twenty six- revelations

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Author Notes:  this is a Naruto based story that I came up with in my free time.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured.  As the character Yuki-Hikari belongs to Shadow Realm Triforce (formally yyh-ygo-fma) as both Ryokoto and Kazuki belongs to me.  The story however is completely my own idea!  Some of the characters that I will be using will be OCC so please don't hate me for it as I will be using some of my own attacks and techniques (not featured on the Naruto series)..............thank you!

Special Keys Used:  "regular human speech", 'thinking to one's self ', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), {Yami no Tamashii (dark souls) language}, bold - demonic speech, italic - animalist speech, CAP LOCKS - ATTACKS/SPECIAL POWERS

Honorifics/Translation Notes: sama: higher social hierarchy, dono: lord, kun: familiarity or endearment towards boys, chan: familiarity or endearment towards girls, fox, mate: wife/bride, hanyou: crossbreed, onii-san: big brother, onee-chan: big sister, hai: yes/alright/ok, tou-san: father, okaa-san: mother, arigato: thank you,  ototo: little brother,  imoto: little sister, chishio kikan: blood mirror, yami no tamashii: dark souls

Twenty Six - revelations

Naruto cursed to himself angry that Orochimaru had gotten away.  Naruto slowly willed himself to calm down as he slowly transformed back into his normal form.  It took Naruto a while as once he was transformed back into his normal Jinchuriki form, he began to sway from side to side.  He was physically exhausted after transforming into his truest form.  His whole entire body hurt.  Naruto was slowly beginning to black out as he was caught in his YAMI NO TAMASHII’S arms.

{Madara?} Naruto questioned weakly.

{Rest now Naruto-sama it is over.} stated Madara.

{Not over.  Orochimaru managed to escape.} he replied weakly before closing his eyes.  Madara turned his head to see Kyuubi in his human form with a worried expression stretched across his face.  He had heard what his son had told Madara.  Medics roamed the village helping any and all whom needed aid.  The two Uchiha’s didn’t look any better than his son did.  Haku had mate marked Sasuke as the kitsune lord could tell that the seal around Sasuke’s curse mark had been activated.

“Take them to the hospital.  Suzaku should be there.  Tell her to aid these three.”  stated Kyuubi.  Haku, Yugito, and Madara nodded their heads that they understood.  Kyuubi sighed to himself as he knew that the two Uchiha’s didn’t know about their ties to Orochimaru and why he wanted Sasuke’s body.  Kyuubi looked down at Orochimaru’s left arm that Naruto had managed to cut powers to incarnate the arm.  It was going to take time for everyone to recover from this battle.  Kyuubi could see Genbu approaching him as the Kappa could tell that something was on Kyuubi’s mind.

Kyuubi…..? asked Genbu.  The kitsune lord turned to the Kappa.  Is there something wrong?  Kyuubi just sighed softly.

Yes there is lot of things wrong.  The repairs to the leaf will take time as there has been many injured.  Naruto has fully awakened the kitsune power within him, as the curse mark has altered the young Uchiha that his body know is similar to a demons.  I may need Suzaku to reveal the truth about Orochimaru to the Uchiha. replied Kyuubi. 

You know you are taking a pretty bit gamble here Kyuubi.  If I could have return to my human form than I would have been able to do it but since I had lost all of my godly powers it falls upon Suzaku. stated Genbu.  Kyuubi patted the Kappa on the shoulder smiling gently.

Its all right my friend.  You and the other demons can head back home as Sesshomaru, Meracumo, and Suzaku said that they were staying to see this through. stated Kyuubi.

I figured that those three would.  Remember Kyuubi that we are always around if you ever need us. stated Genbu as he turned to shake Kyuubi’s hand.  Kyuubi returned the jester before he took off for the hospital.

Kyuubi entered the hospital to find both Suzaku and Tsunade working on healing the two Uchiha’s and Naruto.  Naruto looked a bit older as he had all nine full tails.  Kyuubi gently stroked his son’s fur surprised that during the battle he had managed to awaken his full kitsune truest form.    Suzaku looked up at Kyuubi nodding her head as she knew full well why he was there.

