twenty eight- Naruto leaves the village

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  As the character Yuki-Hikari belongs to Shadow Realm Triforce (formally yyh-ygo-fma) as both Ryokoto and Kazuki belongs to me.  The story however is completely my own idea!  Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it as I will be using some of my own attacks and techniques (not featured on the Naruto series)..............thank you!

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), {Yami no Tamashii (dark souls) language}, bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, sensei: teacher; doctor; masters of any profession, san: Mr. Mrs. Ms. or Miss, dono: lord, kitsune: fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you,  ototo: little brother, chishio kikan: blood mirror, yami no tamashii: dark souls

Twenty Eight - Naruto leaves the village

It had been two months since the Akatsuki battle.  Everyone has been working to rebuilding the leaf village and working on better perfecting their techniques.  But for Naruto, things became much rougher as during some of his more intense training he came close dangerously close to unleashing his full primal rage.  Naruto had put both Kakashi and Sai in the hospital during this.  He had even hurt his own father the great Kyuubi (which I remind you is not an easy task).  So without saying a single word, Naruto left the village.  He felt himself a danger to everyone including his own mate.

Naruto traveled until he could no longer move.  Naruto sat down onto a log resting his legs as he learned that what Suzaku had told him was true.  No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t shape shift to change his now present form.  Naruto panted as his ears twitched keeping alert of his surroundings.  Naruto took a sip from his canteen as the water felt good dripping down his throat.  Suddenly Naruto let out a low definite growl warning whomever was approaching him to back off. 

“You are awfully jumpy for a Jinchuriki aren’t you?  You look a bit like your tou-sans, both of them.” stated a mysterious voice.  A man stepped out as he didn’t look like anyone that Naruto knew as he was clearly wasn’t from the leaf as he wasn’t wearing a headband but rather part of a football helmet.

“Do I know you?” Naruto snarled.

“Not really.  I had the honor of knowing your human tou-san Minato Namikaze as I used to work with him.  I only met your fox father once when he was just a cub.  All though I doubt that he remembers me.” stated the man.

“Who are you?” snarled Naruto as he didn’t relax even when the man mentioned his blood father.

“I am a friend, my name is Yamato.  I wish to help you.” replied Yamato.

“I am far beyond anyone’s help.”

“Certainly your okaa-san didn’t believe that”

“You knew my okaa-san?” questioned Naruto as he relaxed a bit.

“Your okaa-san’s name was Kushina Uzamaki.  I was a very dear friend.  She would often talk about the child that she dreamed of having.  That child was you Naruto-sama.” replied Yamato.  Naruto looked at the man in shock as he never told this human his name.  “You remind me so much of your okaa-san.”

“Why are you here Yamato-san?” questioned Naruto.

“I can help you and I am also visiting your okaa-san’s grave.  Tell me would you like to join me?” asked Yamato.  Naruto just slowly nodded his head.  Yamato lead Naruto to the grave sight of his human mother.  The grave read: Kushina Uzamaki.  A dear and close friend.


After visiting his mother’s grave, Yamato and Naruto went up to Yamato’s place.

“So Naruto-sama what are you doing out here?” asked Yamato.

“Had to get away.  I am a danger to everyone including myself and those I love and hold dear.” stated Naruto.

“Sounds like you may have inherit some of your mother’s temper.  If you wish, I could help you learn to harness that rage and temper, to better control your power.  This way you won’t harm anyone including yourself.” stated Yamato.

“When do I begin?” asked Naruto causing Yamato to smile.

Meanwhile……..  Kyuubi let out a loud howl as his kit left without saying a word to anyone.  No one knew where he went to not even his own mate Sakura.

Calm yourself Kyuubi.  Naruto needs time to himself.  He will return when he is ready.  Trust me. stated Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru.  I don’t understand why.  Why he left us without saying a word.

I think in some way I do.  I had a hanyou half brother whom acted the same way. replied Sesshomaru as he mentally thought back to his brother Inuyasha and how Sesshomaru used to be.  Things changed for Sesshomaru when those he once cared for died including his bother and his mate. 

Sesshomaru is right Kyuubi.  Naruto will return in time, trust him.  He is not one to take off and leave everything behind.  He will return stronger than ever before. added Suzaku.

I am sure that you both are right, this is my kit we are talking about. stated Kyuubi.  ‘Please come back home safe my kit!’


Elsewhere………  Naruto panted as he was put immediately into training by Yamato in order for the human to get an assessment of how bad Naruto’s temper and rage was.  Naruto’s temper and rage was far worse than Yamato realized.

“We are going to have a long journey ahead of us.  Are you prepared for this?”

“Its not like I have much of a choice.  I want to learn to control this as I don’t want to harm anyone that I love.”

“Well your off to a promising start admitting that you have a problem and your not perfect.  I will get you through this Naruto-sama.” stated Yamato.

“I know that you will Yamato-sensei.  I just hope that I am up to the task.” replied Naruto.  Naruto could hear his fathers howls as he felt guilty for leaving but it had to be done.  ‘I am sorry tou-san but I do what I must.  I will return, I promise!’ Naruto thought to himself as he continued his training with Yamato.

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