thirteen- new arrival

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  As the character Yuki-Hikari belongs to my fanfiction reader yyh-ygo-fma.  The story however is completely my own idea!  Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it.......thank you!

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), -flashback scene-, {Yami no Tamashii (dark souls) language}, bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment for boys, chan: familiarity or endearment towards girls, sempai: senior/one who comes before, sensei: teacher/master of a profession, kit: child, kitsune: fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, onee-chan: big sister, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you,  nii-san: little brother, nee-chan: little sister, naga: snake

Thirteen - new arrival

When they all arrived at the main gate they could see a large being which didn't appear to be human but was human in shape.  Thick dark gray armor covered its body as it seemed to be wearing a dark gray Anbu mask in the form of a panther on its face.  In the beings arms it held a bloody light gray rabbit which was the size of a pug as it had four tails.  The dark gray armor retreated off of its body like smoke as a large dark skinned human male collapsed onto its knees as all but the mask on its face was gone.

{Please help!} it stated in a language that no one seemed to understand as it was in defense position as it seemed unwelcomed.  All of the Jinchuriki could smell it, the blood of their kind but they couldn't get a clear view of the creature.  {Please mistress is dying!  You must help her!} the being spoke.  This time around Naruto seemed to understand its words and could feel and sense its powers as it felt like it belonged to the Jinchuriki that it was holding.  Naruto raised his arm telling all within sight of him to back down.  Naruto stepped forth approaching the being slowly.  Even this being seemed to know full well what Naruto was as it bowed its head.  The dark skinned human was much larger than any human that Naruto had ever seen before.  The dark grey mask sat firmly into place as it did not seem like it could be removed.  Naruto could see its eyes clearly through the mask as they were glowing golden yellow color and appeared to be demonic in nature.  Its thick black hair laid tied back to its shoulder blades in length in a pony tail that was coming undone.  The being definitely smelled human but also like one of the Jinchuriki.  Naruto knelt besides the creature patting it on the right shoulder.

{Your among friends and family.  No harm will come to her.  But she is in desperate need of medical attention.  Can you tell me what happened?} asked Naruto as the creatures language seemed to spill from his lips as if he had heard it before.  The being looked up at Naruto in shock not quite expecting that the hanyou could speak its tongue.

{She was attacked by those whom want her Kekkeigenkai power.  It took almost all of her power to escape.  Please help her.} it replied.

{Do not worry.  She will be in the best of hands.} replied Naruto as he took the rabbit from the being.  Once Naruto had the injured Jinchuriki rabbit in his hands, the creature melted becoming one with the shadows.  Naruto could still feel and sense its presence lingering about.  But right now he had more pressing matters at hand.

At the hospital, Naruto watched as Tsunade worked.  His father stood with him as he filled his father in with what happened at the main gate.  Naruto could see it in his father's face when he seemed to almost recognize the rabbit Jinchuriki.  It wasn't until Naruto told him about the rabbits Kekkeigenkai.

I thought as much.  This Jinchuriki is from the Hikari Clan.  I thought that they had all been wiped out. stated Kyuubi as Tsunade nodded her head allowing the fox lord to walk over.  Its wounds had been treated for in its rabbit form as Tsunade had to treat its human wounds.  Kyuubi as the Jinchuriki lord had the power to invoke the changes from one form into another against the Jinchuriki's will (which he didn't do to often because he never felt the need to).  Kyuubi gently touched the Jinchuriki's forehead as the rabbit swiftly changed into that of a human body, the same age as Naruto.  Her silverish white hair came down to her hips in length as part of her bangs covered one of her eyes.  Her light gray rabbit ears stood a bit upright but fell as if she was a loop ear rabbit.  Her skin was a much paler completion than Naruto's as her four light grey rabbit tails laid against her back.  Naruto turned swiftly around as the girl laid unclothed on the hospital bed.

The Hikari Clan? questioned Naruto.

A rabbit clan that possessed a very unique Kekkeigenkai ability to create and summon Yami no Tamashii or Dark Souls.  From the sounds of it the being that you are describing was possibly one of them. replied Kyuubi as he walked over to his son gently patting him on the shoulder. I have a Kekkeigenkai power? asked Naruto.

