twelve- years later

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  The story however is completely my own idea!  Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it.......thank you!

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), -flashback scene-, bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment for boys, chan: familiarity or endearment towards girls, sempai: senior/one who comes before, sensei: teacher/master of a profession, kit: child, kitsune: fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, onee-chan: big sister, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you,  nii-san: little brother, nee-chan: little sister, naga: snake

Twelve – years later

Several years have passed since the Jinchuriki had moved into the leaf village as they had all adjusted to life as ninja of the leaf.  Now Naruto and the others were now thirteen years old.  Naruto and the other Jinchuriki have taken up several houses within the Uchiha estate remodeling them to fit their own needs.  It was hard on Naruto to complete several of the ninja missions as he couldn’t shape shift as freely as the other Jinchuriki.  Naruto worked harder than everyone in learning how to control his power and learning how to transform through other means.  Finally after much trail and error, Naruto had finally managed to achieve the ability to transform into a fox form.  Most of the Jinchuriki would complete their missions in their full animal form in order to not arouse the suspicion that they were demons.  They knew full well that there were humans who wanted them dead.  It was already bad enough that there were very little of their kind left in the world.  The only way that they had left to rebuild their race was to mate with humans and give birth to hanyou children.  It would give birth to a new race and still enable their kind to live on.

Naruto and Team Seven had gotten back from their current mission within the land of lightning in the village known as Kumogakure or better known as the village hidden in the clouds.  Lately some of the other neighboring villages have been attacked by a strange group of ninja.  Naruto was troubled by what he had smelled in this village.  Clearly the attack was done by both humans and demons.  But these demons smelled more human than demon.  Then there was also the smell of Orochimaru mixed in there as well.  This troubled Naruto as it seemed that Orochimaru was beginning to go even bolder in attacking the other villages.  None of the Jinchuriki knew what Orochimaru was planning.  Both Kyuubi and Sarutobi were working with the other villages in the neighboring lands with treaty of peace between the Jinchuriki and the humans.  So far five other villages have come to peaceful agreements.  Naruto had planned to speak with both Sarutobi and his father about what he had smelled.  According to the Hokage of Kumogakure, some of the villagers whom poessessed a Kekkeigenkai ability have been taken by these demons.  Things did not add up as it seemed that something strange was going on.

At the Hokage’s office......Team Seven with just Kakashi and Naruto entered to find all the other team captains and their Jinchuriki team members standing in the room.

“Well it seems that everyone is here.  Now one at a time please tell us what you have found out during your mission.” stated Sarutobi.  One at a time each team captain spoke telling both Sarutobi and Kyuubi what happened during their mission before their Jinchuriki team member told them what they had smelled.  Finally it was Kakashi and Naruto’s turn.

“Much like everyone else we have found the village laid in devastation.  According to their leader some of the villagers were taken by these being that looked like demons but still looked human.” stated Kakashi.

“It is strange as these humans clearly smell like they are demons but they aren’t like us  It seems as if somebody used a jutsu or medical techniques to create these demons.  I could also smell Orochimaru’s scent mixed in as well.” stated Naruto.

“Kit......are you certain about what you had smelled?” asked Kyuubi as Naruto nodded his head yes.  “This is indeed trougling as we have an evil Jinchuriki hanyou working with a group of rogue ninja attacking other villages and kidnapping any ninja with a Kekkeigenkai.”

“None of this makes any sense.  Why would Orochimaru be doing things like this?  What is his plans?” asked Sarutobi.

“Who knows?  I don’t like the feel of this as it seems that Orochimaru is growing bolder in his attacks.  It seems to me that Orochimaru is planning something big to be pulling thing like this.” replied Kyuubi.

“I agree with you there Kyuubi-dono.  I think we should strengthen our defenses and arrange for some Anbu members to be on watch.” stated Sarutobi.

“We should also possibly arrange for one of the teams to stay here as an extra precaution while we have every active Jonin on guard as well.” added Kyuubi.  Sarutobi agreed with Kyuubi’s thinking as he dismissed the team captains along with the Jinchuriki team members.

Kurenai Yuhi sighed out loud which caused every Jinchuriki ear to twitch.  It seemed to them that she was depressed about something.

“What is the matter Kurenai-sensei?” asked Haku.  Kurenai looked at the wolf Jinchuriki slightly.

“Its nothing you should be concerned about Haku-sama.  It is just my team is short handed not having a Jinchuriki member on it.  My team doesn’t seem to be able to be on the front lines as I fear that if this Orochimaru learns about one of my team members Kekkeigenkai, he may end up attacking that clan and killing them like with what happened to the Uchiha clan.”

“Don’t worry the power of youth, I shall protect you team with my life.” stated Might Guy.  Haku hung her head shaking it as the other Jinuchuriki snickered lightly.

“You shouldn’t worry so much Kurenai-sensei.  Your team may end up surprising you.” stated Naruto as he had seen what Kiba and Akamaru could do in battle.  There was also a very good possibility that maybe other Jinchuriki could turn up.  Kurenai looked at Naruto in shock as the hanyou simply smiled.

“Maybe you are right Naruto-sama.  Guy seems ready to put Neji on the front lines knowing about his Kekkeigenkai ability.” stated Kurenai.

“That’s because Neji understands the risk that he is taking going into battle and exposing himself to those whom may want the Hyuga Clan’s Kekkeigenkai.” stated Gaara.  As everyone got outside of the Hokage’s office, the three Jinchuriki stopped suddenly as their ears stood up in alert as they could all smell something familiar.  An alarm was suddenly raised as it seemed to be coming from the front gate.  Everyone bolted for the main gate in order to expect what was going on.

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