twenty seven- changes

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  As the character Yuki-Hikari belongs to Shadow Realm Triforce (formally yyh-ygo-fma) as both Ryokoto and Kazuki belongs to me.  The story however is completely my own idea!  Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it as I will be using some of my own attacks and techniques (not featured on the Naruto series)..............thank you!

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), {Yami no Tamashii (dark souls) language}, bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment towards boys, chan: familiarity or endearment towards girls, fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, onee-chan: big sister, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you,  ototo: little brother,  imoto: little sister, chishio kikan: blood mirror, yami no tamashii: dark souls, koi: love

Twenty Seven - changes

It took Sasuke a while to get used to being somewhat human.  None of the villagers, nor his team mates, or even Haku treated him any different than they did Naruto.  Sasuke was told by Kyuubi that he would be put through tough training sessions in order to tap into and learn to use the power that he had acquired because of the curse mark.  Suzaku placed a far stronger seal on Sasuke’s neck in order to keep his demonic tendencies in check.  Naruto had a far rougher road ahead of him as Suzaku had to use her powers and techniques to stabilize Naruto’s kitsune form when it began to change rabidly.  Both Kyuubi and Sakura were worried about Naruto as he hadn’t awakened since his battle with the Akatsuki and Orochimaru.  Every chance Kyuubi got he went to the hospital to see his kit.  He would talk softly holding his cubs hand.  Kyuubi hated to admit that he was afraid of loosing his kit.  Kyuubi knew that he would be devastated if he had lost his cub.  He had already lost his mate as he didn’t want to loose his cub as well.

It had been one whole month since the Akatsuki and Orochimaru had raged war with the leaf village.  Sakura was sitting by Naruto’s bedside as she gently stroked Naruto’s fox ears and one of his many tails.  She was a bit surprised that the fiery nine tails didn’t burn her.  Sakura giggled to herself as she had odd fascination with Naruto’s foxy appendages as she always wanted to feel them.  They were far softer than a regular fox’s as she loved stroking Naruto’s fur which not many got to do because of how it made him feel.  While Naruto slept, Sakura would talk to him telling him what was going on and how she felt towards the hanyou. She loved him deeply.  Sakura was on the verge of tears as she leaned over kissing Naruto on the forehead.  Sakura never saw Naruto’s hand move up as he reached brushing away Sakura’s tears.

“Please don’t cry koi.” Naruto stated softly as his husky voice sounded so weak.  Sakura grabbed Naruto’s clawed hand holding it to her cheek.

“You silly fox, I was really worried about you.” she stated crying even harder than before.  Naruto looked at Sakura brushing away her tears gently.

“Its all right koi.  I am a fighter just like my fathers.  I will recover so don’t worry.” Naruto stated.

“Of course she was going to worry about you kit.  She wasn’t the only one whom was worried about you.  I was worried too.” stated Kyuubi as was standing by the door.

“Tou-san.” stated Naruto with a soft smile on his face.

“Nice to finely see you up kit.  How are you feeling?” asked Kyuubi.

“A bit sore and strange but I will be all right tou-san.” Naruto replied honestly.

“Well get used to it Naruto-sama.  Your body isn’t the same since what had happened.  You won’t be able to shape shift as freely as you once did.  Your body is presently stuck in the full kitsune form that Kyuubi-sama is able to shift into.  Your body will still loose its powers and revert to your human form on the night of the new moon.  Your full powers and potential have been unlocked.” stated Suzaku as she entered the room.  Naruto just slowly nodded his head that he understood the Tengu’s words as he knew that he had a long rough road ahead of him.

Meanwhile at Orochimaru’s hideout, Orochimaru screamed out in pain as his minions bound his wounds.  Orochimaru cursed the heavens in rage that Naruto had managed to get his arm using the Kusanagi sword.  Sasuke was a bit further out of his reach since that damn wolf Jinchuriki mate marked him.

“I will destroy that village once and for all.  I will destroy all of the humans, the Jinchuriki, and all the demons that stand in my way.” Orochimaru hissed violently.

“Patience Orochimaru-dono.  First we have to tend to that wound of yours.” stated one of his followers Kobuto whom was a human and not a demon like Orochimaru’s other followers.  There was Guren a crystal demon and the only female Akatsuki member, there was also Kimimaro the bone demon, as Sasori the puppet was the only Akatsuki member  left of the original group.

“Can’t you work any faster Kobuto?” asked Guren.

“Watch your tongue Guren.  It sounds like Kobuto has a plan.” stated Kimimaro.

“Yes lets hear this plan of yours.” stated Orochimaru as Kobuto just smiled viscously as he filled them all in to his plan.

Elsewhere….. Naruto and Sasuke was working out the kinks in their newfound bodies.  Naruto had to tone down the power on his body in order to prevent those whom have the SHARINGAN from bleeding.  Naruto had yet to mate mark Sakura.

 “So when are you planning to do it Naruto?” asked Sasuke during training as he was in his released demon form (which is what he looks like when he uses the second stage of the curse mark).

“I am not certain Sasuke.  There hasn’t been a real need for me to mate mark Sakura.  I understand my need to but how can I even attempt to ask her after everything?” Naruto asked.

“Well you better think of something Naruto.  I have heard that Rock Lee has been making a move on her even though she has told him to bug off.”

“It’s Sakura’s decision if she chooses a human mate.  I do recognize her as my life mate and I know that my heart won’t stand to give her up.”

“But Naruto if you don’t mate mark her you will die!” stated Sasuke.

“I know Sasuke but I am willing to die if it makes her happy.” replied Naruto with a weak smile on his face.

Naruto walked through the leaf with a heavy heart as he heard Sasuke’s words over and over again.  He saw Sakura standing at her door of her house talking to a kid with a bowl hair cut and large bushy eyebrows.

“Come on Sakura.  I don’t understand what you see in that hanyou Naruto-sama.  Only another human can truly make you happy.” stated Lee.

“You are wrong about that Lee.  I love Naruto with every inch of my being.  He is kind and gentle.  He thinks of everyone else before himself.” replied Sakura.

“But Sakura…….”

“Lee did you hear whatever happens to a Jinchuriki if they aren’t loved back by the obe they choose as a mate?” asked Sakura as Lee shook his head no.  “They die of a broken heart.  I can never truly hurt Naruto as my heart and soul belong to him alone.” replied Sakura.  Lee could tell that Sakura meant every word of what she told him as he hung his head in shame.  Sakura looked up smiling at Naruto as she was fully aware that the hanyou had been watching them as she walked over to Naruto.  “I take it that you have heard all of that?” she questioned.

“Did you mean what you said Sakura?” asked Naruto.

“Every word Naruto.  Please mate mark me and make me yours.” replied Sakura huskily into Naruto’s fox ears.  Naruto’s ears twitched as he gently kissed Sakura hard on the lips only to have the girl melt into his kisses.  Naruto moved to the nape of her neck as Sakura began to tug gently on his ears whispering his name.

“Sakura….” he stated huskily as he sank his fangs into the nape of Sakura’s neck.

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