull him up to the branch.  Naruto looked up as he could see Sai, Sasuke, and Sakura helping him to the branch that was Naruto's goal.

"Don't worry Naruto.......we have you!" they stated in unison.  This caused Jiariya and Kakashi to smile.  The four of them then sat on the branch allowing Naruto to catch his breath as the three humans looked at their sensei.

"Well I guess that we can move onto the next task then.  But first lets go and get something to eat." replied Jiariya.

Before they went to have lunch Naruto proceeded to transform back to his true form to give his body a rest.  Even after learning how to become human, he could feel and sense all of his powers even now when he was in his true form.

'Odd..........I guess what tou-san had told me is true.  I am more powerful then I even realize.  But I still have to learn of what Kekkigenkai I possess and what powers I possess besides the ones that I know about.' Naruto thought ot himself.

"Naruto........are you all right?" asked Sakura disturbing Naruto's train of thought.

"Sorry Sakura.  I was lost in thought thinking about what my tou-san had told me.  There is so much that I have to learn about when it comes to my own powers.  Jiariya-sensei what was my blood tou-san like when you knew him?  Did you know my okaa-san?" asked Naruto.

"I know very little about Kushina Uzamaki.  But Minato Namikaze was a determined young man as he wouldn't let anything stop him or hold him back.  He was determined to grow stronger as he pushed himself all the time.  You remind me a lot of Minato.  You may have his blood within you as a bit of your mannerisms seem exactly like Minato's.  Who knows you might also be able to perform his jutsu." stated Jiariya.

"Jutsu?  A specail power possessed by the ninja.  There is so much that I have to learn." replied Naruto.

"No doubt Naruto........but that is why you are training.  To learn how to use all or your powers.  Both your demonic powers and your human powers.  By understanding both halves of your powers, you will have a better understanding of what you are fully capable of." stated Kakashi.

After lunch Naruto, team seven, and Jiariya resumed the training.  Naruto proved a real quick learner as he was taught a few techniques and abilities that his blood father knew.  It surprised everyone with how quickly Naruto was able to pick up on things.

"Now you won't have to rely much on only transforming on the nights of the new moon.  But you still may change to your human form during those nights and loose all of your demonic powers.  But at least now you won't think of yourself powerless." replied Jiariya.

"Hai.......arigato Jiariya-sensei.  But I still have a long way to go.  I still have to learn what Kekkigenkai powers I have." replied Naruto.

"Perhaps Kyuubi-dono is the one who can best help you with this.  He maybe the only one who knows what powers yhou have." stated Kakashi.

"That is true.  After all he is my tou-san.  Arigato for you help everyone!"

"Of course is our pleasure!" stated Sasuke, Sai, and Sakura in unison.  Naruto simply smiled as he was grateful to have such good friends and team mates.

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