“How are they?” he asked in a low voice so not to wake those whom were sleeping.

“Sasuke has a very rough road ahead of him.  Naruto’s powers has surged off the chart.  Itachi will recover as he only managed to see Naruto in his truest from for a split second.  Sakura was pretty banged up as that is what caused Naruto to awaken his full powers.” replied Suzaku.  Kyuubi sighed hearing this news as he wanted the Tengu’s opinion on the situation.  Suzaku undid the bindings around Itachi’s eyes as the older Uchiha was listening in the two demons talking.

“Now what about my ototo?” he asked opening his SHARINGAN eyes.

“We will wait to fill you in when he awakens.  Sasuke needs to hear this as well.” replied Kyuubi as he brushed his kits golden locks.  Itachi could tell that it was best not to question the kitsune.  “Rest for now Itachi and give your eyes time to heal.  Suzaku please deactivate them since I know that he can’t.”

“Of course Kyuubi.” replied Suzaku as she touched Itachi causing his SHARINGAN to deactivate.  Itatchi looked at the Tengu wondering how she was able to do that.  “All will be revealed in good time Itachi.” she stated.

Two days had passed before Sasuke Uchiha regained consciousness.  His entire body hurt as he gently rubbed his neck to feel two very distinct marks on his neck.

“I see that your finally awake.  Try not to move around so much Sasuke as your body is still recovering.” stated Suzaku.

“Suzaku-sama are these marks from?”

“Your mate Haku.  She was told to mate mark you in order to save you from Orochimaru but the effects of the curse mark has all ready changed your body.” stated Suzaku.

“I would listen to her Sasuke.  Suzaku may not look like it but she has the powers of a god.  There is a reason why Orochimaru wants you.” stated Kyuubi as he entered the room with Itachi.  Sasuke gasped when he was his older brother’s eyes were back to their once normal black color.

“Onii-san your eyes.”

“Its all right Sasuke its only temporary.  Suzaku-sama turned off my SHARINGAN to give my eyes a eyes a break” replied Itachi.

“Listen Sasuke because that curse mark took over your body, it transformed you.  Now much like Naruto, you are a half demon.  If Haku didn’t mate mark you we would have lost you completely.” stated Kyuubi.

“So what is Orochimaru’s obsession with me and my brother?” asked Itachi as he sat down by his little brother.  Suzaku looked at Kyuubi whom nodded his head.  Suzaku took on her bird-like form opening up her red wings as they began to shimmer.  This caused both Uchiha’s SHARINGAN to activate as images danced in their head. They saw their clan far before their birth as a female member was raped and attacked by an unknown assailant.  The woman carried the child that she was pregnant with the until its birth.  But when the child was born, it didn’t appear even human.

“The woman was killed as the child was banished.  That child was or should I say is Orochimaru.  He can’t develop the Uchiha kekkigenkai but still lusts for power the way that many of the Uchiha do.  Orochimaru feels himself imperfect and wants a perfect vessel.” stated Suzaku as she transformed back into her human form.

“It was for these reasons that Donzo attacked your clan as he thought if he could obtain the Uchiha power before Orochimaru, then nobody would stop him from taking over the leaf.” added Kyuubi.

“I guess he didn’t figure in that I would awaken the MAGEKYO SHARINGAN to save myself and Sasuke.” stated Itachi.

“Now that Orochimaru has been wounded by my kit he will be more dangerous than ever before.”

“Kyuubi-dono, you said because of Orochimaru’s curse mark that I have become a half demon.  Will I still be under Orochimaru’s control if he attacks again?” asked Sasuke.

“No.  The mate mark Haku gave you counteracted against Orochimaru’s mark but the change that has happened to your body is not reversible.” stated Suzaku.  Sasuke felt like crying.  Was this the same kind of pain that Orochimaru went though not being welcomed by Uchiha which he was a part of.  Itachi hugged his little brother tight.

“No matter what Sasuke you are still my little ototo.  Demon or not.” stated Itachi as Sasuke cried against his brother graceful that he still had his family.

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