eleven- new moon

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Author Notes: this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time. I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured. The story however is completely my own idea! Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it.......thank you!

Special Keys Used: "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), -flashback scene-, bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment for boys, chan: familiarity or endearment towards girls, sempai: senior/one who comes before, sensei: teacher/master of a profession, kit: child, kitsune: fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, onee-chan: big sister, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you, nii-san: little brother, nee-chan: little sister, naga: snake

Eleven - new moon

It had been a whole month since the Jinchuriki entered Konahagakure as the leaf village excepted them with open arms (well not everyone). It took the leaf village a while to get used to seeing the Jinchuriki in and out of human forms for those whom could change their forms. Even some of them began to become attracted and develop feelings for the Jinchuriki. Itachi Uchiha became attracted to the two tail cat, Yugito. Sasuke Uchiha became attracted to the three tail wolf, Haku. As Sakura Haruno was attracted to the Jinchuriki hanyou, Naruto. Even some of the Jinchuriki had developed the same feelings for the humans whom were attracted to them. Naruto was assigned to Team Seven, Haku was assigned to Team Guy, while Gaara was assigned to Team Ten. But things were about to become far more interesting for Naruto as he had forgotten to mention what happens to him every new moon.

Team Seven was training as Kakashi had tied a pair of silver bells to his pants. Naruto understood that the training exercise was supposed to instill teamwork and develop their skills as ninja. Naruto grinned wickedly as he had an idea of how to get the bells away from Kakashi. Normal ninja attacks and powers were fine but the older male was far too skilled for them to defeat and get the bells. But Naruto had a plan on how they could get the bells. Once Kakashi gave the word, Naruto had grabbed Sasuke, Sai, and Sakura with his four tails pulling them away.

"Naruto-kun, what is going on?" asked Sai before he felt that they were a safe distance away. Naruto didn't let them go as he used his touch telepathy to tell them of his plan.

*I have an idea of how to get those bells away from Kakashi-sensei but, I will need help from you three to pull it off.* Naruto told them as he set them down onto the ground but not fully releasing them from his tails.

"What's the idea Naruto-kun? Kakashi-sensei is always one step a head of us for whatever we try." whispered Sasuke. Naruto grinned a big foxish grin which made the team wonder what the hanyou had planned. Naruto proceeded to let them know the idea he had cooked causing the three humans to laugh wickedly.

Kakashi stood wondering what was going on as Naruto had taken the whole team away.

'What are they planning?' Kakashi thought to himself. Suddenly Sai had stepped before him as he held a scroll in his hand as he made a single hand sign while holding the scroll.

"INK MIST TECHNIQUE!" stated Sai as a thick dark mist made of ink spilled from the scroll.

'Damn it, I can't see a single thing. Not even my SHARINGAN can see through this.' thought Kakashi.

"DEMON WIND SHURIKEN!" snapped Sasuke. The shuriken's came whirling in as Kakashi had to use all of his skills to avoid the two shuriken's.

'There is no way that they could have come up with this by themselves. Naruto-sama must have guided them.' Kakashi thought to himself as when he landed, Sakura had moved in.

"FOUR COURNER SEALING BARRIER!" stated Sakura as Kakashi felt trapped. That's when Kakashi felt something small and furry scurry up his pants causing him to dance around while trying to supress his laughter. He didn't notice something had taken the bells from his pants as whatever it was scurried back out. When the ink mist cleared Kakashi saw Sasuke, Sai, and Sakura standing before him smiling as a small fox with four tails scampered before him holding the two silver bells in its muzzle. The fox scampered up to the three humans as Sakura released Kakashi from her spell as she picked up the fox.

"Is that......?" asked Kakashi as the fox grinned. The fox opened its muzzle releasing the bells allowing Kakashi to get a better look at it. It looked like a small ordinary fox but it had Naruto's distinct coloring. As its red eyes smiled almost glowing. "......Naruto-sama?" questioned Kakashi. The fox nodded its head as Sakura placed down the fox as it began to transform back into Naruto's true form.

"Oowww......that hurt. But it looks like we win Kakashi-sensei!" stated Naruto.

"I didn't know that you could change your form like that Naruto-sama." stated Kakashi.