Yes Kit we do.  You have been becoming aware of them lately haven't you after mastering your animal form.  You have powers that no other possess those unique to your two different heritages.  This is why I had asked Sarutobi-dono if he knew of a human who could train you.  I feel with what has been happening lately that you will need to know full well what you are capable of.  He shall be here during the next new moon. replied Kyuubi.  Naruto said nothing as he only shuttered as the new moon was only several days away.

Naruto walked down the streets thinking over what his father had said.

Naruto-sama..... called out a voice.  Naruto turned to see Gaara approaching him.

Nii-san what is wrong? asked Naruto.  Gaara panted as he approached Naruto.

You know you shouldn't refer to me as your Nii-san anymore.  Things have changed as sooner or later you will become the dono. stated Gaara.

I know that.  So what did you want Gaara? asled Naruto.

I was wondering how the Jinchuriki rabbit was doing? asked Gaara a bit shyly.  Naruto could smell it clearly.

'Gaara has imprinted on another.  It is the same as Haku and Yugito.  Even I had imprinted on another.  I can sense Gaara's concern for the rabbit from the Hikari Clan.  She must be Gaara's true life mate.  It is amazing that so many of us have found our life mates in such a short amount of time.' Naruto thought to himself.  She is resting well.  Tou-san says that she should regain consciousness come the new moon.

I see............I wish to be there when she awakes.  She is my responsibility. replied Gaara.  Naruto just simply smiled as he nodded his head.

Its fine Gaara.  I should be meeting the one who is going to train me.  A human to teach me how to use all of my powers and abilities.

We have to step up our guard as things are becoming rougher on us.  We must be vigilant as sooner or later the threat will attack us. stated Gaara.  Naruto knew that Gaara spoke the truth.

Come the night of the new moon, Naruto proceeded to allow the transformation into his human form as he slipped into the clothing provided to him. After he was changed he went out to where everyone was waiting.

"Naruto-sama.  I want you to meet someone.  This is Jiariya, he will be training you.  Jiariya was once one of my students as I know that you are in good hands." stated Sarutobi as a man with long white spikey hair nodded his head.  Naruto extended out his hand to shake Jiariya's hand.

"Nice to meet you." stated Naruto.

"Sarutobi-sensei has told me all about you Naruto-sama.  I am a bit surprised as you look exactly like Minato Namikaze as he was once my student." stated Jiariya as he shook Naruto's hand.

"You knew my blood Tou-san?" questioned Naruto as Jiariya nodded his head.  A soft moan cut the silence as the young rabbit Jinchuriki began to open her eyes.  Her eyes were a soft seafoam greenish-blue as they opened fully.

Where........where am I? she asked looking around.  Both Kyuubi and Gaara were standing close by her side.  When she saw the humans she began to panic.

Take it easy, you are safe among your own kind one from the Hikari Clan.  Tell us your name Hikari. stated Kyuubi.

Yuki-Hikari. replied the rabbit

"Yuki.....can you tell us what happened?" asked Naruto clearly understanding everything spoken between his father and the rabbit.  He was playing translator since Yuki had not learned the human tongue yet.  Yuki looked at Naruto unsure of this human even though she could smell the Jinchuriki blood within him.

Fear not even though he may not look like it, this is my kit Naruto.  He is a hanyou.  Please answer his question. stated Kyuubi.

These being whom appeared human but smelled like demons appeared as they took my clan.  They called themselves Akatsuki as they were collecting those with the power of a Kekkeigenkai.  They killed my clan as they tried to gain the powers possessed by my clan the power to summon and create Yami no Tamashii, the Dark Souls.  Fearing for my life, I summoned Ryokoto. replied Yuki.

That being in the panther mask? asked Gaara as Yuki looked at the raccoon Jinchuriki blushing as she simply nodded her head.

He is my personal Yami no Tamashii that I had created as he serves to protect me and aid me.  I created hin when I was really young as he has been by my side since. stated Yuki.

Yuki-Hikari, you are welcome to stay here and live with us.  This village has welcomed us with opened arms. stated Kyuubi.

Thank you Jinchuriki-dono.  But please just call me Yuki. she stated.

"Welcome then Yuki-sama to Konahagakure, the village hidden in the leaf.  We will have someone show you around once you are better." replied Sarutobi as Yuki just nodded her head that she understood.

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