ten- truth

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  The story however is completely my own idea!  Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it.  So please leave me your comments and reviews.......thank you!

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment for boys, chan: familiarity or endearment towards girls, sempai: senior/one who comes before, sensei: teacher/master of a profession, kit: child, kitsune: fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, onee-chan: big sister, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you,  nii-san: little brother, nee-chan: little sister, naga: snake

Ten - truth

Naruto laid by his father's side not moving much for three days straight.  The other Jinchuriki were recovering nicely as their wounds were almost gone.  But still Kyuubi had not awakened.  Naruto was concerned for his father's health.  According to Tsunade there was nothing majorly wrong with Kyuubi as his wounds had fully healed.  Naruto knew that there was something wrong.  Naruto's human body laid on top of the bed besides his father's body as his fox half laid on the ground by the bed.  Unknown to Naruto was that ninja had crept into the room with orders to dispatch the large kitsune.  Naruto's fox ears twitched as the ninja crept up to the two sleeping kitsune.  One of the ninja had bumped against a table awaking Naruto just as the knife was about to come down on him and his father.  Naruto scampered out of the way pushing his fathers out of harms way.  There was at least five ninja that Naruto could see all armed with kunai knives.  Naruto hissed and growled angrily as his fur began to grow darker in color.  Both his fangs and claws lengthened fully.  Naruto's fur and hair was standing on ends as his eyes were now glowing blood red.  The three whisker marks that were on his checks grew broader as black lines formed around his eyes and lips.  His four tails had a dark red flame dancing around them.

"How dare you!" Naruto snarled angrily as he lept at one of the ninja with his claws fully extended.  The ninja backed up away from the hanyou avoiding his claws.  Naruto's demonic blood was boiling as he was enraged.  Two of the ninja moved to attack Kyuubi again but Naruto moved too quickly for them as he had caught one of them with his four tails setting him on fire.  The other Naruto had caught with his claws as he slashed the ninja in the gut cutting him completely in half.  Naruto's growls grew fiercer as he stood in front of his unconscious father.  In Naruto's left hand a spinning ball of fire formed (RASENGAN.  Yes.....I know that Naruto and Kyuubi don't have fire attacks but I thought since their charka is red, I would use fire).  You dare to attack my Tou-san.  I won't forgive any of you! Naruto growled in his native tongue before he threw the ball at one of the ninja whom was creeping up at his side.  The fire ball hit the ninja throwing him out of the room as his body was engulfed in flames.  By now two more figures entered the room wearing white face masks.  Three of the attacking ninja laid dead by Naruto's hand.

"That's enough from you guys.  These Jinchuriki are protected by the Hokage and those whom live in the leaf." stated the ninja in the white dog mask as lightning crackled in his hands.

"We only need one of you alive to answer our questions.  So give it up while you have a chance." stated the ninja in the white dragon mask.  Naruto snarled sharply as another spiraling sphere of fire appeared in his hands.  The two remaining ninja couldn't allow themselves to be captured as they moved to attack the ones in the white face masks.  The ninja in the masks moved intercepting the attacking ninja.

"CHIDORI!" snapped the ninja in the dog mask as he thrusted his hand into the ninja causing the lightning that he was holding in his hands to kill the attacker.  The ninja in the dragon mask's hands became surrounded by fire as he charged at the remaining attacker.

"AMATERASU!" he snapped hitting the attacker several times.  The hits connected as the attacker staggered before the ninja in the dragon mask grabbed him.  "Who issued the attack on the Jinchuriki?" snarled the ninja.  The attacker said nothing as he revealed the paper bombs plastered on his body.  "Damn it!" cursed the ninja in the dragon mask as he quickly backed away from the attacker as he blew himself up.  Naruto still stood tense not sure of whom to trust.  When the ninja in the white face masks tried to approach Naruto, he looked ready to attack them as he snarled low and deep.  The ninja in the white dog mask tapped the ninja in the white dragon mask on the left shoulder.

"Let me handle this." he stated reaching up to take off the mask.  Kakashi held the white dog mask in his hands.  "Naruto-sama, calm down.  We are not here to harm you.  We are here to protect you and the Jinchuriki." stated Kakashi.  Naruto didn't seem to back down as he shook his head.