"I can't usually as it take up a lot of my energy and power to change my form. I can't change my form at will like the others. I will always be stuck in the form that you see me in now." replied Naruto as he began to feel weak. Naruto swayed from side to side as he began to pass out.

".......Naruto......!" the others shouted in concern. Kakashi had caught Naruto in his arms before the Jinchuriki hanyou passed out.

Kyuubi walked to the hospital when he had gotten word that something was wrong with Naruto. Kyuubi sighed as no doubt with everything that was going on Naruto had forgotten about what was going to happen tonight. For one full night during the new moon, Naruto would loose all of his demonic power and transform into a human being (yes it is similar to what happens to Inuyasha in the "Inuyasha" series. I wanted for Naruto to have the same kind of situation).

'What in the world am I going to do with you kit?' Kyuubi thought to himself as he stopped and looked at the faces carved into the rock. One face bore a striking resemblance to Naruto. 'Maybe its time for them to know about Naruto's human ties. Not even Naruto knows the full truth about it either.' Kyuubi thought to himself as he entered the hospital.

Tsunade sat by Naruto's bed side as Team Seven stood in the corner of the room concerned about what was wrong with the Jinchuriki hanyou.

"Don't worry.........Naruto is fine. This is normal for him."stated Kyuubi. Everyone looked at the kitsune wondering what he was talking about. "You will see in a minute." Once night had completely blanketed the land, Naruto's body under went a dramatic transformation. His fox ears and tails vanished from his body as his lower fox body transformed into long slender human legs. Everyone watched in complete shock as the Jinchuriki hanyou had transformed into a full human being.

"How is this possible Kyuubi-dono?" asked Tsunade as she went to retrieve a pair of pants for Naruto as the only thing that he was currently wearing was a black tee shirt.

"Naruto has human blood within him. Every night during the new moon he looses all of his demonic powers as he becomes a full human being. You have all ready see what happens when he becomes enraged because of his demonic blood." he replied. Naruto let out a low moan as he opened his eyes. His eyes were no longer blood red but a brilliant sapphire blue. Naruto slowly moved sitting up right in the hospital bed as he looked surprised to see his father there.

"....Tou-san.....?" he questioned as even his voice sounded different as it wasn't as husky.

"Naruto what have I told you about over using your powers during the new moon?" asked Kyuubi angrily. Naruto reached up to his head to find his fox ears were gone as he then quickly grabbed a blanket covering his lower human half. He blushed a deep shade of red as both Sakura and Tsunade's faces were a deep shade of pink.

"I am sorry Tou-san. I forgot that today was the night of the new moon." replied Naruto.

"How long will he be like this Kyuubi-dono?" asked a voice as everyone turned to see Sarutobi at the door. Sarutobi stared in shock as Naruto looked exactly like the fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze.

"Until morning. No doubt you had noticed it as well. I didn't fully realize tht he was from this village. Not until I saw his face carved into the cliff."

"Tou-san......what are you talking about?" asked Naruto.

"Minato Namikaze. He was the fourth Hokage before me. Nobody knows why but he died rather suddenly at such a young age. He was the one who wanted us to leave food for the Jinchuriki towards the end of the fall." replied Sarutobi. "But I have a feeling that you may know the reason to why he died Kyuubi-dono." Kyuubi nodded his head yes.

"As you all ready know Naruto is half human as I fell in love with a human woman named Kushina Uzamaki. I had meet her one day when she was venturing through the woods as she was helping one of the other Jinchuriki out of a hunters trap. I was a bit younger then as it was the first time that I had truly ever seen a human. I watched her silently as she helped one of my kind as she seemed to be almost aware that I was there." stated Kyuubi.


Kushina Uzamaki knelt down by a young Jinchuriki demon's side as she was treating the creatures wounds. The creature which appeared to be a four tail monkey (I am using a monkey instead of a gorilla as gorilla's don't have tails) which was whimpering lightly. Kushina's bright red hair fell down to her breast in length as she spoke calmly to the demon. She wore what appeared to be ninja clothing as a head plate sat on top of her head like a headband.

