Chapter 10

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"Hey are you feeling any better?" I asked Karen who has been sick for a week. "No...Lou's taking me to the hospital in a few minutes actually." "That's good. Call me when you know what's up." "Alright bye." "Bye K!"

-Karen's POV-

"Babe are you ready?" "Are you? You look like you're about to pass out." I said with a laugh, gesturing to his panicked state. "You've never been sick before!" "Yes I have." "Not this bad! Now let's go. Please." I rolled my eyes, laughing as I walked out to his car.

"Sir what's wrong?" A nurse asked, running over, noticing Louis' frantic face. "My wife is feeling really ill and we don't don't what's going on." The nurse looked at me as if to say, 'Is he talking about you?' I nodded and she immediately started asking questions. "What's been happening?" "I've been throwing up a lot, I've got a splitting headache, and I feel dizzy." "C'mon let's go in the back. Sir you have to stay here." He looked at me for a quick second before kissing me. "I love you." "I love you too." I waved to him as the lady ushered me to the back. "Is it possible you might be pregnant miss?" "No, the doctor said that it was extremely unlikely. Most likely impossible." She nodded. "Well I'm going to run some tests and see what's going on, okay?" I nodded as she left the room. What's going on with me? After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling, she entered the room again. "First I'm going to take your blood pressure and we'll go from there." She began pumping, making my arm go numb. "Okay, it's a little high. Are you nervous?" I nodded. "I'm very nervous." "You shouldn't be. That is of course, you don't want a child." She smiled. "Go take this test in the bathroom." "Ma'am all due respect, it's not possible." "Just go take the test." I gulped, nodding and took it from her hands. I slipped into the bathroom across the hall. Why am I even doing this? There's no way in hell I'm pregnant. The doctor said so. It beeped and I looked down at its results, knowing it be negative. Wait, what?! Positive? I walked out, shaking. "Can I take another?" "Sure honey, but you're gonna get the same result." I took it again: positive. I started crying, my hand over my mouth. I began shaking again, opening the door. The nurse stood there with a wide smile. I started squealing, hugging her. "Sweetie, I suggest telling your husband the good news!" She said with a laugh. "Oh my god Louis!" I ran down the hallway and found him waiting in the same room we came in, his leg bouncing. I ran over, wrapping my arms around him. He was shocked, not realizing who I was at first. "Babe? What's wrong?! What's going on? Why are you crying?" I smiled, looking up at him. "Louis, I'm pregnant." "No you're not...It's not possible." "That's what I said but Lou...I took two tests..." His face lit up. "You're, you're pregnant." I nodded. He smiled wider, pressing his lips to mine. "Oh my god you're pregnant." We began to make out, his arms around my waist. "God, I love you so much." "I love you too." I smiled against his lips. "I need to call Penelope!" He smiled and nodded. "Of course! Go call her right now!"

-Penelope's POV-

"Hello?" "I've got some amazing news!!" "What?" "I'm pregnant!" "Karen...That's not possible." "That's what I told the nurse but I took two tests and they were both positive!" "Are you sure?" "Yes. I'm very sure." "You've already told Lou right?" "Yeah he's with me right now." "Well, congratulations!!" "Thanks! I'll talk to you later!" "Alright!" I hung up and looked at Liam, confused. "What babe?" "Karen's pregnant..." "What? But I thought-" "Yeah...I did too..." "Well that's great!" "Yeah, but I'm just so lost..." "I guess it was a miracle." I nodded, a small smile on my lips. He smiled and reached over, pulling me into his lap. He pressed his lips to mine quickly before I had the chance to push him away. "Liam!!" "What? I thought you liked me babe." "Well, I do but-" "So why can't I kiss you?" "Because that'd be cheating." "Well, who ever said that was bad?" "I did!" "And you'd be cheating on Harry, the man who made you stay up late, crying. The man who hit you. The same man who betrayed you and your daughter. That's who you want to protect?" He said, raising his voice. "Liam...Please don't-" My voice cracked. "I'm sorry babe...I just want you with me." "I want you too but I can't..." "Divorce him." "I just, don't want to-" "Why?" "He's still my husband and I still love him. Yes he made mistakes but I love him. I love him so much Liam. It's hurts me that he did that, but I'll always love him." "Then why aren't you with him right now?" "I don't trust him right now." "And you trust me. So why not give us a chance?" "No...I can't."

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