twenty nine- the final battle

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AUTHOR NOTES: this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  As the character Yuki-Hikari belongs to Shadow Realm Triforce (formally yyh-ygo-fma) as both Ryokoto and Kazuki belongs to me.  The story however is completely my own idea!  Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it as I will be using some of my own attacks and techniques (not featured on the Naruto series)..............thank you!

SPECIAL KEY GUIDE: "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), {Yami no Tamashii (dark souls) language}, bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

HONORIFICS/TRANSLATION NOTES: sama: higher social hierarchy, sensei: teacher; doctor; masters of any profession, san: Mr. Mrs. Ms. or Miss, dono: lord, kitsune: fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you,  ototo: little brother, chishio kikan: blood mirror, yami no tamashii: dark souls, koi: love

Twenty Nine - the final battle

A whole year went by without a single word as Kyuubi was wrecked over his son’s disappearance.  Kyuubi hasn’t slept much nor eaten.  Tsunade, Killer B, and Yugito scolded Kyuubi telling him that it would do him no good to worry about his son.  Kyuubi wasn’t the only one who was worried.  Naruto’s whole team was also worried about him especially Sakura.  But she never gave up hope.

“I know that Naruto will come back to us when we need him the most.” she would tell everyone but no one seemed to listen or believe her.  The only ones who knew any better was Team Seven, Naruto has always been there and pulled them out of tight spots.  Knowing Naurto, he would come back stronger than ever before.

Naruto and Yamato had been training for a year since he had left the leaf village.  He had learned a lot from Yamato.  Developing his skill, learning how to control his rage and temper, sharpening his animal instincts, doing whatever he could to make himself stronger, sharper.  He knew that the Akatsuki would strike again and soon.

Meanwhile the Akatsuki had made plans to strike the leaf village.  Orochimaru had noticed that Kyuubi looked worn down.  Guren had planted crystals in the leaf village in order to spy on them.  With Kyuubi weakened and the leaf not expecting a strike so soon, made it a perfect opportunity to finish the ones that stood even a remote chance of stopping them.

“I don’t know why Kyuubi is weakened and what’s going on in the leaf village but I am not wasting anytime.  We are striking the leaf village today.” stated Orochimaru.  The rest of the Akatsuki didn’t argue with him as they let out a resounding cheer.  “This will all end today!” shouted out Orochimaru.

Kyuubi sat in the hokage’s office as he looked sickly and very weak.  He knew that his son was out there but he was worried about his kit as he was the only one he had left.

Kyuubi…..  I know that you don’t want to hear this but, worrying about Naruto won’t do you any good.  Naruto is a strong willed kit just like you as you know full well that Naurto is more than capable of handling himself.  One day he will be on his own.  You have to let him grow up and become his own person.  His team and Sakura haven’t given up on him and neither should you.  Now please eat Kyuubi-dono! stated Yugito.  Kyuubi knew that she spoke the truth.  Please onii-san for the sake of the village and your family eat something. stated Yugito as she tossed him an apple.

Thanks Yugito but I will need to hunt to fully satisfy my needs. replied Kyuubi shifting into his spirit form before slipping out of the leaf village in order to hunt for food.

As Kyuubi left to hunt, the Akatsuki moved in to strike.  The snake hanyou was unmistakable as he stood with Sasori the puppet demon, Guren the crystal demon, Kobuto a human, and Kimimaro the bone demon.

“Tear the place apart and kill anyone who tries to stop you.  I want them all dead!” snarled out Orochimaru.  The other demons obeyed his command as the snake hanyou slithered away to track down Sasuke.  While up above Sasuke was flying with Suzaku as they saw the Akatsuki attack.  Without saying a single word Suzaku singled to Sasuke as she sounded of the alarm to attack.  Sasuke nodded his head that he understood.  Using his newfound powers Sasuke mentally reached out for all the Jinchuriki and demons that were within the leaf.

*The Akatuski are here!  We are under attack!* he cried out.  Sasuke took out one of his weapons as he swooped down with Suzaku attacking the Akatsuki.  Orochimaru grinned like a kid in a candy store when he saw Sasuke in his demon form.

“My….my…….  It seems that even though that damn wolf sunk her fangs into you that my curse mark has already set its claws into you.  You will make for a very interesting host body indeed Sasuke Uchiha!” hissed Orochimaru.

Elsewhere Kyuubi had heard the call while he was feasting.  He cursed to himself for not realizing that Orochimaru would strike but he wasn’t that it would be this soon.

‘Damn it!’ he snarled as Kyuubi shifted forms before heading back to the leaf village.  A resounding howl went out as a battle cry to have all the Jinchuriki and demons take up arms against the Akasuki.  Naruto had heard the call from where he was as he closed his eyes as his ears twitched.

“What is it Narurto-sama?” asked Yamato.

“The leaf village.  My father’s call.  It is under attack by the Akatsuki.” stated Naruto as his eyes snapped open suddenly.  “Sakura!” he hissed as one of his nine tails picked up Yamato placing him on Naruto’s back.  “Hang on Yamato-sensei!” he yelled out as he ran at full speed heading for the leaf village.

Meanwhile in the leaf village, the Akatsuki were attacking many of the villagers as the teams fought to stop them.

“CRYSTAL IMPRISONMENT WAVE!” shouted out Guren trapping many in her crystals.  “That should keep you all out of Orochimaru-dono’s way.”