"Take it easy little guy, I am not going to harm you." she stated. Kyuubi watched from the saftey of the dense forest barely making a sound. Kushina took out her kunai knife suddenly as she stepped before the injured Jinchuiki. Her hazel brown eyes stared at the woods where Kyuubi was watching. "I know that you are out there. Show yourself!" she snarled. Slowly Kyuubi ventured out causing the woman to stare at him in shock.

*You are brave human. You seem ready to put your own life on the line to defend one of my own breatheren and yet daring enough to fight me.* Kyuubi stated mentally as he was in his full fox form. Kushina had never seen such a large looking Jinchuriki before as it looked so regal looking. Kushina relaxed as she put away her kunai knife turning back to the injured Jinchuriki.

"Its wounds aren't too bad as he managed to almost break his leg in the hunter's trap. I reset its leg and put a splint on it. I would advice that it doesn't walk on it for a while until it fully heals." stated Kushina. Kyuubi walked up towards the human as one of his nine tails picked up the monkey placing it onto his back. Kushina rose to her feet as she blushed lightly feeling attactracted to the large kitsune that stood before her.

*I thank you for helping Roshi as I will warn the others to avoid the traps.* stated Kyuubi before he headed back.

"Wait.......can you please tell me your name?" asked Kushina.

*Kyuubi.......and yours?*

"Kushina Uzamaki."

-End Flashback-

"It wasn't the last time that I would see Kushina as she often came through the woods to check up on us and to treat any of the wounds we got. I became instantly attracted to her as one day I decided to approach her in my human form. I seemed to know that she was attracted to me as well. I would walk with her learning things about the humans. We Jinchuriki can only mate once in our life as that being will become our mates for life. It doesn't have to be another Jinchuriki as we can mate with humans but the result brings forth the creation of a hanyou, a hybrid between the two races. After much courting, I had finally asked Kushina to become my mate as she accepted." stated Kyuubi as he took a long deep breath letting it out slowly. "I had found out that five months later that she was currently pregnate with my cub. But something was wrong. It felt like her body was rejecting the Jinchuriki blood as it was killing her and our kit." stated Kyuubi sadly.


"Kyuubi......I don't want to loose this child as it may be able to unite our two races together." stated Kushina as Kyuubi held her in his human arms. One of his nine tails stroked her slightly round belly.

"I understand that my mate. I don't want to loose our kit or you for that matter. There is only one way that I know of to save our kit but it is very risky as it requires a human with strong powers and powerful blood. A blood bonding ceremony maybe the only hope for our kit." stated Kyuubi. Kushina turned facing Kyuubi whom was crying tears of blood. Kushina reached up wiping the tears away from Kyuubi's face.

"Don't worry my love as I have a friend whom is willing to help us." stated Kushina. Kyuubi pulled Kushina close to his body as he wrapped his arms and tails around her.

"All right.......I will meet with them. Are you certain that we can trust this human?" asked Kyuubi in a low growl.

"Have you found food for the Jinchuriki at the end of the fall season on a blanket within the forest?" she asked in return. Kyuubi looked at her in shock wondering how she knew about that. "Its from him as he knows about us. I know that we can trust him." replied Kushina.

-End Flashback-

"And that human whom helped you was our fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze." stated Sarutobi as Kyuubi nodded his head yes.

"This human had agreed to do the blood bonding ceremony which would save Naruto's life. This is the reason why Naruto looks like him. His blood was very strong as Kushina managed to give birth to Naruto. But because of the unnatural form of his body, Kushina died giving birth to Naruto. Your fourth Hokage gave me the kit promissing that one day our kind will have peace between our races as he would do everything in his power to keep the Jinchuriki safe." stated Kyuubi. Everyone looked at Kyuubi in shock including Naruto. Tears began to streak down Naruto's face.

"Tou-san.......why didn't you tell me?" asked Naruto. Kyuubi walked over to Naruto's bed as he sat on Naruto's bed as he sat down pulling his son close to him.

"Naruto........you are still my kit and will always be my kit. I didn't know how to explain it. But I know now that I should have told you a long time ago." Both Kyuubi and Naruto cried in each others arms as everyone left the room giving both Kyuubi and Naruto time alone.

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