You tried to kill us.  Why.......after we thought we could trust you humans, this is how you repay us. Naruto snarled in his native tongue.

*Kit calm yourself.  Listen to them.  I don't sense any evil intentions from them.  These ones are your friends, you can trust them.* stated a commanding voice in Naruto's mind.  Naruto quickly snapped back too as he turned sharply to see the large kitsune standing on his paws swaying from side of side.

Tou-san! Naruto stated as he calmed down returning back to normal.

*Its all right now Kit.  Ease yourself, I am not harmed.* stated Kyuubi mentally.  Once Naruto was fully calmed down, he began to loose consciousness collapsing to the ground.  Both Kakashi and Itachi moved to help the kitsune before he fell over.  *Arigato.  Please forgive my kit.  He can't control himself when he is enraged.  He was more concerned about my well being than anything.* replied Kyuubi.  Kakashi helped Kyuubi back to the bed a bit troubled by what he had seen.  Somebody was clearly trying to kill the Jinchuriki lord.

"None of this makes any sense.  This is the second time that they attacked.  What are these ninja after that they are willing to risk their lives killing those whom can't fully defend themselves?" asked Itachi.

"We can worry about that later.  Kyuubi-dono......our Hokage-sama wishes to speak to you once you are better." stated Kakashi.

*Hai.......tomorrow then.* replied Kyuubi.

In the morning Sarutobi was told by Kakashi and Itachi of what had happened last night.  Sarutobi didn't look too pleased with the news that somebody tried to kill the Jinchuriki lord.  What shocked him even more was the details of what Naruto had done.

"But you are quite certain Itachi that it was the same group of ninja that attacked and killed your clan?" asked Sarutobi.

"I am quite certain Hokage-sama as they killed themselves in the same manner to avoid capture." replied Itachi.  Sarutobi stroked his chin as it didn't make sense, why try to kill the Jinchuriki?  Sarutobi remembered what Naruto had told him about the demons rage.  For those whom where truly full Jinchuriki, they had an easier time in controlling their rage.  But Naruto had a harder time with it because of him being half human.

'It sounds like Naruto-sama went into rage to protect his father as he felt that we have betrayed him.  But if what Itachi says is true, then we have a common enemy.  But who is it and what are they after?' Sarutobi thought to himself.  The Jinchuriki's home was gone as they had no where to go.  The Uchiha estate had plenty of land and abandoned buildings that could be refitted to accommodate the Jinchuriki that were left.  Sarutobi got up placing on his Hokage robes and hat as Kakashi and Itachi accompanied him to the hospital.  'I hope that this Jinchuriki-dono, Kyuubi-sama listens to my proposition.  I would hate to see us as enemies.' Sarutobi thought to himself.

When they got to the hospital they found Tsunade doing a last minute check up on the Jinchuriki's.  Naruto stood off to one side as his four tails were wagging happily.

"Well everything seems to be well as you are all in perfect health.  All of your wounds are fully healed." stated Tsunade.