“God damn Guren, you are cruel and usual.” stated Kobuto.

“Just shut up and do your job Kobuto.  DANCE OF THE WILLOW!” stated Kimimaro as he attacked several of the Anbu killing them.

“TWO TAIL THUNDER STRIKE!” snarled out Yugito (a variation of the TWO TAIL FIREBALL).

At last they arrive.  We won’t allow you to stop Orochimaru-dono’s grand ambition.” stated Kobuto as he and the Akatsuki kept the demons and Jinchuriki busy.

“ATTACK OF TWIN DEMONS!” yelled out Kobuto as he multiplied himself using a clone jutsu attacking three full demons.  “I can handle these guys.  You all know what you have to do.” stated Kobuto to the other Akatsuki demons.

“Don’t boss us around human even if you are Orochimaru-dono’s favorite!” hissed Sasori as he and the others took off to deal with the other Jinchuriki and humans.

Kyuubi let out a great roar as he entered the leaf village in full true form.  He came face to face with the other Akatsuki members.

*Where is he?* growled Kyuubi angrily.

“Busy with his host body but I won’t let you get in his way.  You two go on ahead.  I will handle Kyuubi.” stated Guren as she moved to block Kyuubi from leaving.  “CRYSTAL ENCAMPMENT WALL!” Guren snapped raising a large crystal wall that trapped Kyuubi.  Both Kimimaro and Sasori didn’t argue with Guren as they allowed the crystal demon to deal with the kitsune lord.  “Now it is just you and me.” snarled Guren.

*You will wish that you have left when you had the chance.* snarled Kyuubi in reply as he moved to attack the crystal demon.

“CRYSTAL RELEASE: TEARING CRYSTAL FALLING DRAGON!” snapped Guren.  Kyuubi moved avoiding the attack as he unleashed a SONIC ROAR destroying Guren’s attack.

*NINE TAILS FOX STREAM!* snarled Kyuubi attacking Guren.  The crystal demon simply laughed as the attack hardly phased her.

“You will have to do better than that!” replied Guren wickedly.

Elsewhere…..Sasuke panted as he was down on the ground.  He looked to be in bad shape.  Sasuke wasn’t the only one as Kakashi’s SHARINGAN eye was bleeding badly.  Sai and Sakura were both badly wounded as Sai was out cold.

“Give it up Sasuke.  You will be mine!” snarled Orochimaru as his body was wrapped tight around Sasuke’s body.  Sakura felt so helpless as all she could think of is about Naruto.

“Where are you when we need you?” Sakura asked before she yelled out Naruto’s name.

“Give it up girl, the fox can’t save you.  First I will take care of you.  TWIN SNAKE MUTUAL DEATH TECHNIQUE!” snarled Orochimaru as he moved to attack Sakura.  Sakura closed her eyes preparing for Orochimaru’s strike but it never came.  Sakura opened her eyes as several of Naruto’s nine tails protected her while the other held Orochimaru at bay.

“……Naruto…..?” she questioned weakly.

“Are you all right Koi?” asked Naruto.

“I am now.” Sakura replied.

“Yamato-sensei please look after my team mates while I deal with Orochimaru.”   Yamato climbed off of Naruto’s back.

“All right Naruto-sama.  I know that you can handle this.” replied Yamato.  Naruto nodded his head as all nine of his tails moved.  Orochimaru simply laughed at Naruto.

“You handle me?  Don’t make me laugh!” hissed Orochimaru.

“You have no idea of what I am truly capable of Orochimaru.” snapped Naruto as he unleashed a loud SONIC ROAR while activating his CHISHIO KIKAN.  “This will end today one way or another.” stated Naruto as he looked at Sasuke opening up a mental path straight to his team mate.  *Sasuke can you still fight?* Naruto asked him mentally.

*You are finally back Naruto.  Took you long enough.  I can still fight if I can only get free.* replied Sasuke.  Naruto understood as he moved to attack Orochimaru.  “MINI-RASENSHURIKEN!” snarled Naruto as he unleashed several wind shurikens.  Orochimaru slithered away from Naruto and unleashed Sasuke from his coils.  Sasuke lept away from Orochimaru as he made several hand signs in order to heal his wounds.    Naruto moved once again to attack giving Sasuke enough time to recover.  “SPIRALLING STRIFE SPHERES!” snapped Naurto striking Orochimaru hard and fast.  Orochimaru hissed in pain as Naruto’s attack hit him.  Once Sasuke was fully recovered he moved to attack hitting Orochimaru.

“CHIDORI CURRENT!” he snarled hitting Orochimaru.  Both the wind and lightning attack was doing mass damage to Orochimaru.  Before Orochimaru could move to strike back, Naruto had corned the naga preventing him from leaving.

“This is the end Orochimaru.  FIRE BLAZE RELEASE: ULTRA-BIG BALL RASENGAN!” snarled Naruto (a combination of one of Sasuke’s attack and Naruto’s attack).  Sasuke also moved attacking as well.

“SUSANOO!” Sasuke hissed out.  Both attacks hit Orochimaru so hard and fast that both attacks had killed him instantly.  Finally Orochimaru was dead at long last.  Both Naruto and Sasuke let out a loud roar in triumph as it echoed through the leaf.

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