"Well that is definitely good news to hear.  I am Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Hokage of Konahagakure village.  Please forgive what happened last night but it appears that we may have a very common enemy.  I would also like to extend an invitation for you all to stay within the leaf village as we have a place for you all to stay." stated Sarutobi formally.  Kyuubi turned to the others nodding his head as all five of them suddenly began to transform into human-like forms.  Everyone but Sarutobi looked on in shock that the Jinchuriki could take on human forms.  Sarutobi knew about this ability as Naruto had told him.  It was just the Jinchuriki preferred to stay in the animal forms and avoid being seen in any form whether it was human or animal.  Gaara the one tail raccoon looked the same age as Naruto as he had short dark red spiked hair with his usual reddish-brown raccoon ears sitting on top of his head.  He had very light tan Caucasian skin as his aqua green eyes where surrounded by black lines.  Gaara wore a dark brown outfit (the outfit that he wears in the first series minus the white sash and gourde).  His long reddish-brown tail twitched by his side as he wore no shoes on his clawed human feet.  Yugito the two tail cat transformed into an older looking human approximately twenty years old in human years.  Yugito had long straight golden blond hair that fell down to her waist in length as a pair of deep bronze colored cat ears sat on top of her head.  Her skin looked to be a light Caucasian color as she looked at everyone through her emerald green slitted cat eyes.  Yugito wore a two piece outfit of gray pants and a light purple tee shirt top with black fishnet sleeves going down to her elbows and up to her neck.  She also didn't wear any shoes on her clawed human feet as her two long deep bronze cat tails twitched slowly by her side.  Haku the three tail wolf looked the same age as both Naruto and Gaara as she had long straight black hair which fell at the same length as Yugito's.  Her white with black tip wolf ears sat on top of her head as her sapphire slitted wolf eyes looked similar to Yugito's as her skin was also the same shade.  Haku wore what looked to be an oriental style dress that matched the color of her eyes (the dress that he wears when gathering herbs for Zabuza in the series).  Haku also didn't wear any shoes on her clawed human feet as her three white with black tip wolf tails wagged by her side.  Much like Naruto she had two whisker marks scratched across her cheeks.  Killer B the eight tail boar transformed into an older looking human the same age as Yugito.  He had light brown skin with no hair on his bald head as a pair of tarnish brown boar ears sat on top of hi9s head as he had all black eyes.  Killer B wore a two piece outfit (the same one that he wears in the series) as his short tarnish brown boar tails sat unmoving as he also didn't wear any shoes on his human clawed feet.  Kyuubi the nine tail fox transformed into an older looking human much older than Yugito and Killer B as he looked to be thirty years old in human years.  Kyuubi had long dark fiery red hair that fell down to his butt in length as he had dark maroon red fox ears sitting on top of his head.  Kyuubi's eyes, skin color, and whisker marks were exactly like Naruto's.  Kyuubi wore a three piece regal looking oriental robes as his nine dark maroon red tails slowly twitched by his side.

"I am Kyuubi, dono of what is possibly left of the Jinchuriki.  I thank you Sarutobi-dono for your help and taking care of myself and my clan." Kyuubi stated in perfect human langage bowing his head.

"It is my honor Kyuubi-dono.  Perhaps Naruto-sama could show the other Jinchuriki's around the leaf so we can talk." stated Sarutobi.  Sarutobi was a bit surprised that Kyuubi could speak the human tongue so well.  'Could Naruto have taught them all to speak our language in such a short amount of time?' Sarutobi thought to himself.  He watched as Kyuubi turned towards Naruto telling him something in their native tongue as the three younger Jinchuriki nodded their heads before leaving the hospital leaving Kyuubi, Killer B, and Yugito at the hospital to speak with Sarutobi.

"Now we can speak.  These two I hold no secrets from as they understand fully what is going on.  Now you said something about a common enemy." stated Kyuubi.

"Yes......  This isn't the first time this group of ninja attacked.  The first time they attacked they nearly wiped out a whole clan leaving only two survivors.  The next time that they attacked they came after Naruto-sama while he was recovering.  The third time was when you were recovering.  I still don't know what this group is after or what they are planning." stated Sarutobi.

"It was also this same group that burned down our home to the ground.  The only one who I know whom would hold a grudge with us is another hanyou named Orochimaru." stated Kyuubi.

"You mean to tell me that there is another hanyou like Naruto?" asked Kakashi.

"Not like Naruto.  Orochimaru is a hanyou naga whom is evil incarnate.  He has tried several times to kill Kyuubi-dono.  He is obsessed with power and killing anyone whom stands in his way whether they be human or Jinchuriki." stated Yugito.

"What Yugito says is true.  I believe that Orochimaru has aligned himself with someone within your village Sarutobi-dono.  These people will not stop until they have what they want." stated Kyuubi.  This caused Sarutobi to scratch his chin, the only one that he could think of that would do anything to have a seat of power was Donzo.

"It seems that we have a very common enemy as I could think of one person who has a thing for power.  We can use each others help Kyuubi-dono." stated Sarutobi.

"Yes it appears so Sarutobi-dono." replied Kyuubi.

Both Sarutobi and Kyuubi came to a common agreement and understanding.  The Jinchuriki would be allowed to live within the leaf village as the three young Jinchuriki would be put into one of the ninja teams that all ready existed.  The two older Jinchuriki would be placed within the Anbu guard as Kyuubi would help Sarutobi with controlling the leaf village.  The Jinchuriki would live within one of the buildings on the Uchiha estate and given whatever they needed.  Once the agreement was made Itachi was to show the Jinchuriki were they would be staying and around the leaf village.

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